How the fuck do i get drugs?

how the fuck do i get drugs?
t. 25 year old programmer who's never bought drugs in his life aside from that ounce of shrooms from a dorm mate in college that one time

like seriously, do i have to fuck with Litecoin and Tor and figure out what site is Silkroad 2.0 (or 4.0 or 5.0 at this point probably)? I've never bought crypto in my life and honestly it seems like a pain. Also it's not like it's anonymous in any way, and I think tumbling is expensive, right?

or do i have to take a train over to compton and wave a blue bandanna in the air until a dark-skinned gentlemen waves me over and shows me his tray of wares?

or do i have to hang around outside a university and try to socialize with the students wearing long hair and no shoes?

molly, ketamine and acid preferred
cocaine, mxe or ayahuasca optional

Don't you have a single friend who knows someone that knows someone? I mean if all my dealers are out I'll just ask a friend for his contacts.
I've even asked a random stranger on the street who looked like they did drugs and I got a contact instantly from the first person I asked.

Aight, so don't do mxe or coke... Or ketamine......

Don't fuck with the silk road. I'm in the comp sec industry and even I don't fuck with that shit.

Friends of friends are the best. Ask any friends if they smoke weed. Get some bud from the dude they get it off. Ask that dude if they know anyone. Otherwise, you've just gotta wait until the right people come along.

Actually there are people with blue shirts and gold badges that can help you. They're all over the place, just walk up and ask for whatever you'd like. They're like drug consierges

Don't take acid

Not OP, but acid has been one of my favorite drugs ever. I've done it once a year for the past 5 years.

you're a programmer and think buying cryptocurrency and going to a darknet is something challenging?

if you don't have any friends that you know do something stronger than weed, that's the only way you're going to get it.
MAYBE if you were in a big city there'd be other ways, but i suspect you wouldn't like them

for buying small amounts darknet markets are way safer than going around asking people you barely know

>Aight, so don't do mxe or coke... Or ketamine......
why exactly is that?

>Don't take acid
why the hell not?

ok OP, go toa darkweb marketplace and but from someone with good reviews. Because honestly whats worse, learning about cryptocurrency or the other two options you mentioned. You can find a sheet of acid for like 200 USD and that will last you for a long while. have fun with drugs, and be responsible. And honestly even if you get caught shipping drugs to your house the penalties are not that bad.

I can think of about three or four people off the top of my head that I'm pretty sure have *something* around at any given time. I guess I could ask them for dealer recommendations. I get the feeling that some of them get their shit elsewhere and then bring it to school with them, though.

only really interested in mxe if i can't find ketamine tbh, and ketamine is literally used to treat depression and as a field anesthetic for things like motorcycle crashes. Coke I'm on the fence about but idk, I know some pretty functional people that use it and I'm interested.

I could go the darknet route, but I know there's going to be a learning curve and I spend a lot of time reading documentation already, it gets old. I live in the larger LA area though, so I have that going for me.