I have an insecure personality

I have an insecure personality
I'm too soft
Is there hope for me

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Kick yourself in the nuts.


Listen to DMX songs on repeat until you feel otherwise


Actual advice.
Read "No More Mr. Nice Guy" and "The Assertiveness Workbook"

You can transform your personality.

>nigger shit

there is always hope for you

Loneliness killed me.
My so called old friends killed me by rejecting me, when I tried to fit it with them back in school. Even tried walking with someone to school and got rejected.

I'm not even a Horible person.

these people just dont see the beauty in ur person bro. try to find happiness in loneliness, i found it too. and never give up my dude, you are never alone.

and no

Dont trick yourself into believing that you are hopeless. There is always hope, there was/is for me and for everyone else. You know deep down that you can never be lost. Dont let these negative People get to you, be strong and positive :)

Must be my lucky day. I got tripsans nobody noticed

But what if you are a horrible person?
How can you tell for sure?
How could I tell that I am not a horrible person?

There is always hope in the world.

It may be hard to find, but it's there, friend.

But what if someone IS hopeless?
What makes you say that there is no such thing as a hopeless person?

I know what I am not, but I don't know what I am


Your time will come. Dont give up! A lot of people feel the same as you. They just dont know about the beauty and positivity that is coming their way. I am with you and if you need someone to talk then talk to someone but dont drown in your own problems. I dont know you in Person but I can tell that you are not as lost as you think you are. Cheer up bro and never stop believing! I wish you the best buddy

how can someone be hopeless when there are people who have seen the depths of depression but fought their way back to happiness? I have seen a lot of shit in my life but never a person who has been hopeless.

listen to this and you will see that everything makes sense. You don't have to be alone.


But some of them doesn't come back. Some of them gone forever.
Weren't they hopeless?

Sorry but I sleep with this

It's just a role that you've gotten comfortable with and used to. It's hard to change not because you somehow "just are insecure", but because breaking a habit is difficult.
You don't have an X personality, you've accepted a certain trait as part of your ego through repetition and confirmation.
You can do the same to break this habit. The hard part is that forming a new habit requires effort, while following a settled habit is seemingly effortless.

No traits, positive or negative, are an integral part of yourself. You can add and remove them to your liking, you just have to put in the required effort and intent.

They just gave up.. there was hope for them but they tricked themselve into believing that they are hopeless and maybe never spoke to a person about it. Hope is always there for everyone but you need to have the will to make your life better as it is now.

If you like those give this a shot


How well one can know itself?
Having no doubt is...
A wise man once said: The smart man always have some doubts, the stupid confident until the grave.
But maybe you are right.
Maybe you already found plenty of proof along your journey. I can not know.

maybe you're annoying. Like going on and on about how miserable or awful you are or something? Or too boring?
Don't be too annoying or boring. Try that

Pretend you are an asshole by calling others what you are, it's what most people end up doing here.

I am insecure too. Like OP.
I am full of doubts.
Doubts leads to questions. Stupid questions.
I am not afraid to ask stupid questions.
If you find it boring or annoying, don't answer them

force yourself to be confident and outgoing in conversations, no matter how cringey it will be. eventually you'll become very good at socializing and therefore easy to get along with. get rejected, move on to the next person. eventually you will naturally find someone who shares interests with you (im assuming u like anime since ur sending pics of it) and connect that way. life is pointless, but not if you occupy yourself with things and make goals you want to reach. its all about how you look at it. if you need mental help or something, just see a psychiatrist.

good luck man

I don't push my problems on others.
Might be boring I guess, i usually tested people, seen if they tried to talk to me, if not I would just leave

I use to be proud of it that I just fade away in silence and don't burden anyone with my problems. I broke all connections with my friends and family to be alone with my struggle and misery.

This the first time I try to speak about my problems here. All I got that I am annoying and a fag and basically go and fuck myself.
Not as if I didn't expect this to happen but, well... I am pretty much in a box here.
If I shouldn't ask questions cuz I am an annoying fag and I am too retarded to figure things out myself that strongly limits my options... to put it mildly.

I actually have 2 college friends that I met 2 months ago, they call me nice and feel accepted.
Still live with my parents. My friends said nicer things about me than my parents.

I think youre too much in your own head.
Get a hobby. Git gud. Focus on your goals and not on the fact how miserable and pitiful your life ist, thats everyones life so youre not alone with that.

Thats because they understand the struggle i guess.

Yeah you fucking pussy, there is hope for everyone. Don't read any self help books, they are a scam. Go out and live your life. See what works and what doesn't. Trial and error.
You won't be the best over night. It took me years to go from depressive virgin fatty to Chad Thundercock. It's all about believing you are what you want to be and behaving accordingly.


Kill yourself spastic fucking retard

Not today...
I too weak to do it