Why did Prometheus attack the humans?
Why did Prometheus attack the humans?
His name is Ridley you idiot.
>whit*s are evil
the movie was edited and the meanings were changed
this is the only truth
you could spin this any way you want but the final product was subpar from the original ideal
plz elaborate
Weyland was convinced the Engineers created humanity.
So, he showed David to the Engineer as a way of saying "Look, we've both created beings," at which point the Engineer takes offense and starts attacking them.
>Sometimes to create, one must first destroy.
thats a very primitive response from the Engineer
Who said the Engineers were more advanced or rational than us?
>be created in the image of the gods
>create a being in the image of them to honor it
>they strike you down for trying to compete
Things like this are all over mythology and other fiction.
The nice God is a creation of the 70s.
The Engineer was fine till they started punching the women to get her to shut up. Then it attacked.
well they are advanced enough to travel accross the universe wayyyyyyyyyy before humans could do it.
Pretty reasonable response given how arrogant Weyland was and what he was asking for.
Starts about a minute in
>confusing physical technology with having a nuanced understanding of life
Spaceships do not indicate a love of natural rights, pursuit of Justice, Republican ideals, etc.
The Engineers could have barbaric practices like cannibalism for all we know. Granted, I'm applying human-centric reasoning to them, but they're a fictional race created by humans. This reasoning should hold.
i was applying my non human centric reasoing. im actually a cat typing this right now
Woah dude. I'm a dog. I'll email you sometime.
Because he was mad that they killed Jesus.
I'm not even joking.
ok, you have purrfect timing
how would he even know?
The engineer attacked the humans, due to the audacity of waking him up from his slumber, creating a synthetic human and then asking for saving the old man's life.
Humans were overdue for destruction.
just so they could have a dramatic action ending to the movie, there was no logic behind it in the script
it could have been an interesting film but was dumbed down because Hollywood
It was dumbed down because they brought in that hack Lindelof. He writes utter shit.
In the theatrical cut is implied he is mad because they killed Jesus.
With the deleted scenes he is mad because Weyland believes to be a creator of life akin to god or the engineers.
Lindelof is a fucking hack, literally just a tv tier writer, not good enough for quality movies
They woke him up from his comfy slumber and mummy wasn't there with tendeys
what?? lmao now i have to see that
>In the theatrical cut is implied he is mad because they killed Jesus.
Oh, look its another idiot talking about a film he didnt understand.
>The script is about Engineers who were on their way to exterminate humans when their weapon turned on them
>actually claiming there was no logic behind the Engineer attacking humans
I've noticed that 100% of people who disliked this movie, who criticize its logic or anything else about it, are simply too unintelligent to appreciate it. Literally 100% of the time. Go rewatch Alien again. It's a great straightforward movie for morons.
there is something really wrong with you, i don't even have the time for this
>i hate doung this but fuck it take your time and read it faggot
I've read all that shit before. You and everyone else who swallows it is an absolute moron. The person who listed all those "plot holes" is probably one of the dumbest people to ever write an article.
But you're clearly a retard since you said there was no logic in the script behind the Engineer attacking the crew even though the entire script is about an Engineer plot to kill humans. Is it a coincidence that critics of Prometheus are always making objectively false, unbelievably dumb statements about the movie? If your opinion is legitimate, why are you so irrational and stupid?
Engineers are supposed to be this incredibly intelligent and advanced species, before chimping out it should have at least gathered more information about it's surroundings and what it's up against, acting like a nigger goes against everything we learned about them in the film prior
If you don't dislike the movie, you obviously don't get that the whole point was that it was about putting something out there people would dislike because others liked it because others disliked it. Get on my level, plebs.
why the fuck didnt they use this?
This would have made perfect sense and wouldnt have ruined their chance of making a sequel. I honestly cant think of a reason why a producer or an editor would want this part out.
By that logic, then they are not so different from human beings, ergo, they must have been created by another higher being. They must be radically different than us, and not in terms of culture, but biologically.
Im just gonna put it out there, i love this movie. I never understood the hate for it, just like i never understood the hate for the matrix 2 and 3.
so they are like the borg of their universe? or the klingons
Because some jackoffs think intentionally explaining nothing makes things "deep". It's the type of thing you can get away with in media that's serialized because the perpetual lure that things will be explained at some point keeps people interested. That type of thing works in situations where the answer to the question isn't particularly important because the story is about interaction or exploration.
It doesn't work HERE because the first half hour of the movie establishes ANCIENT ALIEN SPACE MAP and spends the remainder of the film as some sort of dysfunctional team in a horror movie. Everything can still go cocks up because the map led to an alien base where people understand nothing about vastly advanced technology, where the line between machine and biology is blurred to the point you can't tell one from the other, but they don't have to make the crew out to be unlikable cunts, morons, and traitors to do it.
This! And in the sequel we are gonna have more of an insight into WHY they wanted to kill the humans. I hope its not going to be something cliche, though.
>reminder white people should have died off by then
If this man showed up things would've went smoothly
It's 'cause they killed Jesus. Not kidding.
I liked how the film blended mystery, drama and horror together.
We were left wanting more and that's why the sequel is going to be so popular.
I think you missed the nail head with your synopsis.
i kinda like to think so. That's why i wasnt disappointed by the story at all.
If only they hadn't felt the need to hamfist in the religious iconography. In Eva it worked as a way to glaze over the subpar aliens story with fluff that looked deeper at a glance. Prometheus dropped the ball however and didn't properly utilize the namedrops and buzzwords.
nigger would try and talk tough to the aliens would of died like a typical gangsta
Yeah, i agree, and i think this trend is because of that fuckin jew, JJ abrams, for creating Lost. Lost is exactly like that except the writers were as clueless as the audience to where the story will go. But, i kinda think scott has an overall idea, since, he fuckin introduced the xenomorphs and started to say it's a prequel.
But overall, i loved this movie and i kinda hope the second one wont have a 180 in terms of atmosphere and aesthetics because of the vocal haters.
it would be more bad ass if expanded in that universe, at least showing other species of alien which are more peaceful ...or something like that
edris alba is reddit tier over rated, and thats saying a lot
The alien would've wept and took him to its home planet
there's nothing really THAT wrong with the script of Prometheus, it's the director who fucked up royally with all the terrible nonsensical scenes
Yeah ! I would kill for a gritty dark, in terms of tone, star trek and not the bullshit jj created.
WTF, that was so good!
Ridley is currently the producer of 15 different projects while he's only directing two movies. I think he has realized that he's turning shit, that's why he's putting all his shit into being a producer
instead of the xenomorphs being a engineered weapon, it would be better if they are a universal parasite that someone created and all alien races must deal with it
Why did they take offense? Wouldn't they have been fascinated?
They actually make sense as an interstellar life form. Their life cycle is basically:
>hatch from egg, infect host
>lay dormant long enough for host to end up somewhere more populated/less hostile
>burst out of chest
>hide and metamorphose in to adult
>kill everything in sight and turn it in to eggs/feed it to the queen
>eggs hibernate until the next dumbass comes along and wakes them up
It makes them a bit of a nuisance for people who don't know any better or take risks to loot ships/colonies.
it would be great if its a combination of engineering and a pest. like ebola being unleashed in africa.the question would be who did it. and have humans investigate
Imagine you were woken up by disease carrying rat-people who started demanding the secret of immortality from you. Considering the guy they woke up was probably a soldier and not a scientist, he's probably doubly perplexed as to why the fuck they're asking him.
Actually, that makes me think waking that guy up was a really fucking dumb idea if you're looking for super advanced tech. I mean even in our society, any given person doesn't understand the entirety of most tools that we have. Everything was designed by a team and built by another team and installed by some other team. You want to know how a design works, you don't ask one of the guys who happened to be working on it, you download all the documentation available and you put a team of people on it figuring out how to reverse engineer whatever it was they were working on.
They basically woke up the night watchman at a biotech lab and said "how do I into protein sequencers?"
that sounds more like vanity not a advanced being way of thinking.
The scene was posted earlier in the thread retard.
It's naive to think advanced beings are always going to leave behind everything we currently consider to be petty, as if there's only one way to advance and we already know what it is.
I don't know how you got vanity out of the fact that it makes no sense to assume an alien being knows everything you think it should know or wouldn't react in a hostile manner when it is woken up surrounded by things that are alien to IT.
underrated kek
Great, even the aliens are white knights. Fuck this universe.
You mean like Weyland waking him up to literally saying "look at this robot I created, me and you are both creators and gods so I deserve the secret to immortality give it to me"?
why not? we today as we advance technology we make sure the next gen would follow in ou steps...except for example ancient people.. they buried their secrets...for me thats a very primitive way of doing things
did he literally say those words?
>white knight
No, it simply took notice of the fact that the group was hostile. Shaw was the first person he struck after Weyland.
just because he wanted that doesnt mean they did it because of that..
Yes. In the colloquial sense of the term. But it's an accurate paraphrasing and I don't think you'll disagree if you just watch for yourself
idint see that vide..butmakes sense
Who? We are talking about the one single Engineer here and why he suddenly attacked. We aren't talking about why they as a species tried to exterminate us. We have no clue, that was always intended to be sequel bait.
holy shit this is so much better than the movie version
>Fassbender gets his head ripped off and thrown next to his body
>ship he's in starts, gets hit, tumbles, turns, drops and falls
>his head is in the exact same spot when we see it again
In the Aliens: Engineers script, David managed to break out of his three laws of robotics limitations and turned into an asshole. He has nothing but contempt for humans and sees himself as an equal to the Engineers instead.
He wakes up the last Engineer thinking they can be buddies, but this particular Engineer had thrown himself into stasis in a last ditch effort to save himself when the xenos got loose and he got infested. He wakes up to find that instead of being saved, everyone in the room just sentenced him to violent ayy lmao rib explosion.
He then decides to kill everybody in a fit of rage and follow through with the thousand year old plan to cause a xenomorph apocalypse on Earth.
the single engineer
Okay well that's pretty clearly established in the deleted scene.
>matrix 3
a-huh. i mean yeah, i guess.
i think the better question is who did the engineers originally weaponize the xenomorph to eradicate?
humans? thats stupid. there are any number of more efficient ways to do that without creating a biological death-machine that apparently kills only earth species because they certainly didn't make them to eradicate the yautja, who just fucking have entire game preserve planets where they dump them to hunt them for SPORT.
He noticed the experiment had escaped the lab?
The humans were an experiment, and experiments are expendable.
The Xeno's were our final use (as an experiment) to be tested on us before they were to be used in the field.
The 'Big Whitey's' must know of many other species, some of whom are a threat to them (explaining the use of the Xeno's)
they were shorter than him.
My pet theory is that something else created the Engineers, Humanity, etc., and chances are, that thing is something very much Human.
This is Ridley Scott we're talking about. He wants everything to come back around and be about humanity.
I love this movie but shit like this I don't understand, this was far better than the final product
Directors cut WHEENNN
>butcher the theatrical cut to make it "easier to understand" or "more movie-like[???]"
>movie gets negative reaction for unexplained details and genuine holes in the plot
>release a director's cut that restores the scene and fixes the issues
Stop supporting this cycle.
literally nigger
Based user
i mean its a theory. i kinda see what you're getting at with the timing and all.
David never translated that though,
Weyland was just speaking English, and before David could translate, he got his head ripped off.
I will hazard a guess that the long pause before the Engineer acted was him processing and understanding English.
It seems like the kind of thing a superior being would be able to do, suddenly, without any known reason for him understanding it.
Can anyone help me understand, I'm not a huge Alien fanatic, but I've seen them all.
In Prometheus, the Alien born at the end from the Engineer and the Facehugger from Rapace's womb was supposed to be the first Alien, right?
Then why throughout the movie was the Engineer structures lined with images of the Alien Queen and whatnot? Did I miss something?
I doubt that, he didn't show any reaction to another other speech in English. And his head snapped suddenly when he first heard David speak his language, showing he was surprised he spoke.
Not to mention that English is a human creation, not something the Engineers bestowed upon us.
David told him that he wanted immortality, and the Engineer responded with why, then he attacked. Maybe he was just annoyed with the situation, and it had nothing to do with what was said.
no, none of it makes sense.
user was implying he had just learnt english then due to being a very smart alien
Presumably he could see that the roots of all english words were in PIE and once he had a sample of english he could effectively translate it
Leaning English on the spot like that seems extremely unlikely, but maybe, who knows.
Maybe he knew English from observations on Earth before everything went to shit.
Because they were white, and whites were supposed to be extinct by then. He was simply trying correct a mistake.
it's not supposed to make sense because Scott was tired of the xenomorph and didnt want the movie to be about them, but couldnt totally ditch them either because most of the audience was lured in with the promise of an Alien movie. so he compromised and made a bunch of xenomorph-like monsters that make little sense and have no coherent life cycle or connection to the creatures from the rest of the franchise.
this is in keeping with Alien tradition however. practically every installment in the franchise has made significant changes to the creatures that don't square with their previous incarnation, with in-universe explanations for these changes being elusive at best. ultimately we just have to accept that they're movie monsters and that trying to make sense of them, when the creative teams behind them have been systematically rejecting any attempt at inter-movie consistency since the very first sequel, is a fool's errand.
the only one that survived was dumpy the "special" engineer. he smash. he bash.