>it's a Sayid doesn't know how long the battery will last episode
It's a Sayid doesn't know how long the battery will last episode
Hide in plain sight
>it's a Sayid is the only person on the island who consistently makes good decisions episode
*soft* tacos
>It's a locke did nothing wrong episode
>It's a Sayid is reincarnated with no explanation episode
>It's a Sayid is now permanently evil after being reincarnated episode
>It's a Sayid is no longer evil after Desmond was nice to him episode
The last season was a total fucking disaster.
this guy turned into more of a bitch as it went on, he was meant to be the tough guy but got walked over by every tom dick and harry
>It's a Hugo bitches about random shit but does something awesome for a change episode
That the the above mentioned were the best episodes of LOST, prove me wrong
>seasons 1 and 2 are the best
Yeah pretty much. They just started introducing too many characters. The freighter was a mistake
>it's the Richard's origin story episode
That was a 10/10 episode
just finished season 2, should I quit while I'm ahead?
>Sayid " white pussy destroyer " Jarrah!
>Sayid "I empty my mag in the Others camp " Jarrah!
>Sayid " follow my lead, Jack " Jarrah!
>Sayid "Irak's Iron Man " Jarrah!
Nah. Finish it, the journey to the end is the reason to watch, even if it goes all over the place and shit
F O U R · E I G H T · F I F T E E N · S I X T E E N · T W E N T Y T H R E E · F O R T Y T W O · G U Y S · W H E R E · A R E · W E ? · W A L T ! · V I N C E N T ! · L I V E · T O G E T H E R · D I E · A L O N E · D U D E · W H E R E · I S · M Y · B A B Y ? · T H E Y · T O O K · M Y · B A B Y · N O · M A T T E R · W H A T · I · D O · Y O U · A R E · G O I N G · T O · D I E · C H A R L I E · I · L O V E · Y O U · P E N N Y · I · H A V E · A L W A Y S · L O V E D · Y O U · J A C K ! · Y O U · A L L · E V E R Y B O D Y ! · N O T · P E N N Y ’ S · B O A T · D O · N O T · T E L L · M E · W H A T · I · C A N N O T · D O ! · Y O U · H A V E · S O M E · A R Z T · O N · Y O U · S E E · Y O U · I N · A N O T H E R · L I F E · B R O T H E R · D O · N O T · M I S T A K E · C O I N C I D E N C E · F O R · F A T E · F R E C K L E S · I T · O N L Y · E N D S · O N C E · A N Y T H I N G · T H A T · H A P P E N S · B E F O R E · I S · J U S T · P R O G R E S S · D O · Y O U · H A V E · A N Y · I D E A · H O W · B A D L Y · I · W A N T · T O · K I L L · Y O U ? · I · D O · N O T · K N O W · H O W · L O N G · T H E · B A T T E R I E S · W I L L · L A S T · I · C R A S H E D · Y O U R · B L O O D Y · P L A N E · W E · H A V E · T O · G O · B A C K !
>it's an "I'M COMING WITH YOU" Kate episode
>what is all of season 6
I agree early on but they turned sayid into a retard
>Iraqi Republican Guard
I don't understand this meme
Watch til the nuke. Finish it if you really want otherwise just imagine the nuke killed everyone/reset everything. You'll probably be let down with the final season, but the finale is good.
lost is shit
sun best girl
Sun "cheat on my husband who literally kills for my father just to be with me because for some odd reason he gets stressed out over killing people and wonders if my boring ass is even worth it" Kwon
Jin "abandon my baby daughter I never got to meet just to drown with my boring ass wife who cheated on and planned to leave me" Kwon
Both are garbage characters. They were good, sometimes great, on their own, but any scene with the two of them is fast forward tier.
I still don't get the nuke shit. If it went off, why are Richard, Mile's dad and Kryzynski still alive? If it didn't why the fuck did they time jump?
>there are people that still think that "they were dead the whole time"
>listen to me
You've seen the best seasons but it's not like the rest os terrible
John Locke during seasons 1 and 2 is the best "mystic"-archetype character in television.
>It's a Kate switch between Jack and Sawyer or vice versa episode.
From my 3rd rewatch, I simply skip theses.
>rewatching this piece of shit even once
his backstory is definitely the most interesting out of all of them
kind of a shame what they did to his character with the whole black monster shit. that was such a mistake.
>hey guys am i cool yet???
Even though the plot turns to shit, it's still comfy as fuck.
>Only Iraqi main character
>Dies by suicide bombing
It broke my fucking heart. He should have stayed through the whole show. His presence gave meaning to all the supernatural shit that was going on; it was a puzzle for him to solve.
After he died it just felt like all the weird island stuff was just happening arbitrarily, and no one cared about it.
Don't think about it too hard. They copped out so hard with the "you made this special place to all be together" shit. Why would sayids terrorist girlfriend, or sayid the torturer/soldier for that matter, be allowed to go to the good afterlife but Michael is cursed to the island for shooting two women to save his son? Where the fuck were Bernard and Rose?? The island is a dick. Jacob is the alpha dick. Season 6 was a mistake
I liked Mr eko and jins back story the best probably, but John was definitely the most sympathetic and best character.
>it's a Sawyer and Jack make you wish you weren't born in your body episode
i would have been fine if they just killed him off in the same way, but he just stayed dead. no smoke monster taking over his body crap. sad ending to a sad life. that could have worked i think. him being the smoke monster didn't, it was all off and i hated it.
i really liked how they took his backstory and makes you understand why he believes in the island so much. you're not exactly supposed to be on his side because he does do some nasty shit, but he's the most sympathetic out of all the characters.
>It's a Jack gets drunk episode
>It's a Kate acts shady but gets upset when people refuse to trust her episode
>It's a Locke becomes an asshole out of nowhere episode
>It's a Charlie talking about his band episode
>It's a Sayid tortures someone episode
>It's a Michael being a terrible father episode
>It's a Sawyer shows his soft side episode
>It's a Eko being awesome episode
>It's a Sun cheats on Jin episode
>It's a Claire is pregnant episode
>It's a New character immediately dies episode
>It's a Faraday being a nice guy episode
>It's a Ben being random episode
>It's a Hurley loses everything precious to him multiple times episode
>It's a Desmond proving why he's best character episode
>It's a Walt does something spooky and disappears for the rest of the show episode
Smokey didn't take over his body.
Man In Black just used his form so he could get close to Jacob.
Why did Walt go nowhere? They were clearly setting something up between him and Locke early on with the backgammon shit and his teleportation powers and then just nothing came of it
the most common excuse the show creators give is that the actor playing walt hit a growth spurt between seasons and they decided to just cut out his story because he looked like he aged 5 years
but to me that always seemed like such a lame excuse, it's a tv show no one is going to really care about shit like that. i convinced they just didn't know what to do with him, and considering what this show became in the 5th and 6th seasons, it seems likely
nice try you jew but saudi arabia + pakistan would nuke israel off the map.
>It's a the others are more orgnsized than we thought episode
>It's a no they aren't that organized episode
>It's an episode where one of the others has super strength for no reason episode
ethan is all the proof anyone needs that they had no clue wtf they were trying to do
fucking guy was like a commando
>it's a Mac from Sunny in Philadelphia is an other for some reason episode
>It's a the bearded other is revealed to be gay for some reason episode
Israel has dick-slapped the Arabs on more than on occasion. That's why they're so butthurt over the land they lost when they attacked.
>it's a "Locke was right the entire time but everyone still berates him" episode
>it's a "the others are consistently shit and had no reason to win over the Dharma Initiative" episode
That shit bothered the hell out of me.
>Ethan is fucking superstrong and unstoppable
>beats the shit out of Jack
Next ep
>gets ass kicked by Jack
Should've known in S1 they were just making shit up and had no regard for continuity.
>it's a "nothing ever happens" series
this isn't better call saul bro
>It's a Locke sells out Kate to Desmond episode
>It's a Locke fucking murders a chick for no reason episode
>It's a Locke almost kills a cop to protect his weed episode
>Its a Locke tries to have deep conversations with a sex hotline worker episode
>it's a there's polar bears that eat fish biscuits on the island for some reason episode
>it's a sawyer and kate are sitting in polar bear cage's episode
>it's a Jack has to do some CRAZY operation episode
>it's a the others blindly does what Ben says episode
>it's a "we're just some men playing a game of golf" episode
>It's a every background character fades from existence with no explanation episode
>it's a Locke gets his Kidney stolen episode
>it's a Locke gets thrown out of a building episode
>it's a DON'T TELL ME WHAT I CAN'T DO episode
>It's a Locke sells out Kate to Desmond episode
>>It's a Kate was a whore and deserved everything she got
>It's a Locke fucking murders a chick for no reason episode
>>It's a Locke was protecting the island and what he did was LITERALLY the only thing to do in that situation
>It's a Locke almost kills a cop to protect his weed episode
>It's a Locke didn't kill him because he was was chosen specifically for that reason
>Its a Locke tries to have deep conversations with a sex hotline worker episode
>>It's a Locke was paralyzed and alone, also he lived in America so there was no law against it
>It's a "The producers can't figure out what to do with the other survivors from the crash so they all die in ridiculous and lazy ways" episode
Jin had the best body through. Most aesthetic by far
>It's a WHO BURNED THE RAFT episode
Didn't they all die when the beach was attacked with fire arrows or something?
>It's a Locke falls out of a cgi skyscraper episode
>It's a Locke goes on an acid trip episode
>It's a Ben talks Locke out of suicide before murdering his episode
>It's a Ben becomes the new Locke episode
>It's a "Ben says he never lies and then goes on to lie about fucking everything" episode
>It's a background character is introduced and tries to be interesting episode
>It's a Arzt explodes and becomes a running joke episode
>It's a final destination with Charlie and Desmond episode
>it's a "Ben kills Locke for no reason at all" episode
>it's a "Locke becomes the new Ben, and then becomes Locke again" episode
>It's a two main characters who aren't romantically interested in each other and have no chemistry hook up episode
>It's a Sawyer and Juliet are actually adorable together episode
>It's a jack and Kate are still cringy together episode
>it's a Not Pennys Boat episode
>It's a Ben redeems himself episode
>It's a Ben turns evil again episode
>It's a Ben turns good again episode
>It's a Sawyer offers to make a Mixtape for Kate and actually makes one episode
>It's a Hurley's cursed luck fucks someone he loves over episode
>it's a there's polar bears that eat fish biscuits on the island for some reason episode
It was brought to the island by the Dharma Initiative for scientific studies
>it's a sawyer and kate are sitting in polar bear cage's episode
Not a bad or unlikely place to keep prisoners
>it's a Jack has to do some CRAZY operation episode
Considering Jack was a surgeon with an expertise in that particular area, him performing the operation made a lot of sense.
>it's a the others blindly does what Ben says episode
And why wouldn't they follow a long standing leader with an almost supernatural knowledge of the island?
You're bad at this.
lost was trash.
>it's a "why didn't Charlie just run out of the room and put on the Scuba gear" Episode
Charlie accepted his fate
L O S T was the golden age of Sup Forums though. nothing comes close.
I pity you for not experiencing L O S T Sup Forums. It was magical
>who is richard alpert
>the cages are open at the top the whole time
>It's a dead main character appears as a spirit to Hurley episode
>It's a jack sees something supernatural but refuses to believe it episode
i cried even harder when hurley talked about how charlie died and with his last bit of life tried to warn everyone about it not being her boat
>It's a the idiot main cast ascend to heaven while Ben stays to live the good life in the flash sideways episode
uh? i was here, in this fucking shithole. lost was and still is the most overrated series ever after breaking bad. it was absolute garbage that would be laughed out of the airwaves these days.
so what is the actual name for this phenomenon?
A U T I S T H E T I C posting?
uh? you don't get to bring friends
Remember when a main character dying was big deal?
Then literally as soon as season 2 started, it was open season for everybody
i think most people were glad when shannon got offed
annoying bitch
>Boone dies
>It opens the door for Shannon to get character development
>She dies immediately after
Shannon was a loveable bitch, though
The writer's strike literally killed this show.
nope that's Prison Break
>It's a Shannon trying hard to get Browned episode
>It's a Sayyid cries for her for so many damn episodes despite being with her for a week episode
>It's a Boone fucks his sister episode
>It's a Shannon treats Boone like shit after seducing him episode
i found it hilarious that shannon was the one who snapped sayid back into who he really was in the final season. not nadia, the literal love of his life, but shannon, the dumb blonde whore that he spent like a month with.
She was a QT!
>it's a shannon is a vapid useless whore that gets my dick hard episode