Would you eat cultured meat? Lab grown, cruelty free, real meat.
If not, why?
Would you eat cultured meat? Lab grown, cruelty free, real meat.
If not, why?
>lab grown real meat
r u rarted
Sure, unless there is a reason not to.
Are you simple?
It sounds weird but yeah I've thought for a long time now that this would be the inevitable future of meat eating. If it's tasty, healthy, and cheap, then yeah I'm totally on board.
has anyone tasted it? does it taste anything different from the slaughtered one?
No. It’s a thing. It’s whats in the picture. You idiot.
Your trips are a thing. Fucking checked nigga.
yeah I would. first to see if there is a difference to regular meat. if it was tasty and as healthy as regular meat, I'd eat it anytime.
Yes and yes. It tastes different because there is no fat. It’s pure muscle. They can grow fat cells and grind them together. That would be more natural meat like.
I saw something on the news about that a while ago, it tastes just the same but the texture is really different
Yeah. It's safer than hormone inflicted current meat.
I'll wait until I get my replicator
your quads are checked nigga
not identical, more intense. It’s fat free. This means it’s also a bit more firm. Dense burger
so i would go for the cultured one is better, right? but obviously more expensive
Fat free burger.
Nope. Why? It's not real.
69 checked
Yeah damn that was cool
Eating literally bacteria, no thanks
What a shitty fucking photograph.
As long as it doesn't give me cancer or whatever I don't see why not
If its as cheap, nutritious, and tasty as meat, sure.
probably not. the real stuff just has that fatty flavor and texture thats too good
Holy Shit, quads on trips.
holy shit
that looks dry as shit
uhm usually they dont remove too much fat so it's cheaper to produce i suppose but i bet that shit gonna cost a lot to produce in a lab and you'd still have to use growth hormons to cultivate anything in a Petri box anyway
Well, not better. Just stronger. Really, really, really lean. It’s also minimal in blood. Lab grown blood. So not juicy at all. They’re working on it
if it tastes as good and costs at least close to the same, sure. we're a long way from that; right now it tastes a lot worse and is exorbitantly expensive
I'd wait for it to be on the market about 10 years before eating it, just in case it turns out to cause some weird cancer or disease or something.
No, because that moment when the animal dies and before its flesh is stripped from bone is a beautiful heart-touching moment where the animal realizes it's place as my food and it's soul ascends into heaven. If my food can't have a backstory as good as that, then I spit on fake meat. I mean if I grew a creature in a test tube and killed it without it ever knowing life then how good can it taste. Not to mention how its basically like an abortion of random tissues and cells.
But no thanks, I prefer meat with enough suffering for me to enjoy it, but also with soul. Can't get that soul taste without it being a living thing.
currently, no. It's 100% muscle and has no fat at all.
once they figure that out and it gets affordable, sure.
As long as it is affordable and tasty, fuck yes I would.
Everything you eat and touch is covered in bacteria. Your mouth is filled with bacteria and your stomach and intestines are lined with bacteria. Bacteria make up a significant proportion of your total body mass and they aren't even visible.
Also, I'm pretty sure they are culturing meat with animal stem cells, not bacteria.
It’s not bacteria. It’s the same lab grown muscle designed for medical use. It’s graft meat
Nah, I'm good to sticking with real meat.
tasty, healthy and cheap don't go together
In what way does eating cultured meat benefit you? It doesn't. It benefits someone else who is massively increasing their profits because of it.
There's a word for a person who changes their behavior for the benefit of others. Cucks.
it is. no blood, no fat. only muscle cells that have been mashed together
Healthier than regular and more ethical, as well as more sustainable. It's the future and I'd embrace it. It's going to go in that direction anyway.
I would love to debate a vegan on the stance that they'd be immoral for not eating it.
Never in my life
What the fuck did I just read? I think this guy gets a hard on from watching PETA videos
Sure they do, sometimes. Get you some good beans and rice nigga.
no thanks, i prefer my meat pure and free of racial/ethnic mixing of any kind
Not fat free, it has lab grown fat added
Yeah. If it tastes good, why not. I'd probably even pay double the price of real meat for it. Not a hippie, but ongoing climate change means refugees and war. I can live without that.
Unless you're hunting and processing your own meat with weapons you've crafted yourself you're lining someone's pockets to get it.
you get a (You) for OC
Massive reduction in greenhouse gas output. less clean water gets sullied. It’s better for your environment.
No I just enjoy meat tasting like meat. Granted, the lab grown meat is created thanks to slaughtering pregnant cows and using it's fetus juice to make it. So I will enjoy my less fucked up meat and you guys enjoy eating the more fucked up pregnant cow slaughterhouse.
Sup Forums likes it’s meat like it likes it’s women. Raised in a cage on antibiotics.
Oh it's graft meat? Sold! That sounds delicious! I can't wait to try some tasty graft meat.
>lab grown
>Thinking I care about animal's feelings when they're bred for the sole-purpose of consumption
Nobody cares. Cattle and fowl are there to be eaten, they've been eaten for centuries and will be eaten centuries from now. Vegan/PETAfags get a life.
But my entire house is powered by methane, if you get rid of the cows then my orphanage/homeless shelter/Minecraft server will die
No. It’s actually made from cow fetus. Plus it only takes a couple lines. So less death in general.
So much samefagging. There's only about 5 posters in here.
What's the difference between a cage with antibiotics, and a petri dish with fetus juice and antibiotics?
Shut up retard, I can reuse a tool to process the meat almost indefinitely. There's a difference between lining someone's pocket once and lining it forever.
I'm alone is 20
Actually it’s primarily about the environment.
They kill a fetus for each culture. That's a lot of pregnant cows they have to slaughter, this is advanced suffering. I think I might be coming around to cultured meats now. This is way more suffering.
I only eat things that have eaten other things. That grown meat has not. And cruelty is subjective. Why would i have any empathy for lesser things. That would make me weak.
Less suffering. Also less antibiotics. You feed the cow antibiotics to help it digest more food. A practice which is technically illegal, but common.
Not really gonna be a noticeable difference process, besides being more expensive to produce.
Fat is where all yhe flavor comes from retard. Cook much?
All this thread is telling me is I gotta get a huge cow farm before all the pregnant cows get bought and turned into meat soup. Gonna make a billion dollars with real beef instead of fake real beef.
They don’t have to kill them and you don’t need one per culture. Same way you don’t have to kill a pregnant human to get stem cells. You’re talking out of your ass.
>meat growing from nothing
Cancer grows from nothing too
what you eat is what you are, this meat didn't eat anything other than pure nutriments so it's probably far from tasty
How do we know the fetus and pregnant cows don't feel pain. How do we know the little petri dish abortion doesn't feel pain. Wouldn't this mean that abortions should be legal and respected by everyone?
day made lmao
A lot less land is used, a lot less methane is produced, a lot less water is needed. It’s like you’re arguing that lab grown diamonds aren’t noticeably better.
They DO kill them though. How do you think they make so much of it. They impregnate cows then harvest the fetuses when they get sent to the slaughterhouse to save a few bucks in the long run
We could also just kill a lot more people a lot more often and our resources will last longer. Thats more than likely what the people who run this world actually think. Learn to think from the top of the pyramid down and more shit makes since. They will eat steaks while we are force fed this garbage. I pray for ww3.
But they would still need the cows, probably even more to keep up with the demand of everyday life.
Because you only need the cells from one fetus and you don’t need to kill the mother. You can make the fetus in the lab. It’s only needs to get to the stem cell phase. Then you take a little meat from a cow and use it to coax the cells. Then 10 generations later you’re still eating meat from the same cow. It’s less cows killed, if you even count a fetus as a cow. The other meat can be obtained with a biopsy gun. I’ve had a liver biopsy. I’m fine. No real suffering there.
This user knows what it's about. Idgaf about animal rights, if I did I wouldn't eat meat in the first place. But you have to be completely retarded if you still believe global warming is a hoax. Every single one of you twenty year old fucks is going to feel the consequences one way or the other and it's probably not going to be pretty
But how much meat can that produce in a day. I can't wait a year to grow a hamburger if I have a BBQ this wednesday
At the moment, but the hypothetical isn’t about this moment. Also they were being slaughtered anyway. Nothing in this equation changes.
Not really. You’d need a few, but not the number currently being slaughtered. You’d only need them for fresh samples. Unless you’re assuming that we will all eat more meat because it’s lab grown.
Fat free is incredibly unhealthy.
If it tastes the same why not?
>learn to think from the top of the pyramid.
You have no idea what it is like to think from the top of the pyramid. You think about what the bottom of the pyramid imagines the top to look like.
Well right now not a lot. But let’s talk decades from now. Also it takes a while to raise cows. They don’t magically appear full sized.
The trade off is less meat being produced on the dollar, people are already wary of genetically altered foods and this is no different. The equipment used alone to do this on as large a scale as the meat industry already is, would be astronomical to fund. It's a complete waste of effort.
Why do you care of the planet is going to end? Do you believe it will last forever? Do you believe you will live forever for it to matter? You and i and everyone in this thread will be long dead before global climate change effects humanity in any meaningful way. I dont care what happens to the next generations and i never will. I will be dead. Take what you can while you can and be the king of your reality and fuck anything that gets in your way. Trust me living a life full of worry for other people future will not aid you at all.
I'd have no problem eating it, it's food, however there is a problem, where is the bacteria? You know the things in food that actually gives you an immune system?
How about the amount of space and farmland a large scale operation would need to produce cultured beef roughly 30 billion lbs of just cultured beef just in the USA. Not to mention culturing around 40 billion lbs of chicken billions of pork, lamb, veal, fish, shrimp the list goes on. It would take gigantic facilities to produce this. More space would be used to make the meat. When all is said and done, and all the billions of cows are released into the wild as people are expecting or something. They will die. Eaten by the predators who don't care about political correctness or veganism.
True. Im projecting what i would do if i was them. But its not unbelievable that some would think like me.
You aren't looking at the big picture, of billions of lbs of meat consumed each year. Don't forget that fast food places and restaurants would also need this new cultured meat. Roughly 100 billion pounds of beef, chicken, pork, or lamb.
Found the Republican
That's why they have grow cycles
That's the same five people posting from multiple sources. Don't be blind, read the replies.
In the distant future meat from actual live animals will be a luxury that rich people indulge in. Pretty crazy to think about.
If self driving cars pick up, rich people might have garages of cars with actual steering wheels as a hobby, like some have stables of horses now.
Being 100% natural human with no implants could be a rarity. The future is gonna be weird.