Everything he says about editing is spot on (not talking about him being pro film instead of digital but everything he says about editing fight scenes is exactly how Hollywood should be doing it).
Watch this 8 minute video and be enlightened.
Everything he says about editing is spot on (not talking about him being pro film instead of digital but everything he says about editing fight scenes is exactly how Hollywood should be doing it).
Watch this 8 minute video and be enlightened.
Other urls found in this thread:
>cottage cheese
>cheese pizza
>Jackie Chan
>He hates shaky cam fights
God bless him
Stupid chink. Fight too fast for audience's eyes? Then throttle down the frame rate with every hit and throttle up every other movement. Stop acting like editing a fight takes skill. All you need is to mess with the frame rate and add numetal songs or numetal flavored covers of other better songs.
I'm pretty sure they increased the framerates on some of his fights.
I didn't watch the video yet, but after watching JJ Abram's work on Star Trek and Star Wars, I don't think he heeded Jackie's advice.
A shitty Jackie Chan flick has better fight scenes than fucking The Force Awakens.
Not enough, real people eyes don't work like chink eyes. Their eyes are built to process a lot of horizontal movement. Real people eyes need everything in the shot and to be slowed down to a snail pace.
Slower attacks just feel stronger, anyway.
A punch that takes 10 seconds to be delivered followed by people covering a distance of 5 feet in a second followed by another 10 second punch is how you make a fight sequence.
Good points but nothing much new. So his point were (from what I understood):
>Let the audience see the whole picture
>Let cuts flow naturally
>Less camera movement mid fight
>Let the audience feel the punches, don't cut mid punch
>Generally don't make the audience lose attention because they can't understand what's happening
>Let the fight director and other people chime in during editing
is this a meme thread? i couldnt understand a fucking word he said, "when yu fine a stun coordinator then yew wil have a figh"
seriously fuck off hollywood has some of the best fight scenes ever made and Black Panther is going to show the world how MArvel is schooling everyone on epic fights.
After age of ultron and every hero was fighting in the paladium and killing robots at the end how can people say jackie knows more about editing then hollywood? fuck off fagets
did anyone understand this gook seriously? I just watched 8 minutes and it would have been better with fucking subtitles how can he not talk english yet wtf
is he a fucking autist? that clip he shows at 7mins is a one shot you dont need to fucking edit that, is this video a fucking joke or something?
based jackie chun
>these fucking people
He's Jackie motherfucking Chan. Go back to your superhero threads if you can't spend a moment to listen to a genius speak.
>listen to a mongoloid who cant even annunciate,
not only that the motherfucker is talking jibberish.
i watched the video full and the only edit he talks about in that one shot is AT THE FUCKING END OF THE SHOT
IT DOESNT TAKE A RETARDED SPASTIK TO WORK OUT WHEN TO FUCKING END THAT SHOT hes acting like it was an amazing discovery, seriously neck yourself
It's weird that literally every person who watches movies could tell you this but directors don't listen
Might as well not listen to you either.
I watched this scene the other night to make sure that this wasn't just an internet meme but nope... the film is actually edited like that
Jesus christ.
There's still room for the little guy
Are you retarded or just pretending
THE GREATEST Hollywood fight of ALL TIME.
>1m 10 sec
Count the number of cuts. I honestly can't tell what the fuck is going on, and the comments section is full of teens praising it.
I counted 116
This is some next level shit. Why do I remember, or think I remember, Bourne movies having one or two good fight scenes? I remember car chases being shit.
Or we're they all like this and my mind's fucking with me ;__;
Yea, a lot of great points there especially about shaky fight scenes.
You could have warned me about Anita Mui at the end. ;_;
Kinda wish Jackie would retire from acting and move completely into directing action movies for younger martial artists
this how it should be always done
pure kino
Why do Asians make better actionkino than anyone else in the world?
Has china come out with any martial art epics lately. I'm in the mood now.
Ah, the "obnoxious youtube eceleb" school of editing.
This, I want some quality chinkino. I'd even accept some of the crouching tiger wire shit.
Have you guys seen Dragon or Kung Fu Killer?
Can't have to much Donnie Yen. Thanks