



They attacked America first.

fuck u bitch

Sorry we didn't hit Edo.

you first

make me

unit 731

No u

I thought the Japanese like shiitake mushrooms

apologize for nanking first


On behalf of America. I'm really really sorry that you guys sucked at building design and that you were stupid enough to launch a sneak attack against us while knowing fully well that we're a bunch of psychotic barbarians.

We are additionally sorry that our actions led to the creation of anime.

Im glad to have escaped and am safe and sound in nagasaki
-Hiroshima survivor

But turning people into shadows on crumbling walls was one of the coolest things mankind ever done


no, they tried to kill us.

We really should of dropped a nuke for every person killed in that attack, that would of taught those japs a lesson

lol good one

We didnt have enough fissile material to make more than the two bombs and the test bomb lmao


That's no excuse


I apologize we didn't hit the whole country so that you lived the rest of your lives as a defeated and docile people....a fate worse than death.

nobody shoud've been bombed it created waay to much cancer in the end you still deserved it

I'd argue that an extended fire bombing campaign would have had similar results without the radiation. We should have gone that route and saved the nukes for the russians.

Fuck you, your lucky you only got two.

yes, apologize for having stopped at 2 nukes

I didn't do anything.

Nigger detected.

People forget the firebombing of Tokyo, a city made of wood, at the time. The Americans killed many, many more people in that than in the atomic explosions at Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined. They purposefully targeted civilian populations in Tokyo, without military or industrial value.

Had they not made the dramatic show of innovated force with atomic weapons, the suffering and death in Japan would have been far more widespread and brutal. Japan had lost air superiority over their own country. They'd have been reduced to bloody toothpicks.

We dindu nuffin

You first!

>largest show of force in human history
>instantly ended a bloody world war, saving countless lives
>never used again
>nations are now two of the strongest allies on the planet
We're good.

Damn it, they were hosting a large portion of their ground forces in Tokyo. It was their R&R location. That makes it a viable fucking target

It straightened Japan out nicely. Imperial Japan was bad. They're doing quite well now. And they're allied with the country that bombed them.

Go fuck yourself.

OP here. brb jerking

This. Sometimes, unimaginable violence is the answer.

That wasn't why they targeted Tokyo. They targeted Tokyo to convince the Japanese people that their emperor was not God, to reduce their willingness to fight. It was a psychological operation.

Scared the shit out of the world for over half a century, now y'all are mad.
Its officially no longer too soon. Let the comedy ensue.

Japanese guy here. Let me just warn you DO NOT come to Japan you white boy. In 2018 you are literally a subhuman compared to Japanese. So never come here stay in your fucking burgerland. I look down on you and despise you. I see you in my Japan, prepare to get beaten up.

It was both reasons. People can have multiple reasons for doing a thing. If they didn't want tokyo firebombed then they shouldn't have hosted military personnel in a civilian sector.

>Mfw we should have sent more.

>beaten up.
UP??? Is that because you are on average 1 foot taller.

Yes, yes, we all would have preferred a Hitler victory.
That's why your mad!

No larping allowed

No problem Fugi

Sorry for not finishing you off

That's a ridiculous excuse that you don't need. It dishonors the memory of your fighting men and women to think they need such a paper-thin excuse. The entire nation of Japan was at war. There wasn't a city on the island without military personnel.

Pearl Harbor buddy!

The fuck are you talking about? The war was already over, and not thanks to US

1. You're about as japanese as a kielbasa.
2. The japanese typical view americans as gentle giants. The men treat us like curious oddities while the women chase after us because for some god-forsaken reason we have a rep as having giants dicks there. Black people will be hit or miss. The women will either like you because you look like some sort of demon or they'll avoid you for the same reason. (Also, why the fuck are black people considered bad luck in japan? what the fuck is up with that?)

Who was it that defeated Japan?

The got us back with shitty Anime. Bastards!

>implying niggers aren’t bad luck everywhere

I will not accept any Apology from the nips until they pay war repreations for the cost of the nukes

Japanese people darken with exposure to sunlight. Their cultural ideas are very, very resistant to change. If you had light skin in Japan 200 years ago, it meant that you lived an easy life indoors, and that the labor of other people provided your food. If you had dark skin, it meant that you lived a harsh life outdoors, working to feed yourself, your family, and the light-skinned assholes up in the palace.

The darker your skin, the more you must have had to work outside, the unluckier you were. Japan is not the only culture to have these ideas.

The fat man walks alone. Kek

Black people aren't bad luck everywhere. I mean, they're not pleasant to have around but they don't actively bring bad luck to those who touch them. In japan they're considered like we would consider a black cat crossing your path. It's just fucking weird

The liberty ships the US produced is what kept the allies going to outlast the bombing of their infrastructure. We didn't help on the ground thought the whole thing, those ships suiciding supplies into Europe were key to holding out until Germany went down.

The Pacific Theater was also WW2 and it could have gone on for years and years longer. The Japanese are an extremely proud people and very well could have fought to the last man and that would have been an absolute tragedy.

Thank you, that makes a considerable amount of sense. Poor fucking jamal though. He never did get to indulge in japanese pussy. He had to slum it with the barracks rats.

Pearl harbour ... did it really happen?

That's right! Apologize for making us bomb you.

>Be me, I'm 20
>I work in a call center
>Answer the phone with my typical greeting
>This lady seems nice for a change
>STG her name was pronounced Ching Chong (Not putting real spelling to avoid security breach)
>She has the thickest chinese accent I've ever heard
>Bring up her account and verify security info
>I inform her of her balance, which is over $1,000.00
>Phone goes silent...
>mfw she come back with "Those fuckin' Japs keep fuckin my bill all to shit!"
>I didn't know Asian racism is apparently a real thing (Tom Segura taught me about it)
> I ask, "I'm sorry?" "What was that?"
> instant reply of "Those damn slant-eyed motha fuckin pieces of shit keep fuckin my bill."
>I try reeling the call back and focusing in on helping her to get her off of my phone
> Apologize for her frustrations? (I didn't know what else to say)
> I inform her that we have corrected the problems with her bill
>her: "Oh good, Americans always so good to me."
> Me: Silent
> Her: "You guys should have done more about them."
> Me: "Pardon?"
> Mfw she comes back with "You know, Nagasaki"
> Instantcringe.jpg
> This woman just told me we shoulda dropped more bombs
> I'm trying to deflect
> Racist banter from her continues "I hate those Gooks, you know?"
>Me: "Was there anything else I can help with Ma'am?"
> Her: "No."
>She hangs up


gr8 story even if not true. also yes, the asians all hate each other and are racist as fuck

Niggers ARE bad luck you filthy niggerloving jew.

Swear to christ, absolutely true

>Americans have to apologize for Nagasaki and Hiroshima
>Americans have to apologize for slavery and segregation and racism
>Americans have to apologize for killing the Native Americans

>Germans aren't made to apologize for WWI or WWII
>Japanese aren't made to apologize for Pearl Harbor

Why do the SJW's pick and choose who is responsible for what?

nope, did it on purpose


because it fits their agenda of whites being evil


Didn't the Japs side with Hitler?
Must be why liberals feel someone should apologize.
Ok sorry Adolph we should have been on your side.

The know Hitler did nothing wrong.


Long Duc Dong was not a racist.

Those old, white people were just as stereotypical as the Asian guy.

All facts a subjective. Depending on you agenda.

Sides with Hitler
Demands apology.

Old liberals never die. They just crawl deeper up your ass.


So was the Ebola Gay?

Enola Gay?

Fuckin auto correct! Thank the nips for dat!

Rice Krispies (also known as Rice Bubbles in Australia and New Zealand) is a breakfast cereal marketed by Kellogg's in 1927 and released to the public in 1928. When making memes be sure to check your facts. Faggot.

Yes anarchy is a much better option. Its working out well for liberia.

How about you apologize for the oil Sanctions? How about you look into Why the us let it happen?

Maybe the choice isn't one brand of despotism or another, or total anarchy, though. Maybe there's a way to have a just, beneficial but limited government.

Yes, americans need to be nuked

Liberals pick apart ever pun and joke. Comedy must be 100% factual or it bad.
Cartoon aren't funny cause animals can't really talk. Enjoy you shitty pathetic existence


Well come on with it,..pussy

I know right? How dare they attack a military installation in a time of war and we nuke only two civilian cities?

Im not even remotely liberal you dumb faggot. Jesus fuck you cock sucking basement dweller kys.

Does one such gov exist? Has one ever?

Should nuke you fuckers again,
For the benefit of humanity.

avant-garde art at its finest

Pleb, germany still apologizing and paying reparations

Only bombing 2 cities. This was a weakness they have exploited since we stopped.

>Joined The Axis
>USA was an Allied nation
No. No apologies for warfare. You apologize for how you treated Allied POW's, a war crime while trying to force them to sign "confessions" of war crimes. We should only apologize to our Japanese heritage Americans. If YOU (or the Axis you joined) developed "The Bomb" first, we would have been hit by it.