miss me yet
Miss me yet
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I do cheeky monkey, I do.
>*rips out notes*
Was a great show.
What a bummer.
Everyday. Whatever happened to Join or Die? It just went off-air all of a sudden.
Every single day.
careful, icarus...
Why would anyone miss this overacting retard with his 'pause for nonexistent laughs' style of ''''''''''''''comedy''''''''''''''''
Complete series on blu ray when?
Everyday mind.
>The best late night host by far in america was a european
really makes you think
I wish his show wasn't on at like midnight. Every time I actually decided to stay up and watch him I thought he was way funnier than any other shitty night talk show.
Every day. Hopefully Trump is elected, then it will be a great day for America once more.
you won't make my mind up for me
>great day for white america
I missed him before his show finished
Doesn't he the same show now on history channel? .. without geoff
aka America
Civil War part II coming soon
he was the best ever at doing this, and i never got much of a chance to appreciate it. :(
You and Geoff and Secretariat.
Heck, even your racist producer.
cbs.com used to have all his episodes.
You can find a lot of full episodes on Youtube.
Few things are as cozy as the opening theme. His show was just loaded with charm in general.
OH HAY it's maey, Serge!
i could masturbate to the sexual tension he had with female guests, especially alice eve
good to watch once a week because that way he cycled in new jokes or things. it got real boring to watch every day with the one ding dracula two dings whatever shit
Reddit: The Late Night Show
sure it is
I do Craig, everyday.
Can't believe they replaced him with that unfunny fat fuck Corden.
>implying there is any other america