where is the grow ray edition
Previously on \W/:
W/ - Westworld General
>muh robot
>muh consciousness
Literally baby's first shitpost and objectively unspoopable. There have been so many previous shitposts about this bait and became less creative so it goes. This post did absolutely nothing to my tiny boner, which results in a boring post of shit. You could put everything bait related material into a 200 character post, yet this spam shits into 2000 characters and more than 3 paras of steaming pasta. Ambiguously gay objections provide nothing to the knee-jerk whine but just padding bandwidth, and most of the grammar reads ESL. Even the misogyny is flat and unimaginative. Bravo, Sup Forums.
Also, let's see those retarded talking points:
>it aired in this order so that's how it happened
>these guns don't recoil properly
>women not crying in fear and not in kitchens, I'm an expert on this
>there's no significance to multiple logos, that happens ALL THE TIME
>how can William be MiB if they're in the park at the same time
>black people didn't do anything in the old west, Breitbart says so
>of course it's okay to be a complete powergaming cunt to a first-time guest, that's what WW is really all about
This is a shitty board, and anyone who likes or even tries to enjoy things doesn't has the aestheticism of a supreme gentleman like me. Even a fellow Sup Forumsedditor, just like 95% of my friends, should dismiss their confusion as bad writing on the show's part after 5 min of this shit.
what's the easiest way to fug dolores?
need tips
She is LITERALLY built for rape
so this guy is the other founder and is trying to awaken the robots and start a robo revolution right?
pick up the can when she drops it. be friendly
> yfw you remember Howard Cruse also wrote and drew Bazooka Joe comics
he's an android
wrinklebot 2200
pick up the can of condensed milk when she drops it and try to hide your autism
You could take her at the ranch, pick her up at the store or follow teddy and dolores after he picks up the can and abduct both and make teddy watch you fuck her like the cuck he is
"y-you too!"
> dolores looks at you in disgust and turns away
>"I imagined a story whurr I wuznt thu DAYMZUL"
Was this LITERALLY the "Just because my reproductive organs are on the inside instead of the outside etc." of the current sci fi age?
OK, that one WAS an actual Bazooka Joe comic but it was the 80s
> shit talking Samantha Carter giving you "fuck me" eyes
No he's William
30 years ago the incident happens and he stops it and Dolores (almost took this park down with him until I saved it, he's referring to Arnold setting Dolores on the path to the maze).
The old Dolores got decommissioned and the new one is completely nuked. So all of the hosts including Dolores feel like robots again.
He needs to find the maze but Ford keeps putting obstacles up to stop him from freeing them.
Wouldn't it be "Relentless Fucking Narrative and Design"?
> In fact, orgasm in separate rooms when possible.
it really was a different time
He will never find the maze cause it's not a physical location, its a test for the hosts
…that's the body of a child.
>implying it wasn't the worst line ever uttered on SG-1 hands down
They weren't proud of it later on and developed Carter into much more than that
this show is 2deep4me
ballers is better
>spend a week fucking filthy frontier lolibots in the park
>spend a decompression week on Mesa Gold fucking clean and compliant lolibots in a comfortable room
Hundreds of thousands of dollars well spent tbqh
I'm just saying the writers of this show clearly didn't learn from history/still don't know how to write stronk women without it being forced and hamfisted as fuck.
where do ppl get these froms
and they poked fun at it in 200
oh wait you're one of THOSE people who only watched a couple of episodes, you disgust me
Stargate managed to do it eventually.
It's a test because consciousness arises spontaneously, Ford talked about this in the early episodes, arnold wanted consciousness to develop over time, the maze is confirms they are "real".
It is the "red apple of knowledge" in old testament, Ford forbids it because it destroys the world he built (ford is god) thats why he does all he can to stop MIB from finding it.
Arnold is the snake offering the fruit, recall teh foreshadowing when Ford ran into the rattlesnake out in the middle of the desert where the buried church is.
Oh look, MiB meets the Dolores currently with Will. Timelinefags btfo.
>I'm just saying I talk about shows I barely watched like an expert
>With Will
>Will is not in shot
are you retarded?
I hope he rapes her again.
Teddy is on a train.
Teddy arrives at sweetwater.
Teddy knows what this place is about.
She won't get raped because of muh stronk independent womyn character. They're just going to treat them as humans from here on out when they should all be shut down and burned.
Teddy has a girlfriend, she's cute as fuck.
Teddy knows his girlfriend is immensely important in the grand scheme of things.
Teddy doesn't know what the grand scheme of things is, it is far beyond his comprehension.
Any shrinkbros here? i'm gonna kick yer arses
Teddy loves his girlfriend.
Teddy doesn't care if they're not supposed to be together.
Teddy's only drive in this world is her.
But Teddy knows they are only here to please the guests.
Will was shrunk to be out of the frame
oh shit william was on the train the whole time delores. timelinefags btfo.
Teddy can feel pain, and suffers.
Teddy gets killed, over and over again.
Teddy witnesses his girlfriend being raped.
But Teddy knows they are only here to please the guests.
>it is a shame we you're going to the shrink machine
shrinkray confirmed holy shit
Teddy knows some of the guests aren't affable.
Teddy gets killed by some guests, just because they feel like it.
Teddy doesn't enjoy this.
But Teddy knows they are only here to please the guests.
Fucking relentless. Timelinefags fucking wrecked.
Teddy can't be a part of the bigger picture like his girlfriend.
Teddy doesn't care about the bigger picture, he just wants to play his part as quickly as he can.
Teddy thinks, as he dies once again, that he wants to put a stop to this.
But the narrative is fucking relentless
Teddy takes some time and contemplates putting an end to it all.
But then teddy remembers.
No matter how many times he tries...
The ride never ends.
delosincorporated . com
>literally shows us the park is in a little terrarium
>1:1fags still deny it
that's a special kind of stupid
This is probably the most likely scenario.
The maze is not for the guests, is for the hosts. I think it their chance at freedom.
MIB thinks that means a real fight to the death between hosts and guests which may be true but i think this probably depends on which hosts awaken.
Most likely Dolores would try to escape and just be free while Wyatt will try to go for revenge or conquer.
I don't think this is gonna be a robots vs human scenario... some androids may choose to work with the humans.
Why is Ed Harris SO IMPOSING
Would you rape Dolores or play the nice guest and wait for her to turn into slut mode?
well she is built for rape
neat. is there anything at discoverwestworld.com
i'm in canada, everytime i try and access the site it redirects me to hbo canada.
same here
i could rape anybody. with dolores, i want to cuddle under a tree after watching her paint the landscape, and have her fall asleep resting on my shoulder
even though i know deep down she's had more dicks inside of her than people i've met, i want to believe just for a little bit that i can be with a qt pure virgin waitu
Dolores is best waifu and must be treated like a queen
Unless the robots actually have a slut mode, then rape really is the only answer. If they stay 100% in character for someone from the 1870s, then you never get to get freaky unless you're out in Pariah joining that lifeless orgy on valium.
a masterpiece or autism?
a masterpiece of autism
>If they stay 100% in character for someone from the 1870s
westworld isn't built as an accurate simulation, but as a western-movie-themed fantasy playground. not serving the interests of guests who want to woo qts wouldn't be good for business
Sure you could woo cuties and have sex with them, even Dolores, but does it stay missionary vanilla or can you start going into sicker stuff with her robot consent?
Guest's Choice
doesnt dolores refuse that one blonde guest who teamed up with the bandits and was looking for something "easy"?
Imagine being Man in Black in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Armistice, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 45 year old host in his saloon. Like seriously imagine having to be Man in Black and not only sit near that river while Armistice flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her flat ass and leathery tattoo, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that wash. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, ARMISTICE LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of local whores and Dalos robots and later alleged concious farm daughters for your ENTIRE STAY coming straight out of the penthouse in the company. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "snakeesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could shoot every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Man in Black. You're not going to lose your future maze loot for this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
Because you need to at least activate her quest to lead to Guest's Choice. You need to pick up her can, woo her suffeciently, and go through the steps. The problem lies with the vague interpretation of Guest's Choice. Does that mean the choice between having vanilla sex or riding off? Does it mean she'll willingly tongue your sweaty unwashed butthole despite her parents being downstairs?
>tfw the entire purpose of your existence is to be cucked
trips confirm thats the cuck
I like seeing the way park goers being trigger happy retards is depicted. Its pretty insufferable to hear people complain about times in movies where one character has the drop on the other, but they choose to talk instead of just shooting them. Just shooting them makes for a bad story.
Guys what if the robots are the ones controlling everything and the humans are the "robots" after the robots actually overthrew the humans and took control of the park. A human hasn't even been killed yet, it really made me think.
this level of butthurt baitery
What if hannibal is god and the park is hell and the hosts are people being punished
what if your wife orbits my dick
>spend $40k a day
>acquire 2 blackhat goons to show you fun things to do
>invunerable to host bullets
>pussy out at first hurdle
most pathetic character in show
there are betas and then there are gammas
Imagine saving up your hard earned money all year to take another trip to Westworld and when you get there some Chinese tourist is taking a dump on your waifus chest.
He got scared of Teddy.
then kills her family with blackhat goons
>still doesnt get to fuck
>even teddy managed to take on at least one person before it all went to hell
w-we're gonna make it, guys
He can have a go on Delores mum. No one will judge him for that.
He hired really bad goons if they can't even escort him to Pariah. The park isn't THAT huge, so a horse ride out there would take maybe 2-3 hours max. Pariah is as far from Las Mudas as Las Mudas is from Sweetwater. Abernathy Ranch is even on the way. You shouldn't even have to worry about your horse getting tired, you can gallop the whole way.
I bet my house as in you never touched a psychedelic drug before.
>muh aesthetics
that's why atheists shouldnt be allowed to criticize art.
here's a theory
how can robots be real if our eyes aren't real________________________________________________________________________________________________
they aren't