What's the target audience for stuff like pic related? Perverts?
What's the target audience for stuff like pic related? Perverts?
I don't even know how people can get off to something like this. will find out soon as a psych major tho
The same audience as people who visit sites like bestgore. People who want to see something shocking, be edgy, scare their friends, and a few real perverts
90s japan seems kind of fucked up
Why does nobody post Webms? I can't meme about this flick without seeing something
>will find out soon as a psych major
You ain't gonna learn shit
I once met a fucker who gets off to these kind of movies
Long story short, he wanted me to watch Army Dog with him and I only watched the first 10 minutes before bailing out, we haven't talked ever since. I just don't understand the appeal, man.
Evil people.
Get him to post here instead of you. He sounds much more interesting than some safe imdb drone like you
The opening scene when It Ain't Me starts playing as we are shown the montage of Army Dog raping and destroying everyone and everything at that village is one of the rawest performances i've ever witnessed.
Hard to believe that bit with the kids was unsimulated
Why is Squirmfest so hard to find?
People that are really interested in practical effects probably admire the effort put in
Recommend me some essential fuckedup-core films
this as good as the angel guts series or nah?
Psych MA student here, this is true
Japs are just fucked in the head.
I know from personal experience, I've met a couple in my personal life. Really really really weird fucked up people. The sorts of people who work shitty jobs and don't have many friends or hobbies.
regular japanese people. so yes, perverts.
Army Dog is the most disturbing movie I've ever seen. Shit still gives me nightmares to this day.
>Army Dog
I haven't seen it but this shit looks vile.
>angel guts series
whats that, I can't make anything out of based on google images
Psych major here, waste of my time and money
angel guts is the collective name for a series of 7 (depending on you ask they may say more) jap films that have rec curing themes of rape, violence against women and extreme human emotions like loneliness or lust.
They are some of the most beautiful films i've ever seen.
I highly recommend them as long as you're not a pussy.
hey I'm not a pussy, mom said I am very brave!
which one should I start
well theres no particular order in terms of story so i would say go at random, however my personal favourite, not objective best mind, is Red Classroom.
good luck finding a torrent dude, if you do let me know.
Is that the same as Eccentric Psycho Cinema?
really makes you tink
>tfw trying hard not to be that person.
What are some hobbies that normal people have? All I do is walk and read classical literature.
I used to watch a lot of movies but I've cut way back on that to lose weight.
well holy fucking shit good find man, what site?
that was more 90's right? It a similar thing yeah, perhaps not as well executed overall however.
avistaz.to, friend
He's gonna learn how to pay off a 100k student debt.
Yeah that's the one I meant. It's cinemaz's sister site. I'm still trying to figure out how to build up a ratio there.
at avistaz? just download and seed the freeleech torrents on the front page. always get a lot of upload from that.
When it was younger it was because I was an edgy teen with a taste for the gruesome who didn't have the stomach for real gore so this was my outlet. Growing up I've lost the edgy need for violence but as a fan of film and practical effects I like to watch some of the tamer films of the genera as a sort of special effects highlight reel because a lot of it still looks really good and realistic even by today's standards.
Teens who wanna get grossed out.
Slaughter vomit dolls is literally puke porn and August underground are insanely boring movies with some seriously impressive practical effects, neitherror deserve to be in the hardcore category, Salo blows them both out of the water and is a well made movie on top of that.
fucking rico?
What the shit.
Because you didn't also go to med school