Disney was a mistake
Disney was a mistake
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jesus that is hideous. daisy too.
She looks like a scary predator
>My feet hurt
>This shirt's too tight
>Daisy's teeth are freaking me out
>I wish I was at home playing FIFA
what could possibly go wrong
>Fuck me Tony!
What did she mean by this?
fucking terrified
Why does he looks so depresses?
Your birth was also a mistake.
she's outta control
More like Daisy was a mistake.
Boyega was actually ok but this girl just can't ACT.
she really has average looks
>everyone complains about a black actor
>ends up being the only actor that gave a fuck about his performance
Imagine being Boyega in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Daisy Ridley, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is play another round of FIFA 2014 in his dressing room.
at least people recognized they were wrong about forced diversity black guy and diverted their raged towards the mary sue rey and feminism
>that potato head
She shouldn't tie her hair back at all gives her a fivehead. The roundness of her face isn't noticeable with her hair down.
>no Ridleyfu to beat my ass then kill me with her mouth like a xenomorph
her teeth look shopped
daisy was a mistske
Ironic in the end
Now, they try to label the Mary Sue and poor acting as feminism when you pull up these valid arguements
can you shoop a guy from blacked.com laying down with his peepee under her poo poo?
Can't decide on whether she looks like Agatha or Frank-N-Furter. Hm.
what kind of retarded workout are those
With teeth like that you don't need shit cgi monsters.
woa, some butt hurt here hate pussy
Alien Covenant looking pretty good honestly, when are we getting Alien "sequel" with her as the Xeno?
Can someone shop that please?
>Sup Forums: the post
u got something against blacks you white honkey?
you be depressed too having to spend time with this alien while knowing your going to be linked with her and this franchise for nearly your entire career
Best of the worst who could actually afford to pay 4 billion.
those never fail to make me hard
Kek, somebody make this an image
Totally got him man, how will OP ever recover?
>I've never worked out a day in my life
Compound exercises. Best type of exercises to avoid plateauing. Hers are a mixture of cardio and minor strength training.
How the fuck can people even contemplate living with the knowledge that this girl will never be your girlfriend. There's a reason monasteries don't allow women anywhere near them, and it's because they remind the men there how fucked they are without a meaningful loving relationship in their lives. This girl has literally ruined my day through her beauty, and I know tomorrow will be a bad day due to my being unable of dismissing her image from my mind. I am so attracted to this girl and there is nothing I can do to prevent myself from feeling this way. I am incapable of articulating how torturous it is for me to accept this. The likelihood that I will continue to live alone, longing for a love that I will never be able to achieve, makes me so unhappy that I know I won't be able to exist much longer if life continues this way.
This girl, this princess of light, this cherub whose feet I would bathe and whose forehead I would kiss each night as though she were my daughter, my lover, my mother and my friend simultaneously and without contradiction. I would absolutely make you love me and any struggles you are likely to face would be faced with the knowledge that I am standing by your side. I will never live a fulfilled and meaningful life with the knowledge, subconscious or painfully self-aware, that you are out there, probably in the United States, living your life beside another man, resting in his arms at night, thinking of him during your lonely hours, seeking him when you are in heat, whose children you will bear and whose family you will grace. The idea that his surname will replace your own, and not mine, makes me want to turn on the gas and selotape the windows and keyholes so my suffering will end as quickly as possible. I love you, my cherub and angel, my darling girl. I am one hundred percent serious when I say that I will love you until the day I am forced from this earth.
>that firm jiggle
>that curve and roundness
Jesus fucking Christ i can't wait until the Episode VIII press cycle starts.
I have standards higher than a deformed xeno morph desu
she made my dick plateau
get a gf
Any more workout webms? Those are hot af desu
the only compound lifts there are three variations of rows, with the actual row being made with that retarded jerking motion which moves the weight through momentum.
>mixture of cardio and minor strength training
>giving this to a beginner
>to avoid plateauing
>to avoid plateauing
>a beginner with those weights
You don't avoid the plateau, you plateau, deload, then work your weight up to BREAK the plateau
fucking dyel nigger
This. He gave an ok performance while everyone else just phoned it in. Daisy is just daytime tv tier and should've never gotten the part.
>These are 10/10s on Bespin and Nu-Tatooine
>I came for da white wimmen
>but not fo' this
Because one was much worse than the other
>Could Elliot Rodgers still be alive?
>that first exercise
what the hell is that
how many punds is she lifting right there?
shieeett cand be real
I thought this was Tim Curry
Are those eve her real teeth?
I feel like they're fake
She just look familiar, now who does she remind me of
Last line got me.
She's British so...probably.
how the FUCK is she doing 135 on shoulder press?
or is that not 135?
Is this Crossfit? It has a bunch of retarded, jerky movements that look injury-inducing so I'm assuming it is Crossfit.
They look like bumper plates and the video quality is shit. It's likely not close to 135. Probably 65 if I were a betting man.
I bet you think all exercise is crossfit, fatty. But no, none of it is.
She really fucking scares me. Those teeth and small eyes. Fuck
>none of it is
But it is. May want to look it up if you're not sure how it looks.
>agility drills
>shoulder press
>split squat
>more agility drills
>knees to a squat position
>gay as fuck plyometrics
>retarded medicine ball push from a laying position
>single armed snatch
>more plyos
>ab workouts
Fine, I'll give you the plyos, but none of that shit is really crossfit.
Looks like 70 maybe
>CrossFit, Inc. describes its strength and conditioning program as "constantly varied functional movements executed at high intensity across broad time and modal domains,"
Jerks, snatches, squats, box jumps (you mentioned), etc. are all ingrained in that mess.
I've done two of sessions because of enthusiastic gym rats/crossfit trainers who convinced me to follow their lead instead of my normal workout. I'm all too familiar with it.
>Boyega was actually ok
I hope they sent regards to the zoo that trained him.
Hahaha it's because he's black!
yeah all it took to make this guy /ourguy/ was the realization he had to job to daisy in every scene
>they remind the men there how fucked they are without a meaningful loving relationship in their lives
I know this is b8 so here's your you
but jesus christ this post inspires too much autism
wow shes ugly
daisy is utterly horrifying and boyega is gay. if i had to fuck one i would pick boyega
>and boyega is gay
if she were my alternative I'd be too
>Boyega was actually ok
Maybe compared to Daisy. I felt like he hammed it up, though (especially since he was really excited and self-conscious about being in Star Wars. But I mean, I guess who wouldn't be excited to act in a major movie franchise?). Or maybe it was just the shitty dialogue and character writing. They seriously didn't know WHAT the fuck Finn's real purpose was except to conveniently move the "story" along.
The way I see it, compared to each other (and JUST each other):
>Boyega's acting>Ridley's acting
>Rey's character (despite having Mary Sue characteristics) written stronger/better than Finn's character
This is all relative and within the scope of the movie.
>Episode 8
Reys home reunion with Luke is dropped for the vast majority of the movie
Movie focuses on machinations in the galactic capital
Revealed that Solo used the success of the rebel Alliance to traffic drugs and arms across the galaxy, undermining galactic efforts by snoke to use the ability of an authoritarian governance structure to lift millions from space pocerty
Death star 3 is not only one of its kind, and was built as a deterrence weapon in response to the rebel Alliance having built one of their own, as it appears that they have entered cold war 3.0
Movie is cold war esque spy film set in galactic capital as Kylo Ren is bought in as space detective, ala twin peaks, to solve a series of questionable murders pointing to an internal power struggle in the fading days of the once great empire
Only problem I have with him is that his character is useless.
it's called crossfit
British Women are so weird. They are either 10/10 semen demons, or 2/10 wouldn't bang inbred disgusting slags
Disney wasnt a mistake but you know what was?
.................Ishtar youtu.be
>character is useless
Pretty much. Only purpose is to move the plot along at points.
>Fuck me Tony!
unless my newness is showing, underrated.
Finn was second worst character after leia
Th-thanks Disney.
here you go my friend. be strong. i relate to this 100%