Enter room

>enter room
>see you're wife like this

wat do?

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Close Sup Forums again.

where the hell is this movie for this? i've seen the pic posted a million times

high five her hand, turn 360 and walk away.

ask when it's my turn to get pounded.

turning 360 would just make you walk right into her again you fucking retard. god damn

Le random niggre porn!!! I guess this is why they call this forum "random" :p

whip my cock out and assfuck the nig

>sock in one foot
>shoe in the other

What's the point? Do women actually do this?

Welcome new friend.

fucking retard 360 degrees makes you face backwards

>tfw the tip of my dick would barely touch the vagina if i was in the same position as the black gentlemen

>still falling for this

welcome newfriend

lick feet

The sock foot is his, you fucking idiot.

I'd suck his cock desu

Fuck you and your endless pretend irony. Goddamn you faggots make me so goddamn mad.

get him some cream for those stretch marks

>I-I was j-just joking ahhaha t-trolled guys

get a gun and shoot my brains out all over their sweaty bodies


...minus the suicide part of the equation.

Snap a picture or take a quick video, then take it straight to the courthouse and show it to them when they ask why I want a divorce.

Make a trump vs clinton thread and watch the ones who happily post in these threads cry to the mods that the ""Sup Forums"" thread isn't Sup Forums related

>not killing them and fucking his back asshole
Are you a cuck?


Cucktales! awooo hoo

That's our lot in life.

>having a wife in the first place

what are you a faggot?