Prospective college freshman here, wondering if any of you guys would know of the job prospects of being a lawyer is these days, need to decide on a major soon
Prospective college freshman here...
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Law school is it’s own thing
Major in whatever the fuck you want
Undergrad doesn’t mater for shit if you intend to go higher
In the US? Do some research, it's been shit for years. Law schools are shutting down because they don't have enough students. Most lawyers were miserable anyway.
The top 5% of lawyers get the good jobs and make a shitton. The rest get dicked by the job market
Go into the military down the Law path. Good benefits and job security.
You don't have to stay in 20 years unless you like it. After that, you'll have good work experience for a civilian job.
Well with that resounding no, what do you boys think about becoming a PA?
Why the fuck did you ask for advice
Hopeless as shit out here, might as well let a bunch of strangers decide my career
Are you intelligent? I don't mean Sup Forums intelligent i mean are you actually a functioning human being who is very smart? If you are you'll be fine
Everyone wants to be a PA so its the same. Are you better than most people?