Hate Sup Forums and never go there

>hate Sup Forums and never go there
>Sup Forums post endlessly on other boards

Retarded frogger

>Posting liberal politics is fine but right wingers must stay in Sup Forums

Dumb frog.

>Being a far right fascist

>>hate Sup Forums and never go there

>Wanting secure borders and a national identity is bad

>liberal politics include "we should treat black people as equals" and "Hitler was probably a bad person"

>makes a thread about Sup Forums posting on other boards
>on a board not dedicated to politics in the least

you can't even see the irony here can you?

b2rebbit op

Muh emails
Muh rape is OK
Muh incoherent angry plebbery

>doesn't like Sup Forums threads on Sup Forums
>makes a Sup Forums thread on Sup Forums
The congnitive dissonance and self satisfied faggotry of liberals never ceases to amaze.

Sup Forums beards are half a leg above nu males at best

True right wing ubermensch would never wallow there and cry about BBC

>Sup Forums post endlessly on other boards

I mean Hitler was a pretty bad guy

Sup Forums is the nu-male Sup Forums.

t. tranny cock loving 15 year old whos main board is Sup Forums

The only political threads on Sup Forums are Sup Forumslacks bitching about something.

When did treating black people well = letting them burn cities down

Hitler wanted to bang his underage niece.

Sounds like the average oldfag ten years ago lol


I can't wait to go back to Sup Forums, it's been infested by trumpfags for ages

ill probably vote for him because i want to see sjw tears but god damn that man loves jew dick

Stay mad.

confirmed Sup Forums poster

>I'm a faggot who needs my personal safe space on the internet
hang yourself my nu-man

Sup Forums ideas have seeped across the entire site. i am glad it is because iwould have never been redpilled if some user hadn't told me that jews control everything while we posted tranny dicks on /gif/.

Like this?

>holding his glass the wrong way

Jews control boi pucci and we need to gas them

>He thinks that "Sup Forums" and "alt-right beliefs" haven't always been everywhere on this site since its inception.
You need to go back. Seriously.

>gets butt blasted when someone talks shit about his homeboard
Can't handle the bantz.

stupid frog

Sup Forums is literally archie bunker complaining about other people who think like archie bunker. Sup Forums is so up its own ass it doesnt realize its just "Sup Forums with films"

>says he hates Sup Forums
>posts nazi frog

Yeah like when it had one board meant for sharing anime pictures? Or was it alt right when we had a board dedicated to goru? Fuck off you dumb newfag

>people have different opinions than me
>they must be Sup Forums

Gas yourself

The only thing that Sup Forums accomplished was make me support the far left, even though I never cared much for them.

Back to your containment board, moron.

Just post a meme thread and they'll be happy as long as your discussion thread doesn't take away replies.

its been proven time and time again

>He doesn't know I've been here since '05.

Good point you cuck Reddit ctr shill not an argument

>even though I never cared much for them
I'm sure


All the CTR shills in this thread

Sup Forums is a safe space for beta losers who happen to lean right

I guess it's a slight step up from your precious nu males.

>half the threads are /r9k/ tier shit about women being whores and race mixing

Could they at least make it less obvious?


Don't dodge my question than lie to me. If you think this site had any right leanings a decade ago you were certainly not here

when did you realize Sup Forums were the new bronies?

You fucked up wojak.

And replied to the wrong retard

>CTR pawns trying to flank Sup Forums through Sup Forums
Your overlord is going to prison and the list with your names will be published as enemies of the nation.

glass yourself my man.

>"we should treat black people like my pets" and "Hitler killed 6 million people somehow"

Why does global rule 3 even exist

Reminder Sup Forums crossposting friends

You are 100% welcome on this board once the election is over and you have nothing left to do on Sup Forums

The Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums and /whatever/ garbage will try to tell you otherwise but you are welcome here on Sup Forums

>Sup Forums says they hate Jews
>Their /ourguy/ Presidential candidate is the biggest Jew bootlicker in the world and can't stop sucking Israel's dick and talking about how much he loves that his daughter and grandkids are kikes
>Sup Forums says they hate brown people
>Their /ourgirl/ waifu is a fucking beaner
>Sup Forums says they hate black people
>Their other /ourguy/ is a cop killing nigger

Wow, it's almost like it might be a board made up of fucking retarded people and self hating shitskins. Really makes you think huh?

Oh really?

>be conservative and a nationalist
>still get annoyed by Sup Forums posting sometimes

it's actually the most popular board on Sup Forums now. not sure how to feel about that. on one hand i'm glad youth of today are not buying liberal horseshit thats fed to them everywhere they look, on the other hand Sup Forums posting is not on topic and i'm not here to talk about the zionist elite or new world order shekelberg groups

>less than a week left before Sup Forums and Trumpfags become the joke of the internet

have you been on Sup Forums Rabbi? shits all about Trump or Brexit now.

>tfw Sup Forums literally killed Sup Forums by bringing unneeded users to the site

Do you feel threatened by the working class, my lazy right wing friend?

never because literally no one says this

hopefully once next week happens they can come here and clean up all the bane reddit cancer that showed up after 2013 here

politics is a part of life and it can not be separated from other topics

Dorner lost his basedness based on the fact he couldnt handle the banter among his fellow cops. Also if Zimmerman rustles your feathers than you are nothing more than a leftist stooge. That whole trial and the media backlash labeling him "white" should be evidence enough the meida and elites hate white people by trying to pin all crimes on us.

it's almost as if israel and the billionaire jewish elite influencing our media and politics are two different entities. wow. it's almost as if there are actually loads of different people on Sup Forums and that not everyone with those ideals is racist


>just want to talk about history
>/his/ is full of butthurt poles and frenchies which cry about muh germans

*wipes blood off chin
Heh, your're pretty good. But this isnt even my final form.




Never brought him up. Again, you and your entire shit board are kikeloving retards.

Sup Forums is not about "politics". It's about retardation.

Also here is the starter pack for the 2000s to get you into the film mindset above 90% of this boards current user base

OP here, you've got me all wrong lads.

I support Trump and hate niggers but don't want to be lumped in with the pathetic losers of Sup Forums and their Elliot Rodgers view of women.

I just prefer to sprinkle it around at my own pace.

Sup Forums is a single person with a simple, consistent opinion, right?

Not even Sup Forums but

>implying the reddit influx didn't ruin the site

Wow, it;'s almost as if you're a backtracking kike that needs to get gassed and I will bathe in the salty sea of your tears when Shillary gets voted in just because you and that tiny handed thieving heeb and everyone that supported him are .00000001% worse than the Shillary supporters.

*teleports behind you*
you have let down your defense

you sound like a stormweenie who can't handle the alt-right actually is rising while your neo-nazi idiots shoot heroin in the back of a 90's pick up truck.

Keep crying bitch nigger

>national identity is being a nation of immigrants

Every thread this kid opens up Sup Forums to start spamming these buzzphrases in slightly right-wing threads/posts.

With comments such as ''g-g-go back to Sup Forums, stormweenie!!''

And everyone just laughs at him. Tells him he's an idiot. He carries on, like the pathetic insecure loser he is, thinking he is making a difference.

When in reality, both Sup Forums posters and Sup Forumsfriendos who didn't start posting this year, cannot stop laughing.

So you support Hillary then?

>jew hating leftist

No, it's a group of retarded idiots. You not understanding this is only further proving my point.


Nah nigger, just subhumans like you make me want to fucking vomit.

Nope. Fuck that slimy cunt too.

*teleports behind you

Who said I'm a leftist you stupid fucking kikelover?

Goddamn Trumpkikes are fucking retarded.

Mohamed you sound mad. Maybe go fuck a goat or camel.

Well said friend, only a retard could disagree with our views

I miss telling newfags to fuck off back to Gaia. This site got shitter after chanology and gamergate

*turns head

Hah. Right into my trap.

lets finish this

>Implying I'm some turban headed sandnigger

Jesus Christ, you Trumpkikes are literally retarded. It's not even a meme anymore.

care to show some examples in the archives of liberal politics? I can show you thousands of daily far right politics

>Muhamed's don't support Trump


I'm not really Sup Forums but I much prefer you lot to the reddit fags that arrived and started crying about everything. This is an anonymous board and racism is hilarious at times. These reddit fags literally can't handle the banter.

is that all you got?