Why are black men more masculine?

Why do black men on average have bigger cocks, larger muscles, more confidence and higher sex drives? You never see a shy black man unless he's like 90% white. Secondly, how can white men expect there women to keep their race pure with the temptation of superior negro cock constantly on their minds? I think it is why people on this forum want to genocide black people, it's because they're jealous.

how's living with your mom and not knowing how to do math working out for you, yabbo?

The Nigger Claim to Racial Superiority
>muh dick
>muh dick
>muh dick

small dicked beta cuck detected

Why do so many niggers want to imagine they live in a world where real women don't find them repulsive?

Is it because their only other option is to breed with their savage, hypermasculinized sheboons?

>muh dick
>muh dick
>muh dick

Keep using "beta" as an insult, we already know it just means "not a dumb, unruly nigger"

>Daily reminder

>Why do black men on average have bigger cocks, larger muscles, more confidence and higher sex drives?

Because we bred them that way.

Why do white men on average have bigger brains, larger ambitions, more academic confidence and higher test scores? You never see a smart black man unless he's like 90% white. Secondly, how can black men expect the business owners to keep their race employed with the temptation of superior white workers constantly on their minds? I think it is why niggers want to Affirmative Action, it's because they're inferior.

You lost the shitpost war to leaves, it's time to retire.

>muh dick
Yet for some reason the biggest dick belongs to a white man
>Muh strength
Sure if you're talking about running, but upper body strength belongs to whites, or better put niggers are good at running away from the whites that could beat the shit out of them, that's why niggers always attack in group and from behind
>muh women love me
You only get the most skanky disgusting women. A black man would have to earn a shit ton of money more than a white man for a normal woman without the most severe daddy issues to even think about touching you,


Who isn't more masculine than you, cuck?

>Why do white men on average have bigger brains, larger ambitions, more academic confidence and higher test scores? You never see a smart black man unless he's like 90% white. Secondly, how can black men expect the business owners to keep their race employed with the temptation of superior white workers constantly on their minds? I think it is why niggers want to Affirmative Action, it's because THEY KNOW they're inferior.


>Why are blacks bigger, badder, muh dick-er?
Because they need to compensate for their lacking intelligence. Same goes for the manlet nips, their intellectual capabilities usually balance out.

>muh dick
whites have largest
>larger muscles
best powerlifters are white
>more confidence
which is why they cant get a job right?
>higher sex drives
primal urges


I'm dark as midnight and i'm r9k fgt with a 6.6 inch dick.

The media seems to ignore nerdy Black Men

They ironicly are hurt by the Snowbunny cultural more than anyone, now NEITHER black or White Women want them


Can we stop with this shit? I swear there is some nigger Jew agenda being pushed to normalize race mixing or something.

New thread every day

>how can white men compete
>le BBC haha DAE?
>le blacked.com image