What's the deal with this movie?
What's the deal with this movie?
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I heard it got banned in Palestine after a screening incited riots among antisemetic and jews alike
the part where army dog have to amputate caspers arm because it got infected when he failed to defuse the ied was a bit much for a kids movie.
the sex scene was great tho
>the scene where they hide the dog in a dead pig and launch it by catapult into the Arab settlement
>the ball-ripping scene in the orphanage
>the pissing scene in the WW2 survivors' meeting
not surprised desu
Dude that was a rape scene with a fucking underage Vietnamese girl and a dog. I mean it had great choreography but still man
>"Goddamn it Army Dog leave that kid behind and get on this fucking chopper before I blow that fucking haddji's face off and leave you the fuck behind! That's a fucking order, Private!"
these threads.. fuck im in tears.
I only just now looked this up for the first time. What the fuck, this was made in 2016? The cover looks straight out of the 90s or early 00s.
>the punji stick rape scene
what's worse is that fucking washed up Johnny Rico stars in it. It makes me feel bad for him.
Didn't you think 25 minutes was a little excessive for a interspecies-gay sex scene? I guess it fit with the pacing of the rest of the film so what ever.
That's true, the movie is six hours long so 25 minutes is a drop in the bucket
>Army Dog: Nothing is over! Nothing! You just don't turn it off! It wasn't my ball! You asked me, I didn't ask you! And I did what I had to do to be a good boy! But somebody wouldn't let us be good boys! And I come back to the world and I see all those cats at the veternarians, hissing at me, meowing. Calling me kitten killer and all kinds of vile crap! Who are they to hiss at me, huh? Who are they? Unless they've been me and fetched sticks and know what the hell they're yelling about!
>Trautman: It was a bad time for everyone, Army Dog. It's all in the past now.
>Rambo: FOR YOU! For me good boy life is nothing! In the dog pound we had a code of honor, you scratch my ears, I scratch yours. Back here there's nothing!
>Trautman: You're the last of an AKC registered breed, don't end it like this.
>Army Dog: Back there I could fetch a stick, I could chase a ball, I was in charge of Milk Bones and chew toys, back here I can't even hold a job CHASING CARS!
>that scene where army dog takes apart that haji's head with an e-tool
holy fuck that was brutal. How did they do the effects?
Army Dog had to chew his way out of those fucking corpses...
This is the only movie I've vomited at.
>"Army dog, the things I've done, the people I've killed, I see their faces in my dreams... I... I don't want to live with these things in my mind... Goodbye army dog"
i heard it was a fresh cadaver and the actor playing army dog really had to do that
The Star Aliens series did not age well. Thats a fucking smart dog though.
>army dog gets adopted by a new family
>kid goes out to play catch in the garden
>the battle scene music starts playing
>Army Dog: We were in this dog park in Saigon and this cat comes up, this cat carrying a flea brush. And he says "Flea brush please, flea brush!" I said no. He kept askin', yeah, and Rex said "Yeah." And I went to get a couple of tennis balls, and the flea brush was wired, and he turned on a vacuum cleaner, fucking vacuumed all over the place. And Rex's laying there, he's fucking barking. There's pieces of fur all over me, just...
[Takes off his leash]
>Army Dog: like this, and I'm tryin' to pull him off, you know, my friend that's all over the vacuum! I've got fur and everything and I'm tryin' to hold him back! I'm puttin'... the guy couldn't stop barking! And nobody would turn it off! Nobody would turn it off! He's saying, sayin' "I wanna go outside! I wanna go outside!" He keeps calling my name! "I wanna go outside Army Dog! I wanna turn off the vacuum!" I said "With what? You don't have any fuckin' thumbs! I can't find your thumbs!"
>I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Sticks on fire off the shoulder of pakistan. I watched bones glitter in the dark near the golden gate bridge. All those moments will be lost in time, like barks in rain. Time to die.
Holy fuck I can't stop laughing
11/10 deserves an Oscar and probably a Grammy
The PG-13 trailer makes it look like a totally different movie.
>Why are we here? Just to suffer? Every night I can feel my tail... and my leg... The body I've lost... The comrades I've lost... They won't stop hurting... Like they're all still there... You feel it too don't you?
>I'm gonna make 'em give back our past
Chills desu
>that sex scene between Casper and Grace
Did anyone else think it went on for too long? I mean, this isn't a porn movie wtf.
I heard it was unsimulated.
If you have an interactive DVD player with an internet connection, it displays a half hour long internal sex cam in the upper right.
>Writer/Director, Ezra Kemp originally intended "The Graveyard of Empires -or- Things Fall Apart", the film which would eventually became "Army Dog", to have a 45 minute prologue set during the time of the First Anglo Afghan War.
>Reportedly 27 million dollars and over 1.3 million feet (nearly 220 hours) of film was shot over 6 months of on-location shooting in Kunduz province Afghanistan to depict the bloody retreat by British forces through the Kyber Pass as they were slowly slaughtered by the forces of Dost Muhammad Khan.[29] This footage is now considered one of the 21st century's most sought after pieces of lost media.[18]
>dog is half jewish.
Darkest Todd Solondz film yet
Does this count as CP? I know the director declared on the trial that it was CGI but the Vietnamese girl scene looked awfully realistic to me
>that scene where the Iraqi child is drowning and Army Dog just watches because "he's gonna grow up to be a camel fucking terrorist anyway"
Army dog calling a napalm strike on the postal office was a bit much
>Woof my pup got killed during 9/11 by his brethren. He probably got nothing to do with it. But damn, watching the sand peoples dying gives more satisfaction than any bitch on heat any day, WOOF.
Think Apocalypse Now, mixed with Schinder's List, Tarantino-ish black comedy, and kinky canine fuckery. I think there are some anti-arab and anti-semitic sentiment too. Underrated masterpiece desu senpai.
>Movie is only six hours long.
He hasn't seen the 12 hour complete uncut version only available abroad.
>Like it or not, they all take the knot
Kemp makes Michael Cimino look like Brett Ratner
>the scene where Army Dog's platoon leader's incompetence gets several soldiers killed so he gets fragged out on patrol
>anti-vet propaganda
>Army Dog: Talking about barking? Y'all experts? Y'all know about barking? I'd like to hear about it, chew toys.
[takes milk bone and eats it]
>Army Dog: Why do you eat this shit? So as to escape from the leash? Me, I don't need this shit. I am the leash. There's who the good boys ought to be. And there's the good boys are. Buster was full of shit. Buster was a bad dog. Now, I got no fight with any dog who sits when he's told, but when he don't, the machine breaks down. And when the machine breaks down, we break down. And I ain't gonna allow that in any of you. Not one.
>[hands bone back and spits]
>Army Dog: Y'all love Buster. Oh, you wanna lick ass. Yeah. Well, here I am, all by my lonesome, and ain't nobody gonna know. Six of you pups against me. Kill me. Huh. I shit on all of your rugs.
He got so dark by the end of the film.
I've seen my fair-share of shock films... Salo, A Siberian film, whatever. But this. This Army Dog...
Remember the scene where Caspar ordered Army Dog to fetch the bones of their prisoner by gnawing them right the fuck out while the gook was still alive? Man...
But what's even more shocking is that Army Dog isn't even a dog but instead a man who is so ashamed by his actions that he can't even consider himself human - to the extent of where he believes himself to be the animal he acts like.
It was a damn good movie. I felt sick for hours after the scene where Army Dog's convoy got ambushed by Hajji and he had to watch his best friend get burned alive when the IED struck his humvee
That 46 minute close-up which slowly zooms in until he pulls off the rotting face of the dog he's wearing sure is something special.
I went into this movie thinking about how I wanted to fuck Grace Van Dien but after watching the rape scene with directors commentary on I just can't look at her the same anymore.
All those poor P-T-S-Doggos ...
The best part was when army dog and the dad were caught in a deer hunter style game a russian roulette with the arabs. The dad was bawling like a baby and getting slapped while army dog showed those sand niggers how roof he could be.
>the scene where the helicopter gunner mows down dozens of people
>it's shown from their point of view and we see that they are actually friendlies
fucking hell
>When the Army Dog strangled his CO with his dogtags
Holy fuck is that johnny rico from starship troopers?
yes. nowadays you can instantly tell a movie is going to be schlock if he's in it
That scene where army dog calls in napalm on his on position before being overrun.
That after credits scene where army dog is in the gutter shooting up H and having flashbacks.
>where you a good boy in the war army dog?
>no but I served for a kennel full of them.
gets me every time.
Crazy how relevant this is today as it was back then
>That scene were, pinned down by enemy forces, Army dog bites out his suffering partner's jugular to end his suffering.
>That final scene were army dog picks up a live grenade and runs away from his comrade towards the enemy, taking a hail of gunfire just to save his friends
Jesus fuck I was in tears.
Also I thought the rape scene was in slightly poor taste and went on a bit long, but I appreciate what it was trying to do.
Sergent Barks
>"I died in those trenches, Charlie. I died there with Riley and Cooper, Winston and god damn Rocky too."
>"What came back, what got the medal, what was hailed as a goddamn hero isn't me. It couldn't be me. Because only the dead know the end of war. And I don't want to think of that, to remember, to feel it anymore."
>"I went there as a pupper. The first thing that died was my innocence. And I was hoping the last thing that would die would be myself."
>"I'm dead, right, Tucker?"
>"You're not."
>Normal? Just go back to being normal? Fuck you Sharon. You weren't there. You don't know what it was like. Watching your best friend turn to mush in front of you because it turned out the pregnant women YOU decided to let through the roadblock turned out to be a fucking suicide bomber. Calling a fucking carpetbomb on a village known to house hostiles and walking through the remains of a child's soccer game afterwards. Spending all night throwing up because you decided to try ONE piece of ration chocolate. You try walking around all day with a child's jugular between your teeth, the blood still fresh on your lips because no one has running water and see if it doesn't fuck you in the head a bit.
Jesus fuck.
>"You can't just execute anyone you feel like, Army Dog! The world just isn't black and white you know!"
>Army Dog crushes out a cigarette on a dead Iraqi's forehead
>"My world is."
That scene in abu ghraib
>yeah, eat from my doggie dish you subhuman fuck, watch as I eat from a plate like a human!
I regret buying this for my niece.
>the scene where army dog is grappled into the ditch filled with dead civilians
truly horrific
holy shit
>That alternate ending where Army Dog comes back to the states and finds out his wife cheated on him with a fucking black cat
Fucking bitches and whores, man.
why did army dog have to become a triple amputee.
he died with pooches. Over there. Years before he came home. ;__;
I just burst into tears at that point. How he didn't win the oscar I have no idea.
Wow Rico's Roughnecks really went to shit, I guess they let any old mutt be a Citizen these days
I loved doing this with Goodfellas quotes. Good boy, user. Good boy.
>Cpl. Josh Ray Person: This is really interesting, Army Dog. You know, Iraqis don't really seem good at fighting, but then they never really completely surrender either.
>Army Dog: Woof Woof! Put down that fucking milkshake and dig a fucking hole.
Cpl. Josh Ray Person: Why, so I can be more like the teacher's pet?
>Army Dog: Yeah, that's exactly it. You should be more like Fido.
>Cpl. Josh Ray Person: More like Fido? MORE LIKE FIDO?