Prospective college freshman here...

Prospective college freshman here, wondering if any of you guys would know of the job prospects of being a lawyer is these days, need to decide on a major soon

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Law school is it’s own thing
Major in whatever the fuck you want
Undergrad doesn’t mater for shit if you intend to go higher

In the US? Do some research, it's been shit for years. Law schools are shutting down because they don't have enough students. Most lawyers were miserable anyway.

The top 5% of lawyers get the good jobs and make a shitton. The rest get dicked by the job market

Go into the military down the Law path. Good benefits and job security.

You don't have to stay in 20 years unless you like it. After that, you'll have good work experience for a civilian job.

Well with that resounding no, what do you boys think about becoming a PA?

Why the fuck did you ask for advice

Hopeless as shit out here, might as well let a bunch of strangers decide my career

Are you intelligent? I don't mean Sup Forums intelligent i mean are you actually a functioning human being who is very smart? If you are you'll be fine

Everyone wants to be a PA so its the same. Are you better than most people?

I served 4 years, went to college, and now I'm going back in as an Officer after my degree.

People say you sacrifice freedoms to join, but they literally pay your housing, medical, and food. It frees you more than being in a shitty SES.

I'm not completely autistic, maybe there's hope
Definitely believe so

Socio-Economic Status.

Being poor limits your freedom more than the military ever will unless you just want to do drugs with your life.

It's only a matter of time before green is legalized federally, anyways.

If you don't mind me asking, what did you do in the service and then subsequently what did you major in college?

I mean genuinely smart though. Lawyers and PAs are both desirable positions and there's a lot of smart people going for it. You should probably learn a trade or go into business because you're trash

Never heard anyone recommending business to trash people such as me

Food Service. (92 ASVAB tho. I was a poorfag with no world knowledge so I stuck with what I knew.)

Psychology because my degree choice doesn't matter. It's a really awesome major for my interests.

I'm going back in as a logistics Officer because I was always put in very prestigious jobs that worked with the other shops on the logistics side.

My prior service helps me understand the plight of my marines while my degree helps me be a better leader/person.

I recently retook the ASVAB for going back in an raised it to a 98. (It is scored out of 99)

Being in the military is shitty unless you're a criminal who wants to get away from the bad influences in your life. The air force seems okay though.
Trades (plumber electrician) pay well but require getting your hands dirty. Various engineering degrees might prove useful, look into their job markets.
I feel healthcare is kind of in a bubble right now. It's expensive but many of the services provided are a waste of money. One good cost control scheme from the government could sort all that out and crater the industry. Reimbursements from medicare and medicaid are already falling.

I'm guessing you're a veteran? If not, don't talk shit on something you don't know about.

Several of my fellow Marines are excelling in life in the civilian world thanks to the skills and opportunities provided for them while serving.

I'm gonna be betting against the government ever coming up with a good cost plan

Any of your marine friends ever end up in the medical field

Don't go that route if you're not 100% sure that's what you want to do.

No. I don't think any of them were interested in it. My closest 5 went into business, finance, physical therapy, accounting, and engineering.

We've all gotten degrees with our GI Bill.

Would you say dropping out of college and joining up with the military would be a good decision?

It depends on your life. If you can pass all the medical, physical, and testing to get in, it will give you financial security and a lot of opportunities.

If you're already on a good path, then stay on your current path.

Yeah, don't join the Marines unless you have no other choice.

The Marine Corps is best thought of as a bunch of 12 year olds who take steroids and try to act like Rambo. Very few of them want to fight, but everyone pretends like they can't wait to see combat. The weak are preyed upon, which can include the injured. Substance abuse is everywhere. I know for a fact 10% of my boot camp platoon abused alcohol or narcotics, including in boot camp. A corporal told me he could count on 1 hand the number of marines he knew without crippling personality defects. You're going to see people get hurt following orders because some other Marine acted like a retard. Nothing will be done about this. You will be treated like a lazy drooling retard because there are so many of them that everyone gets treated that way. Half your fellow Marines will always be looking to fuck you over, just to make themselves feel better about their shitty lives. The kind of guys who will rape your wife after she passes out on booze.
This sounds harsh but it applies to half the Corps. You're going to be surrounded by these guys, some of them will be in charge of you.
If you decide to go in, get as physically strong as possible and learn to fight. It won't help you during training much but being able to beat the shit out of other Marines is the only thing besides rank that will deter others.

If you go the college route, try to get internships and make contacts in your chosen field. Getting a job is more about who you know than what you know.

Just what the world needs, another lawyer.

Jesus are there conflicting view points of the marines

I'm an attorney. Prospects are actually not bad these days, depending on your field. It's true that a lot of biglaw firms are downsizing and benefits are dropping for the top dogs, but they were ludicrously overpaid to begin with. At least in my area, near a major city, there is more work than there are lawyers to do it - which means if you charge a reasonable fee you can find a job, even if it's just solo practice. Don't expect to make a million bucks but you can get by if you're willing to work for it. Like any other career, I suppose.

Do you happen to have a second bird shit picture? Just going off the filename


Is this like a series? How many do you have?

Nah, that's it, unfortunately.

Operations research, brother.

Also dubs or better and I get into Princeton

Looks like you're going to community college