Sup /tv I just made myself a tequila sunrise and I'm looking for something to watch. Do you have any suggestions?

Sup /tv I just made myself a tequila sunrise and I'm looking for something to watch. Do you have any suggestions?

Brokeback Mountain

Nah,stop projecting on me


You're drinking a tequila sunrise.

There's nothing wrong about drinking a tequila sunrise. There is, however, something wrong about making a post on Sup Forums advertising the fact that you are drinking one.


If you saw a guy drinking it in public, what would you assume about that person?

It's a bitch drink.

Fair enough
Look man if you cant enjoy a drink no matter what it is you my man are the one who has an issue. Also it's a brunch drink

>Also it's a brunch drink
Champagne/sparking wine/mimosa is a brunch drink.

Tequila sunrise is what girls drink at the beach to get fucked up.

Mimosa are indeed a brunch drink. Alright then give a good beach movie to watch

>what would you assume about that person?

That he likes orange juice

And he likes getting drunk

The Beach
Surf's Up
Point Break
Fool's Gold
American Pie 2
Cast Away

Oh yeah, forgot two more:

Treasure Island (1990)
Robinson Crusoe (1997)

Sweet I'll check them out but, how can you calling me out and recommend Fools Gold? Anyway I should really be thanking you for at least recommending some thing. So thanks I'll probably watch Robinson Crusoe.


Well shit man if I would have known that I wouldn't have even made this thread.
Is it any good?

>how can you calling me out and recommend Fools Gold?

It's not bad. I mean it has Mel and Kurt in it so it's worth watching

>drinking alone

Good point
Please like you have anyone to drink with.
I do have friends that I would normally be drinking with but, I don't feel like hanging out with them right now. I was once like you thinking that drinking alone was sad (and I still think getting black out drunk by alone is) but having a drink to relax is fine.

>tequila sunrise
>drinking alone

Booooring. At least the other guy calling me out had the balls to do more than post reaction images and green text. On top of that he actually recommended something. So are you fixing to do something or just leave?

>drinking alone

Another good one. I wonder where he gets it from?

>drinking alone

Who do you drink with?

your mom kiddo

Why must there be a shit poster in every thread?

>drinking alone


How many pictures of girls laughing do you have anyway?

He has dozens. They're his drinking buddies.

tru that

actually i pretend they're laughing at my penis when i fap to cuck porn

>drinking alone

and he likes ttaking it up the ass

>I do not require companionship, I am perfectly comfortable with drinking alone

The truth burns you harder than I ever could. Further more the only person that seems to care is your sorry ass for some strange reason.
And enjoys a good drink
Sometimes I wish that were true, but then I realize that I would be just a sad as most of you fucks with know one to drink with ever.

PS You guys obliviously haven't enjoyed a good tequila sunrise or any good drink for that matter

>drinking alone

Hey that's kind of hot

>tequila sunrise

A suggestion then? I'm always looking for some thing new

Nothing then? Most likely because you have never had a good drink you mouth breathing fuck

problem child 2
>drinking alone
literally me tbqh

>tfw you have to shit but cbf getting up

Cheers then my friend
I'm not that fucked up and you should get so you don't shit yourself

get up*

god damnit


Wednesday is my Kino day, and I am proud to admit that I drink pina coladas pretty much the whole day. Doesn't even matter if it is -30 here in Edmonton, I'm all about that ice cold sweetness and warm comfy kino.

Get on our level.

Fucking Pleb.

This guy knows what's up. It's not about what you drink, but rather how much you enjoy what you watch.