This was shit
This was shit
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What was the need for Emilia Clarke to get fat for this role?
Just watched it a few hours ago. It's a bad movie but i had a good time with it.
>Arnold can't even break through glass and push someone over anymore
Only 1 and 2 are canon to this weird anyway
>my when the rights revert back to Cameron he just non-canonizes everything after 2
The story is such an insane trainwreck, it becomes more and more idiotic as it goes on to the point of absurdity
How did this get the point where it was greenlit, filmed and then put in theaters? I felt like I was in the Twilight Zone watching this garbage
>my when the rights revert back to Cameron he just non-canonizes everything after 2
Dear god I hope so
Is this franchise fucking doomed to direct to DVDs?
Was there ever a more JUST franchise?
I never watched it. 3 was dreadful even if I loved the build up towards the end and running away from it then I watched salvation while in a group home and couldn't believe it was even a terminator movie
>How did this get the point where it was greenlit, filmed and then put in theaters?
I remember reading about the producer chick that got the whole thing started. She had the best intentions in mind. She really wanted to make a high quality, dark sequel to T2 and give some integrity back to the series and fought to get the rights to the franchise. Then the studios took over the project and turned it into the absolute fucking disaster that is Genysis. She walked away from it during pre-production if I remember correctly.
It lead to the creation of the all time greatest RLM video though
Genisys made a profit, so they'll continue making more.
with yet another different actor playing John Connor, the most important character in the entire series
Every Terminator followup after T2 just comes across like the makers didn't even watch the first two films and just based it on the cultural legacy of the series.
makes sense
Better than BvS
>tfw watching T1 right now
Am i the only one who thinks Terminator Renaissance was pretty fun ? It's often overlooked
Seriously this
>I'll be back is just thrown in there for the epic reference
>have arnold say something cuz he sounds funny
>come with me if you want to live
well its quite kino compared to Terminator Genesis
>actually watching this shit
what's wrong with her face?
Yes I watched it, because it's a great show
The pilot episode is shit and the first season is rocky because of the writers strike, but season 2 is 10/10. Watch it nigger
Reminder that this exists.
Why is everything past the original shit? Yes, even T2 was a bad, kiddy orientated dumbed down version of the original.
>The 600 series had rubber face. We spotted them easily
>this franchise is fucking suffering
>Burning In The Third Degree starts playing
Are you that one faggot on Sup Forums who liked it and spammed the board with Summer Glau for two years after?
>mfw they pulled that trailer down less than 24hrs later after the shitstorm of abuse they recieved in the comments section
Okay, but you're missing out
No, I'm not the glauspammer. I just think it's a really good show that explores concepts that one or two action films didn't have time for. I think you'd be surprised if you go in with an open mind. The show grows on you, and Lena Headey is excellent as Sarah Connor. Like I said season 1 has ups and downs but season 2 is fantastic
If you love T1 and T2 I don't see how you wouldn't enjoy TSCC
>poster literally looks like a badly shopped straight-to-video ripoff cover you'd see in Blockbuster
>I think you'd be surprised if you go in with an open mind.
I suffered through both seasons. I found it really boring and an insult to the first two films.The "time travelling robot of the week" thing was hilariously bad. Did Skynet know John Connor's daily life schedule in a world where Judgement Day didn't happen?
I recall that particularly stupid episode about the military academy that John enrolls in for 5 mintues.
I would much rather preferred a show about Sarah and John escaping from the authorities after the events of T2 and fleeing to South America (like based Jim said they went before Judgement Day). No machines. No time travelling shit. Just a broken family unit running in fear from the people they're trying to save.
>Was there ever a more JUST franchise?
Puppet Master?
Definitely Hellraiser.
Starship Troopers.
you mean actress. john Connor is now jane
>Did Skynet know John Connor's daily life schedule in a world where Judgement Day didn't happen?
Maybe you should rewatch the show, at no point does the plot require such a thing. There are some crazy coincidences but that's it, and in a show that involves time travel, something that is literally impossible, they're easy to swallow
>I recall that particularly stupid episode about the military academy that John enrolls in for 5 mintues.
A mediocre one-off episode, and he simply infiltrates it to protect a target of Skynet, a future general in the resistance. Don't see the issue
>I would much rather preferred a show about Sarah and John escaping from the authorities after the events of T2 and fleeing to South America (like based Jim said they went before Judgement Day). No machines. No time travelling shit. Just a broken family unit running in fear from the people they're trying to save.
Would be cool, but I still liked what we got and would have enjoyed more seasons of it
It would be better if the show was made now. It was just before this great era of high quality TV drama. It still had that old shitty "US TV show" feel about it. Like the bad acting and dull style.