/got/ general

Arya uses Walder's face to magically kill all the Freys edition.


Other urls found in this thread:


Not magic, she poisons the wine and calls for a toast but because D&D are shit, she only kills the men and we'll get no mention of what happens to the kids, what about Freys dying that had nothing to do with the Red Wedding, what happens to all the widows, who takes over the Riverlands, will the other Starks care how dark Arya is now

2nd for Jon

Where is everyone?

They all get banned for waifu posting?

Azor Cersei

Modern day Isaac Hempstead Wright

Is there any point to these anymore?

Early on the books had already laid out the arcs. Now that they have passed the books, the leaks lay out the whole season. Every year.

Why even watch

>It's a "young brother is expected to be a major contender but is relentlessly abused and mocked until he gives up" episode

>It's an "evil man gets himself elected by making an impossible promise to restore prosperity to a region through an insane building project" episode

>It's a "blonde woman gets ahead by using underhanded tricks and then gets overconfident and acts like she's already won the whole thing" episode

>It's an "old man actually thought he had a chance to change the system when anyone paying attention saw he'd be gone by the end of June" episode

Fucking knew those leaks would cause the death of /got/.

Instead of coming up with theories for pictures from the set, we're just remarking how they match the leaks instead. Not much discussion.

At least the leaker can't spoil stuff from the blu ray coming out soon

Calling it like I did already.

Cersei will attack Highgarden to get treasure to pay back the Iron Bank and probably get food to feed the city.

Dany's attack will fuck that up.

Faceless Man will be hired to poison Cersei later, causing her to miscarry in the finale.

Her tears will drown her next season as she's lost a child, lost Jaime to Dany and prophecy is one step closer to being fulfilled

Bran Stark

Won't breed

Won't lead

t. Dumber & Dumber

what is the point of Game of Thrones ?

An experiment.

Drawing people in by claiming how different and real your books are compared to other fantasy.

String people along for over two decades.

All for what will be a cliche and typical fantasy ending


I thought by blonde woman you mean Dany

Were you one of the waifu posters?

No on the contrary I was banned because I bad mouthed S*phie and M*isie and apparently that isn't allowed because it doesn't pertain to their roles or something. But all the autists who spam those whores without any relation to their roles are somehow allowed.

mods were a mistake

Were you responding to an user spamming pics of them? The lesson is don't join the shitposters. If you were just bad mouthing them just because, then you are the shitposter.

>S*phie and M*isie

Why do you do this * ?

No I was responding to a Soapyfag

The use of an * indicates a dirty word

>The use of an * indicates a dirty word

This seems autistic in its use as part of someone's name. Like a stupid injoke to yourself cause you're calling them dirty.

You must be new people on 4chins have been doing it for years

I don't see it's use much anywhere else on Sup Forums but on /got/, so it's a shitty meme by this point

Pretty common on Sup Forums

What went wrong user?

are the leaks confirmed legit? because I read them and thought it was fucking stupid. CIA dying by arya? wtf no.

>are the leaks confirmed legit?


theres no way that happens in the books. that's fucking stupid as shit. fuck d and d they ruined my childhood.

It's canon now because GURM won't put out any new book for this series ever

Won't happen in the books like that, but broad strokes mean Littlefinger's gonna die and not reach the endgame.

Winner, Varys

>a cliche and typical fantasy ending
a princess lives happily ever after, or a dance-off

Got what you deserved then, you should've known better.

Do not bully Maisie!

>Dorne and High Garden get trashed within the first couple episodes by the Lannisters.

Kek, fucking DABID really are a bunch of untalented greedy jew fucks.

>CIA dying by arya? wtf no.
is that any more dumb than arya just going from braavos to walder's hall?
or sansa's entire season 6?

I browse like 10-15 boards and I've never seen it. An Sup Forums trend or meme or wtv that is isn't Sup Forums culture.

desu it looks as austistic as people TyPiNg LiKe ThAt.

>isn't Sup Forums culture.

Yeah and I'm supposed to care about that? fuck off.

If you're the guy posting fucking 10 times a thread about Sophie smelling like sweaty drug laced buttsex, I can get why they banned you.

Well from what you've said about "people on Sup Forums doing it" I assumed the reason you typed like a retard is because others were doing it.

Apparently the reason you type like a retard is simply because you're a retard.

I hope death of these threads is reflective of a general loss of interest in the show.

not even a true bookfag and i have come to hate the show

MFW Jon's real name is revealed to be Aenys Targaryen

to be honest I only come here for the book discussion ( and the waifus ) and with the leaks, people are talking mostly about the show these days. Usually to say how much it's gonna suck, but it's been that way for a while, and it's still talking about the show.

What was he trying to convey with this expression?

MFW Jon's real name is revealed to be any name at all

Couldn't give any less of a fuck.

What was he trying to convey with this expression and why is it on giphy?

Ya it'll probably pick up when the show gets closer, especially when trailers drop, but it's pretty fuckin dead in here

46th for Preston is a faggot.

>book discussion

Last book was 5 years ago and the fat man just passed the one years anniversary of his first major deadline for the next book.

What else is there to discuss?



Nah they're gonna find the central computer and rocket silos in season 8

When did the show jump the shark?

Was it this, or was it much earlier?

But when will they reveal the shrink ray?

anything after Tywin dying

Westworldfag please leave

He was the best actor by far, but is that the moment when the show went full retard?

U brought that on urself with the cleganebowl hype desu

yes because then Tyrion's character gets butchered during the boat ride

Haha I didn't hype up cleganebowl, I thought it might happen though since they teased it a bit.

I only chose the pic because I don't have any stupid season 5 ones.

That was my big letdown



most beautiful girl in the seven continents

How can that be when Nathalie Emmanuel exists and is still alive?

>more beautiful than a pure white nymph


>implying Maisie's not a troll 95% of the time

Do you think there's a Bronn/Podrick shipper secretly on the writing crew?? do you think they're write in a sex scene haha just for laughs obviously haha

jonsa and jonerys

>tfw no maisie gf

>tfw sophie only wants to be fuck buddies

Why even live?


>wanting to do anything other than fucking with sophie

wtf do you want to date or marry sophie? that'd be like dating a plant.

an especially retarded plant.



Dab looks retarded with his tiny head


stannis sucked

and yet you are here, posting about it you are the worst

So is Euron a bad person or is he simply misunderstood?

Also will she save Edmure? Probably not becasue D&D don't like cool characters.

>Jon and Dany meets
>Dany orders for the Dothraki to kill Ghost infront of Jon to declare superiority
>Jon watches as these horse niggers tear Ghost apart and not being able to to do aything about D&D losing budgey

>Jon and Dany meets
>Jon commands Dany to let Ghost knot her
>Dany obeys because she acknowledge Jon's superiority

So who he biggest cock on Planetos?

Azor Jon

Azor Jon

>yfw Kit is going to leave this for Emilias used up flaps
> Next season is going to be filled with scenes of only kelly "eyebrows" C and Jon "2 expressions" snow
>normies will love it

Next years emmys are gonna be worse than ever before

>ban evading that openly

At least try a different approach retard.

Just finished reading the spoilers. Where the fuck is Euron?

Does this mean she wouldn't agree on stepping on my balls?

gross dude

Maisie wouldn't be into such degenerate shit

bran can't be king

not fit to breed

not fit to lead

>spend 3 seasons learning to be an assassin
>kills first 2 people off screen and the 3rd is an old man who can barely move

this show is considered a 10/10

fuck this gay world


she seems to think smiling like this cute or charming because she does it all the time in interviews

No other king will ever compare.

Yet only around Kit is it a true smile

It's not the leaks which have killed /got/.

It's the show. And I don't mean in the objectively bad sense, I mean in the "there's no point speculating about what's going to happen" sense. The show has given up on presenting the world of Westeros as a real place with its own rules and societal regulations.

Essentially anything can happen at this point, because the writers are only interested in hitting certain big events (usually battles) in order to reach a conclusion. Any sense that the plot is progressing naturally is completely gone.

In earlier seaosns there was a cold logic to everything and every move. Now LF just does whatever the plot needs him too, Dany wins because she's a woman, Jon Snow is a retard but becomes king anyway, The bastatd born sand snakes take over Dorne because they killed Doran and Cersei takes over the seven kingdoms because she blew some people up.

I couldn't have predicted any of this shit because it didn't seem remotely plausible that any of it would happen.


>In earlier seaosns there was a cold logic to everything and every move.
>this is what plebs actually believe

The series has always been retarded and implausible.

A man agrees.

The Mannis sucks?

Did you make this a on?

Azor Jaqen H'ghar

From the free city of Lorath,
Leader of the faceless man of Braavos.

Also know as the many-face god.

And somehow now she's a master fighter who can spar with and beat brienne

Fuck off