Which one was the best, and why is it 4 Lights, Flute Bites Picard?
Best Starfleet Captain
Kirk > Picard > Sisko > Archer > Dogshit > Janeway
Kirk sucks. Why do we pretend otherwise?
Rated by levels of comfiness. For me anyway. I'm watching late season 5 voy right now
>DS9iggers mad Janeway made admiral while the others didn't
Janeway is the best commander because she didn't lose a single crewmember in her entire voyage across the uncharted/unexplored sector
You could argue Harry died but he really didn't
Being promoted to admiral is the way the fleet acknowledges you are fucking useless but is better to have you in a clerk position than ordering your death to section 31.
Yeah she was fucking useless because when she got home she had pretty much solved every issue that starfleet had, plus all the new tech / science that rendered the entirety of the navy obsolete.
picard best star fleet captain. but if i choose, id serve under adama
>Sir I recommend we fire the torpedos, full spread
How does each captain react to this sugestion?
All of them
"Lets see if they respond to us hailing them first"
Im a TNG nostalgiafag, but I'm getting into Voyager now. Been watching it all day, hence the thread lol
>Janeway doesn't get court marshalled due to nepotism
ah yes
Kirk > Picard
Cowardly Humans.
Enterprise wasn't even that bad. It was actually pretty reminiscent of TOS at times.
Garth > Kirk > Picard > Pike >>>>>>>>> Sisko > Archer > Janeway
>Liking based Picard makes me a fag
I never said that.
>This, the year of our lord. 1900 + 116
>Not choosing Benjamin Lafayette Sisko over all the other captains
Shiggity Diggity Motherfuckers.
Shiggity Diggity.
neelix is the unofficial the best starfleet captain.
>collecting trash
>rescuing slave girls
>amazing evasive maneuvers.
>hangs lucky dead animals in his engine room.
>not exploring stupid shit.
These tbqh famiglia
Step back, plebs.
>Tim Allen will never do a cameo as a Federation Captain
>great captain
of a motel/service station.
We all know who the two best star fleet captains are.
>everything neets on Sup Forums would think is cool of themselves if they were Neelix, but it basically makes him a degenerate
We are back where we started, autist
Kirk is a joke
how anyone can rate him above Picard is beyond me
Kirk. He had the ability to knock someone out with one punch or just a karate chop to the shoulder.
I love how half of that song is a blatant blue monday ripoff
m'Data is the best starfleet captain of all time.
>Captain Faggot better than anyone ever
just because he actually tries to solve problems rather than sticking his dick in everything doesn't make him a faggot donald
Are you a child? Let me guess, MAGA 2016 right??
Because he was first and you get oldfag credit for liking him.
TOS sucked until the movies, and I dare everyone to provide any piece of evidence to the contrary.
Yeah, no one died on Voyager... except their doctor, Suder, Tuvix, Kim. Among others.
>hur dur Picard gay
Nothing about Picard implies hes a homosexual, are you a homophobe?
>TOS sucked until the movies, and I dare everyone to provide any piece of evidence to the contrary
No, you are right. The movies are GOAT, but if we are talking about show captains, Kirk sucks hard
>and I dare everyone to provide any piece of evidence to the contrary.
Patterns of Force.
Picard was a surrender monkey
Archer found a way to save earth even after being capture and didn't get his entire fleet massacred.
So I pick Archer.
won a quandrant wide-war, founded the federation, saved earth multiple times and did it as an american style fuck up in space.
>Picard was a surrender monkey
This is literally not true in the slightest. Hes the mosy cold, calculated and able of any captain in the show's history. He was willing to let entire planets die for the Prime Directive
Picard is a cold boss
Whereas Archer broke the rules to win.
if you have to win by losing, it isn't winning, it just means you're more afraid to break rules than the other captains.
I feel like you never watched TNG at all, Picard broke the rules when it was absolutely necessary, but he bever compromised his morals doing it.
>broke the rules
Only children can't play be the rules. Picard is the embodiment of the Federation.
"Remember to target their bridge"
"Mr. Worf, you are confined to your quarters for the remainder of the journey"
"Negative Mr. Worf, replace the warheads with Trilithium Resin first"
"Yes please, I love cock"
The Observer effect in season 4 of ENT is a great rebuttal to entire idea of adhering to a prime directive.
If you found an entire space religion on humanitarianism and then let people suffer and die as dirt poor peasants over shit you can fix, it says more about you than any possible ramifications of changing their society by boot strapping them up by first contact.
Every possible ethical test you put Picard to he is a failure and as a military commander he is probably the worst of the bunch.
>if you have to win by losing, it isn't winning
This is some retardo logic here, bud
Letting people die over your shitty space socialism is a good thing? Explain that to me.
>Every possible ethical test you put Picard to he is a failure
Im convinced you are legit retarded
But remember not to cut yourself on all that edge
are you saying it is okay to let people die for your precious rules?
>as a military commander he is probably the worst of the bunch.
bullshit his wolf359 kill count was great.
What dont you understand about why y9u shouldnt interfere with the progression and development of a pre-warp species? The Prime Directive to avoid situations like European colonialism. How fucked up would the quadrant be if captains had carte blanche to just take over planets and do what they want with primitive life?
The federation lost a fleet to 1 borg cube.
The cunt took on two insanely powerful species and won.
The rules exist for logical reasons.
Guiding species out of poverty and elevating them seems a lot better than leaving them as pre-warp peasants that are living much shittier lives than a species that lives with so little regard that they don't even need currency anymore because of their societal excesses.
Sure thing guy.
You arent understanding...
If an advanced race existed out there right now, and had ability to elevate everyone on earth, you'd be the first one to sign up, you hypocritical shit.
>they don't even need currency anymore because of their societal excesses.
I think its because you are hung up on this "dur they are space socialists and thats bad" amerifat retardation that doesnt apply to a post industrial utopian future society
Move the goal posts. We arent talking about that, we are talking about the other end of that. From the perpective of the Federation
No I'm all growed up
He's a yuge faggot
>the theater is gay hur dur
Im sorry you cant enjoy things that threaten your masculinity
Randomly breaking into flamboyant song and dance is extremely gay
She didn't do any of that.
A genocidal criminal from the future (who violated the Temporal Prime Directive and erased trillions of lives) did.
my example is a direct example of the prime directive you illiterate shitsack.
if you could think outside of your little box you would understand why I'm calling you and anyone defending picard/prime directive a hypocrite.
Your bullshit answer had to do with captains going around doing whatever they want with species and prime directive is a guide for their behavior when it was shown that others would break it anyway, in excess carte blanche. if you break federations weak principles that get people killed for no reason and find that helping species less able than yourself then it undermines the beginning principle.
To say you wouldn't want someone to come and hand us keys to technology makes you a hypocrite because you've already probably fantasized about that exact same thing and trying to defend picard in that manner makes you a hypocrite because you like him for other reasons. It is disingenuous and you a hypocrite.
Nobody agrees with prime directive in reality. In their shitty make believe universe where scarcity magically disappeared, go fuck yourself and think for a second.
If Kirk had to deal with the Borg he would have loved up the Borg queen something fierce and Starfleet would have had Borg butlers for everyone.
Picard had an easier road because Kirk paved it for him.
First thing Kirk would try to do would be to punch a drone. Kirk was Captain Caveman compared to his successors.
Do you think all theater is musical? I get it man, you are retarded and dont want chad to know you secretly think his cock woukd be tasty. Its fine.
>A genocidal criminal from the future (who violated the Temporal Prime Directive and erased trillions of lives) did.
Yes, that's exactly his point.
Thats not what gay means you homophobic faggot
But the Janeway who came back didn't do any of that.
This. Also, small gap separating Kirk/Picard/Sisko.
You say that like it is a bad thing user.
Kirk would have excelled in Picards time.
The reverse is not true.
To add.
That would be smart Borg can't adapt to a dropkick to the head.
You don't always need a phaser.Sometimes you just have to man up.
>Whereas Archer broke the rules to win.
Bitch there were no rules, that was one of the major points of enterprise. The prime directive was created as a direct response to problems exactly like that.
>hen it was shown that others would break it anyway
Hundreds of captains exist, it was a statistical minority and every time it happened, it was condemned by the entire Federation.
>if you break federations weak principles that get people killed for no reason and find that helping species less able than yourself then it undermines the beginning principle.
It really doesn't. I don't think you understand the principles of the Prime Directive.
>To say you wouldn't want someone to come and hand us keys to technology makes you a hypocrite
Ok, I'll try to explain this again and how it is a goalpost shift: We aren't talking about how beneficial it would be for Starfleet to go down to some backwater planet and fix all their problems, nobody denies that the Federation has the capability and technological power to do that...that's both not the point you want to make and exactly the point of why you don't interfere. If you spent all your time fixing and modifying every pre-warp society to be like you, then it sets a precedent of intervention and meddling into the affairs and development of those societies. It allows for MORE carte blanche intervention that would go unchecked, under the guise of "goodwill" or "alturism". In effect, you open up a bigger can of worms.
>and trying to defend picard in that manner makes you a hypocrite because you like him for other reasons
This makes no fucking coherent sense. What is the argument here? What "reasons" do you think I use to defend Picard?
>Nobody agrees with prime directive in reality.
Except the entirety of the Federation, which is the main governing force in the entire quadrant..
that is hundreds of planets and systems, who all agree.
>where scarcity magically disappeared
it is a science fiction user, it is not real life. And under the rules that Star Trek sets, yes, scarcity has disappeared for many advanced societies like humans.
You are really just a salty fuckwit.
James t
None of your third point makes sense. What is the negative about elevating society when you have no drawbacks and thermodynamics doesn't exist. They have tiny machines that can replicate almost anything. That alone could fix the entire galaxy.
You're honestly trying to argue helping people is a bad thing. Explain. "can of worms" what worms? dependency? In a government the size of the federation that doesn't need currency? the one where nobody has to do shit if they don't want to?
They're ultimate level socialism and you somehow are saying it is bad to help people?
>kicking metal people
And if borg couldn't adapt to kinetic attacks that would mean torpedoes would be supper effective against cubes when in fact they aren't
You don't make any sense.
>prime directive
lets sell ferengi warp drive.
what could possibly go wrong.
I didn't say Kirk would dropkick a cube(But knowing Kirk it just might work) I was talking about the drone.
You do realize Borg is just shortened Cyborg.Part man part machine.Kirk is evolved enough to kick the mannish half.
What the fuck is her problem and why does she exist? Even more useless than Wesley.
>that episode where she loses her powers
>Kirk is evolved enough
Doubt it. It would end in a two part episode with him shattering his hand and McCoy explaining he should aim for the flesh parts. Then him returning with a vengeance
Why did Riker like her? She was some fucking garbage alien half breed.
What do you not follow here? You keep going in circles after I patiently answer you, then just ignoring what im saying
Are you actually retarded?
>None of your third point makes sense
It does, you just dont follow this conversation