Is this real life?
Is this real life?
Bow to the mouse
it was pretty mediocre
These critics are in the back pocket of Disney.
As long as the movies pander to them, the critics will keep giving good scores.
How you know nigga?
I wouldn't know RT really exists if Reddit didn't tell me to worship RT.
or is it fantasy?
whoa... really gets those gears going...
Critics are plebs, what is new
Barely any of them know shit about movies, most are just failed authors
That would be Batman v Supermans score if they weren't paid off
Confirmed shit
>how does RT work
Everyone who really wants to see the movie watches it the week it comes out. RT numbers are great because these people's excitement allows the to justify a higher score.
Give it three weeks and we'll get a better cross-section of opinions.
It's the death of film critique
>it's like 2001
Some of these are paid, but most of them are just blatantly retarded who can't judge a movie past some political bullet-points.
Not him but I saw it last weekend and it was a geniune turd. They were so shitscared of making something they knew just took the Iron Man script and replaced the only good parts with incoherent quips.
From the director himself
He didn't get the memo from his Disney bosses to shut the fuck up and shill the reviews from bloggers.
It's literally just Inception with gratuitous capeshit thrown in.
>Respecting movie reviewers
It's like a poor man's Inception. Even the visuals are a drastic step down.
How can DC ever recover?
I've noticed a tendency for these similar Sup Forums-like corporate wars on Sup Forums. Why are you doing this? This is cancer of the greatest magnitude.
Critics are happy so long as Marvel keeps shitting out SJW propaganda and Marvel can keep rehash their childish morning cartoon plots.
something must have gone wrong during production for him to do that damage control
I saw it last saturday
Saw it a few nights ago. I'd give it a 8.5/10. Great film and 2nd best Marvel behind Winter Soldier.
Are you retarded? He said this in defense of movies with low reviewer scores but high audience scores.
Who in the theater waiting for it to start here?
Just saw it.
I for one liked Mister Doctor Quip.
The story is tired and overused, even rushed at parts, the villian kills everyone effortlessly but somehow rookie Strange survives, there are a lot of bad jokes.
However, the visuals are some of the best I've seen, and there is a great amount of care in it, Tilda and Cumberbatch, even Madds, do a great job in selling something this silly.
Nothing incredibly good about the film, save from the visuals (specially if youre familiar with the source material), but still very recommended.