Memes and jokes aside, she should be President and you all know it

Memes and jokes aside, she should be President and you all know it.

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then why didnt she win?


Rural and suburban trips.

Only reason, it's not like she was the most unlikable candidate possible in what basically amounts to a popularity contest that was rigged from the get-go.

trump was everything wrong with american culture
clinton was everything wrong with american politics

Are you serious nigger? What about Benghazi?

Well, yeah, but only because the President is a literal retard.

Ideally, it would've been someone else.

Hilary sex tape

because her and her party had their heads so far up their asses they were digesting their own skulls. they spent the election cycle vilifying centrists and right wingers alike, gave credence to the far-right/alt-right movements, and alienated everyone who was casting a vote for bernie sanders by purposefully destroying his campaign. basically, her and her party made themselves seem completely unlikable by anyone who wasn't already a shill.