>TFA was worse than the prequels
Why is Sup Forums so desperate for this to be true?
>TFA was worse than the prequels
Why is Sup Forums so desperate for this to be true?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because it's true.
wtf i thought they filmed that entire scene in the woods
>plinkett reviews come out
>everyone starts hating the prequels
>Sup Forums starts to like the prequels
>TFA comes out
>people start to hate the prequels more
>Sup Forums goes into full George Lucas cocksucking mode and defends the prequels every chance they can
Thats why real sets are always better. You literally cannot tell sometimes if its on location or in a studio. Bluescreen you can ALWAYS tell, especially if its everything
because Sup Forums is full of a bunch of jaded, bitter virgins whose only hobby in life is idly consuming media, so therefore they must do it as practiced, "patrician" auteurs, so they hold contrarian opinions so they can pretend they're above the pleb normies.
Sup Forums is a board powered by memes, and at the end of the day, TFA just did not deliver. The prequels though? Sheev alone was reaching near BANE? levels for a while.
He was an evil guy.
>Sheev alone was reaching near BANE? levels for a while.
No it wasn't.
Peak Sheevposting was reaching middling levels of Baneposting.
And a good friend.
TFA is worse than the prequels in terms of meme material. The prequels are better in that sense only.
TFA and the prequels are shit movies though. Equally, IMO.
>you can't hate the prequels and TFA
Why do redditards believe this? Both are cancer. At least the prequels didn't fuck over the OT.
>prequels didn't fuck over the ot
Poor bait
>At least the prequels didn't fuck over the OT.
>Vader is Space Jesus
>The Force is blood cells
>Anakin built C3PO
>clone wars were made up of boba fett clones made up of a boba fett clone
>Leia remembers her mother from meeting her as a newborn for 5 seconds
>Chewbacca knew Yoda but never once tells Han the Force is real
but of course TFA showed your heroes from the OT weren't mary sues and didn't have a fairytale ending so the movie is SHIT
>>plinkett reviews come out
>>everyone starts hating the prequels
>>Sup Forums starts to like the prequels
Can you fucking reddit tourists PLEASE leave? The prequels were hated on Sup Forums until you fucking memers started showing up around 2015
They sort of did by making Vader a pussy and other inconsistencies.
The story man. TFA didn't have one. You have Daisy who is stuck on the planet her whole life, but we never get a clue why. Absolutely nothing was revealed in the movie or built upon anyone else. Throw in some random planets, aliens, and action scenes and it was done. The movie was a cock-tease to get you to come back for a second piece of shit. A lot of times stories will raise a ton of questions, then the writers fail to deliver and make it come together. JJ is god-awful and does this every time. You got trapped if you liked TFA. The story isn't going anywhere guys.
I can just see lucas standing back there with the crew looking confused thinking "don't these guys know you can just green screen this?"
The bottom screen was the mustafar lava battle, and it was one of the best ever. Definitely better than TFA's battle. Why did Kylo even fight anybody?
The only argument I hear is "m-muh Mary Sue"!
But Episode One had a Mary Sue as well. In the form of a 10 year old boy.
I want millennials to leave.
Prequels were a fucking dumpster fire. TFA was only just mediocre.
If you think the prequels were better, you are 100% wrong and you should re-consider your policy on letting people know your retarded opinions.
>prequels come out
>everyone starts hating the prequels
I hate the prequels as much as I did when they were released
Daily Reminder, because you fags actually need it, if you liked the prequels you were either under 10 when you saw them, were your first Star Wars movies, have nostalgia googles, or only like them because of the videogames/cartoons.
Everyone here over 25 knows they were garbage, and didn't need a youtube video for that. The videos explained why they were bad, when most of us just felt it viscerally. We didn't have a desire to watch that shit a 2nd time to break it down.
>plinkett reviews come out
>everyone starts hating the prequels
All of it
RoS was the best star wars movie by far. The only time I laughed in TFA was when Captain Brienne was shoved in the garbage shoot and all the build up for her character was fucking nothing. Every rewatch of RotS has me in stitches, tears rolling down my eyes from 5+ scenes in the movie.
So it's pretty clear that RotS is vastly superior to TFA, but with the other two prequels perhaps not.
No not really. Anakin being a faggot can be ignored since in the OT he's a punished hero. Luke being a total cuck who gets his school massacred can't really be ignored. It can't be ignored that the trilogy ends just for it all to go back to square 1. Disney wiped out decades of legacy and nostalgia. No one asked for a fucking reboot you assholes.
Was Anakin a Stu?
I mean even in Episode I he basically had no clue or idea of what was going on. He just followed a bunch of older people around, and then blew up a doughnut ship.
I can't consider him a Stu in the sequels either, since he has a lot of weird and unlikable traits.
2/10, I replied.
this 1000 times.
What fags can't understand is that, people don't think TFA was good, it was a soft reboot that took zero risks and relied heavily on nostolgia, what we are saying is that even with all that, its better than the train wreck that was the prequels. The bar was set so low, that if Disney just released a 5 hour loop of Star Wars merchandise with no sound, I'd still be better than the prequels.
>So it's pretty clear that RotS is vastly superior to TFA
please tell me you're trolling
i don't want to believe you exist
>10 year old caused the droid invasion of Naboo to fail
How much more Stu can you get?
>10 year old wins a podrace over seasoned racers
Another example.
You can't call him a stu in episode 2 or 3 because he is a Jedi now. But he still is grossly overpowered.
I wouldn't call Anakin a mary sue in I. Yeah, he was force Jesus and could fly and repair stuff. But a lot of what got him through were accidents and blind luck. Its not like he put his serious face on and decided to use a saber to kill a bunch of droids and take on Maul.
>10 year old causes the invasion of Naboo to fail
>somehow not a Mary Stu
Whatever Sup Forums. This is why the other board's make fun of you guys >:(
Accomplishing things doesn't make him a Stu. Ultimately he just gets dragged around and follows the orders other people give him.
I mean granted, I'm taking this all in with the fact that the prequels are full of ridiculous and stupid stuff, so I don't think a kid blowing up a space ship is any more ridiculous than what's par for the films.
Honestly, this is the best defense of ROS, I've ever read.
Did Luke like holding Leia in that state of dress?
RotS is one of the funniest films ever made. TFA is merely average. There's really no comparison. And no i'm not trolling.
I'm not defending the shitquels. I'm just saying Anakin accidentally doing stuff, or bad guys trying to cheat or be dicks and then messing up, doesn't make him a Mary Sue.
I've thankfully only seen PM 3 times, but when he destroys the station, isn't it all by accident?
He pressed some buttons and suddenly the ship was taking off, then he's like spinning, that a good trick. And wasn't it a lot of R2 doing stuff?
Do you consider Mr. Bean to be a mary Sue?
I think TFA was bad too, the only difference between them is that I have childhood nostalgia attached to the prequels. So even though neither the prequels nor the new one is good, I'd rather watch Episode 3 than Episode 7.
>I can't consider him a Stu in the sequels either, since he has a lot of weird and unlikable traits.
Yet nobody dislikes him for it. Padme even marries him after he admits to murdering women and children.
Oh yeah, that reminds me of the question: "You do know that the poster is a painting, don't you?"
I think RotS surpasses DKR in terms of pure comedy and memes.
Yeah DRK has the airplane scene.
But RotS reads like poetry.
I think we can all at least agree that the music in the prequels is better, right?
>But a lot of what got him through were accidents and blind luck
That's even worse than being a standard Stu. The universe literally loved him so much it did all the work for him.
watch in like five or six years Sup Forums will say it is kino and the best out of all seven.
>Yet nobody dislikes him for it
Obi Wan cuts his limbs off and leaves him to burn to death in lava without even granting him a mercy killing.
yeah, still interesting though
Its shit writing for sure, I mean, not if your making a comedy maybe. And Lucas seemed to think he was sometimes.
But I wouldn't call hm a Mary Sue.
I see your point. I still consider him a Mary Sue, there's no reason he should've won the podrace. No reason for him to have been able to pilot the Naboo fighter. If you attribute it all to luck however, that makes the movie just as guilty, just for a different crime.
Nobody likes the prequels though (except for Sup Forums)
TFA is just like the prequels really. It shits on fan favorite characters for the purpose of creating new movies. Han, Leia, and Luke are now dumb-asses who created the next Darth Vader and lost the war against the Empire after roundly defeating it 30+ years ago.
John Williams is 84 fucking years old, and is still ready and willing to do music for episode VIII.
My Grandpa is barely ready and willing to get up out of bed.
VII definitely had the weakest soundtrack, but unless the guy doing Rogue One can absolutely knock it out of the park, I doubt I'll change my mind that someone could have done it any better.
Was there music in TFA? I don't think there was anything memorable about it and it was cut so quick that it doesn't have a chance to linger on any themes (if there were any)
Man, you're right. I don't remember ANY of the music from that atrocity.
Once in a while, a post comes along which is an exception, which just serves to prove the general rule of fpbp (which doesn't apply, for example in this exceptional case). Specifically...
It isn't, but I'm not emotionally invested enough in any of the four flicks to care to argue the point. Should someone negate this, I'll just be all meh, whatever, be wrong. It's not as if we couldn't all have been perfectly happy had none of the four flicks ever been made.
OP the real reason is that most of these people are in the 18-25 set, and so many of them were just young and dumb enough to have been weaned on the prequels, to the point of deriving genuine childhood enjoyment from them, to the point of wishing for the culture to "revisit" them, to rewrite the (older, correct) consensus of cultural opinion that they (the prequels) were turgid, boring, and unnecessary. Since a Sup Forums user is above all a contrarian type, if genuinely defending something that you actually remember kinda liking/being nostalgic about as a kid is itself a contrarian act, then this is right in a certain Sup Forums user's wheelhouse. Never mind how awful the movies actually were.
Much the same contrarian and generational impulse (removed a generation from personal childhood enjoyment, a stab at adulthood) obliges a certain Sup Forums Sup Forums user to also similarly "revisit" the first Star Trek movie in order to defend it, say, or otherwise to revisit Aliens in order to condemn it. Such a hypothetical user, in this case (I can safely conjecture that there is at least one Sup Forums user who a) genuinely kinda likes the PT, b) genuinely kinda likes TMP, and c) genuinely dislikes Aliens, has thus far gone 0/3 in actually having right opinions.
A lot of it comes down to the way things were shot and edited.
Lucas gives a lot of time for a scene to breath, and also gives room for the music to play a strong part. I mean the guy specifically talked about how people would ignore fuck ups in the film, because they'd be too busy listening to the music. That's how much trust he placed in Williams,
At the very end of the last fucking movie when he was the most evil thing ever. Until then he was Stu-dom personified. Pretty sure Lucas would've let him continue getting zero blame or consequences if he didn't have to tie it up with the OT.
I would.
That 1:51 long audio clip has
1. no melody
2. no compelling rhythm
Can you even hum along with it?
I think Michael Giacchino will do fine.
>music is only good if I can hum along to it
Are you fucking serious m8? Are you really that fucking musically inept? Would you say Mozart was a hack because his pieces weren't hummable? Fuck off.
A large portion of Sup Forums was 8-12 years old when the prequels came out so they have a nostalgia boner for them. They are from Generation Emo and are awful awful people. The only one even worth rewatching is Ep3.
He's a good choice, but until I hear his stuff, I can't exactly say he'd do better than Williams himself.
I remember Kylo and Reys themes even if Kylos sounded derivative.
I think you do need to give Lucas credit for that, at least. There are a lot of scenes in Episodes I-VI that seemed to be made purely to give Williams a chance to really show his stuff.
That being said, I went back and listened to Episode 7's soundtrack on its own, and I really didn't find anything impressive, except maybe "March of the Resistance".
As bad as it is, Episode I is the only one of the prequels that feels like a Star Wars movie.
Ep II was shit
Ep III was shit sprinkled with Sheeve-kino and I'm not even memeing.
TFA was Disney™ Shit
I thought Giacchino did a solid job with Star Trek, he should be fine for Star Wars (although he's obviously never going to be on the same level as Williams).
Kylo's theme starts off pretty good, but goes to shit 45 seconds in.
The PT destroyed any kind of mysticism, intrigue, and subtlety Star Wars had. It's the film embodiment of an asshole explaining the joke after everyone has already laughed at it in a failed attempt to wring out more laughs. Instead he leaves everyone soured at even the original joke.
I actually like Kylo but this is too good of a set up:
This means his theme represents his character perfectly.
There's like one memorable track.
And you already know what I'm going to say.
2:52 is the scene where chewie and leia ignore each other right after han dies
Rotj > anh > tfa > esb > tpm > rots > aotc
Oh and r1 between esb and tpm probably
> Sup Forums is one person
I always liked the prequels and disliked TFA from the moment I left the theatre
lmao I assumed the entire scene was filmed on green screen.
>Would you say Mozart was a hack because his pieces weren't hummable?
But they are hummable, he wanted to be popular
TFA is better than ESB? ESB is largely considered the best Star Wars movie. It was one of the first modern style films. It changed movie making.
Maybe it did but star wars was never meant to be modern. It was a throwback
I also dislike films with no resolution (sw films at least) and cheap twists/retcons. Numbering it 5 also gave us the prequels
This is one of the Angels from Iego that Anakin was talking about in TPM
Why she ugly
The problem with Sup Forums's opinion that the prequels are better than TFA is that they're comparing the entire trilogy to one film. The best parts of the prequels can be boiled down to individual scenes irrespective of where they fit in the story, and the OVER ARCHING story itself of Anakin turning into burnt toast and leading into the original trilogy. Now, that second aspect shouldn't be a part of the equation obviously because it's not a sole part of any one of the prequels. Compare TFA to any individual prequel movie and it is superior bar none. I guarantee when all three films are released there will be no question that the new trilogy will be better than the prequel trilogy. That is unless they somehow drop the ball so fucking hard, but I doubt they will let that happen this time around.
Also that snowy forest set was GOAT
TFA lacked George Lucas creativity. It was too afraid to be different than what peoples expectations were.
Im really afraid it will follow the meme ranking of the ot (esb > anh > rotj)
Rian is better than jj, but trevorrow is a hack
look at that aesthetic tho
they should have just built a mile long river of lava indoors.
Bottom looks like Refn directed Star Wars.
>Sup Forums starts to like the prequels
citation needed.
When episode 8 and its midichlorian tree comes out there will be plenty.
>TFA better than ESB
Because as shitty as the prequels were, George Lucas was at least trying something different (even if he went full Peter Jackson with no-one around to reign him in)
The Force Awakens is a laughably thin cash-grab remake of A New Hope designed and marketed purely to fire up (and profit off) the nostalgia 20-40 year olds felt for the old Star Wars before the prequels ruined them, with just the right amount of diversity casting to ensure rave reviews from tone-policing film critics that get uncomfortable when there aren't any women or black people (never East Asians or Indians or even Middle Easterners, ONLY blacks) on the screen
5>4>6>3>7>1>>3 and 7 are equally mediocre, though. For me 3 gets the edge purely because of childhood nostalgia and an amazing soundtrack.
Mozart's pieces are incredibly hummable though.
Across the Stars, Duel of the Fates, Anakin's Betrayal, Padme's Destiny.....there are a lot of great ones.
Rogue One is making sure to add Asians, though. They have to ensure they get that China money.
>it's not CGI so that means its good
fuck off retard