What are Sup Forums's thoughts on phimosis?

what are Sup Forums's thoughts on phimosis?

Get circumcised.

Pull back before erection for a nice stretch.

I think it'd be better to gradually work on stretching it out or getting a partial snip. Nobody wants a dry desensitized peen.

Had this when I was younger and fixed it myself by slowly stretching the skin over your dickhead. Preferably in the shower. It's gonna be uncomfortable at first but over time it will stretch itself out. My dick looks normal now

Easily solved by masturbating.

Pull it back in you're soft, then get hard.
If you can't pull it back at all it's easier if you have a warm shower/bath to loosen up the skin.

Do this every day and it'll fix itself in no time. It worked for me.

Jewish penis is superior to that male roastie mess.

>mutilating your penis forever and losing sensitivity when it could be fixed easily

slowly stretch it abit more and more everyday. My friend had the same problem and he fixed it easy over a couple of months.

it's a ploy by the rabbis to cicrumcise more goys.
I had it and a doctor told myparents to circumcise me. Thankfully they didn't and one day around 13 I just popped the skin all the way back while masturbating.
It was an illumination and the feeling was incredible.
To this day I still play with my foreskin and it feels awesome

I have this and I can tell you, the jewish have one advantage over me



I had it until i was 14, once i realised that isn't normal i just tried to pull back just a little every day and in a couple of weeks wasn't more a problem

This is what you get when you don't masturbate enough as a kid.

If your cock aint black, that shit is wack.

holy shit made my wood iron, remembered when my ex did this

I think slight phimosis is aesthetic as fuck. My favorite are the ones that only half-retract. But yeah if you want to fix it it's really easy

Really? Mines the exact same as ops picture, will just stretching fix it?

Not necessarily. I did and still do masturbate at least once a day. Buy instead of pulling the foreskin down painfully to its limit, I kind of take some shaft skin and pull it up to the head. It's the same method cutfags use when they dry fap

I used to be basically like op pic, but I stretched carefully for about 6 months with gradually larger ear gauges and now I’m golden.

Sex used to be painful at worst and not pleasurable enough to cum at the best, but now sex is amazing and there’s no pain. Like night and day. Didn’t have sex for a few years because of it and wish I’d done it years earlier.

But go slow with stretching. Progress can be set back if you get too excited and try and go too fast.

If you have the pinhole kind of phimosis you’re fucked I think, but if you look like OP’s pic you can remedy the problem without having to mutilate yourself.

And here fully retracted.

>If you have the pinhole kind of phimosis you’re fucked I think
Nah, Google "phimosis journey"
Even people with the worst cases can stretch successfully, it just takes longer

Mine was worse than OPs pic and I fixed it in about two weeks.

looks really moist, i'd lick all that fluid off it

i just went to the doc and got a simple surgery inn and out same day.

phimosis is insanely hot on small penises

seeing them get hard but unable to pull the foreskin back is so funny~

>mfw small phimotic traps

you should manually stretch your foreskin by for example pulling it and holding it for 10 sec a couple times a day and itll loosen up VERY quickly.

n e e d

Any detailed tips/guides for stretching?

i got skin and i love it when is get's pull up and down

just pull it (not retract) and keep it stretched for 10 sec a few times a day. its very resilient and basically shrunk itself but you can make it bigger too.

stretch exercise for a long time and you could store skittles in there.

"There are no benefits to circumcision" they said

Wish I hadn't bought into the lie and got cut years earlier

Phimosis does seem more common on small penises. Or maybe people with small penises are just more concerned about it (and post more) because it’s two-in-one

Had it
Got circumcised
Life is better now

Don't let the uncut elitists tell you that you suck, i feel better like this.

Lol fags posting fapping helps. I had this when i was born and i fapped hard age 10 to now (21). Only stretching with hot water helps

Yep, I will circumcise all my kids if I ever have them. No reason not to in this day and age. If my kid was uncut I would feel as if I had to check their dick even after puberty to make sure this shit didn't happen because what teenage boy is gonna tell their parents about something like this? Rather not even have this as a possibility

I love not being genetically inferior, my kids wont have that shit.

Or you could have just spent a couple weeks stretching and kept your whole dick

imagine that poor girls taste buds, getting all the cheese in her mouth.

nice cope

had for about a week recently. If you don't jerk it, it should go away

if fapping helped then I wouldn't have it anymore.

Not all are lazy american fat fucks who cant clean dick once a day.

you dont get it with a proper circumcised dick like we have here in the first world

100% this

Just keep working at it until it slides normally.

you can stretch it from time to time, just be patient , put some vaseline or body cream on it, and try to pull it back gently and slowly, to the half of your tip, 5 mins long. You should get it retracted in a month fully.

Guys, stop fighting about your dicks.

We need to form a coalition of cut and uncut friends. We can call it the Cut UnCut Knighthood, or CUCK. All members of CUCK agree to stop shitting on each other for how our dicks are.

Ty for the tips almost 21 ty ill try this

This is the reason my life is ruined. Because jews like you.

Working on fixing it
I can show you more on kik

This. I just grab the top and keep it shut when I fap. Keeps everything clean.

Stretch it with earplugs, only jews and their slaves get circumcised.

I had it half a year ago. Super easy to get rid of, just stretch to your limit every day. The real challenge is then stretching your frenulum enough to be able to show your erected tip. It takes only a couple of months