If you don't like Rocky 4, I'd love to know what the heck is wrong with you.
If you don't like Rocky 4, I'd love to know what the heck is wrong with you
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3 raised the bar too high
not american so didn't care about the patriotic stuff
no memory of the cold war so didn't care for the plot line
training montage was dumb
stallone couldn't beat lungren in a boxing match, too unrealistic
Rocky 1 is technically the best, but I think most people deep down would say that this is true kino
I'm not trying to bust your balls or anything, but if you're not American, you're never going to get this movie.
It is nice to hear an outsiders perspective though, and I appreciate that.
Rocky 4 is hands down my favorite. The first three are fine, but nowhere near the same level.
Mate, i'm not even American (i'm a Brit) but this movie is just fucking epic
Yeah, but you're close enough, aren't you.
I'm just glad you and I are still on the same page.
Great film.
2 is actually my favorite
>training montage was dumb
I don't care what country you're from...you can go straight to hell.
Just to clarify with everyone, I just said if you don't like it.
It's okay to have your own favorites, 4 just happens to be mine.
But if you don't like 4, I'd love to know what the heck is wrong with you. That's all.
This can be Rocky general, as far as I care.
That's a good one too, user.
Also, this.
It's like he didn't even watch the film, or understand what he was seeing.
>Film begins with two gloves; one the American flag, the other hammer and sickle. They rush towards the center of the screen and explode on contact.
>Apolo Creed jumping around like a clown, dressed like Uncle Sam, in a complete circus of a match
>"He dies, he dies"
>About half the movie is a shitty 80's training montage
>Pic related
>Rocky outruns a KGB watch detail and climbs a mountain just to yell Drago's name in anger
>The literal leaders of the Communist Party watch their roided-up machine man get the shit kicked out of him by a 5-foot Italian in the middle of Moscow and somehow end up clapping and cheering for this dumb-as-rocks wop as he mumbles some incoherent garbage while draped in the American flag
>30 years later an Oscar-contender drama would be made featuring the direct fallout of this silliness
Rocky IV is an incredible fucking movie
Astute as fuck.
How come doing a bunch of farm labor and no actual boxing will allow Rocky to beat someone physically superior to him?
I got the physical montage of 3, because he's trying to cut weight and be faster.
It was juxtaposed with Ivan training in the vastly superior gym, with all the bells and whistles.
Do you not get it, user?
My favorite just because Dolph Lundgren is fucking sexy as fuck.
Hey, whatever you're into, buddy.
I get that it fits in with the series narrative about heart being the determining factor.
I think the point was done a lot better with Lang beating Rocky in their first match, and how he trained with Apollo and as Pauly said junglebunnies to reclaim the title.
They made one, then redid it to make two. Then made three and redid it to make four.
Look, friend. Simply put, I just don't think you get the movie at all.
This is going to sound like I'm insulting you, and I promise that I'm not, but if I throw some literature at you, would you read it and try to get a better grasp on this film?
Just some shit to put into perspective what this film actually means. Mostly I feel pretty shitty for you having to try and talk about something so far out of your depth.
All the Rocky movies are good, except 5, but if you had ever watched 1 you'd understand the difference between a masterpiece and a doodle. 4 is the doodle fyi.
I'd love to know what the heck is wrong with you.
Sure, but I think you're overstating the complexity of a 90 minute Stallone 80s film.
I just think 4 is the USA USA version of 3. Can you say how it's not, or how the plot significantly differs beyond the patriotic angle?
I think you're undervaluing the 80s, like you wouldn't get Miami Vice either, but that's a whole other discussion.
Like you don't get what a masterpiece Con Air is, again, whole other discussion.
Look at 4 as a two act film.
4 is a brilliant commentary on hubris and our own mortality at the beginning of the film. Then, it's cleverly turned in the second act to a story of overcoming seemingly insurmountable odds. Everything is against Rocky. He doesn't even fight for vengeance. He fights because he's a fighter, what Apollo told him in the beginning.
I could go on, but there's a little taste to scratch your noodle over, and I'm on mobile.
Worth as cinema
Fun factor
Personal Favorite ranking
Because IV is the dream within the dream. In 1, Apollo says the fight sounds like a damn monster movie, but the movie was actually about life. It was real and the dialogue how people talk and how life sucks but it's your attitude that matters.
IV actually is just a monster movie claiming to be about something more. It sticks these values in your face which don't exist for real people and in the end he wins and everyone lives happy ever after. They even had to make 5 about him losing everything because there was nowhere to go from there if you're not gonna talk about real life, but just want an action movie. They even wanted to kill Rocky off in 5 if Stallone had let them.
That's why 4 isn't the greatest Rocky movie and why 5 might as well not exist in cannon seeing as none if the following movies even allude to it or the events that take place in it.
While this is apt, I put it to you that I enjoy movies about life as well as monster movies.
>everyone lives happy every after
Except Apollo, of course.
>Rocky running up the Russia mountain while hearts on fire
Can you get more epic than that?
No, you can't.
How hard can it be, no cgi, no bullshit, just a guy running up a mountain with an epic song on the background.
I believe you and I do to, but what I believe a Rocky movie should be and how I view them as films, these are the things I think about when ranking them. Gg
Kek. Even Apollo...
"If he dies... he dies..."
Still say that to my warehouse crew anytime there is a disagreement. Usually it doesn't apply to the situation but they expect it because I say it so damned much.
Not American so the patriotism doesn't appeal to me. And that's really the best thing the movie has going for it. Found Drago and his handlers boring.
What I do find funny is that it's almost a satire on American extravagance even though it wasn't meant to be. I still enjoy the movie but of the first 4 Rocky movies it's easily the worst by far.
Had an epiphany thanks to this post.
I like Rocky IV but I like Rocky 3 better.
Can we all agree Rocky 5 was the shits?
I love it for how bad it is.
I don't think anyone would ever argue against that, 5 is literally the only bad Rocky movie.
I think it's amazing how much of a story they managed to get across with just montages and so little dialogue.
I don't think any sports movie is better than the first Rocky, let alone Rocky 4.
Yep. Rocky 1 was the GOAT boxing film.
Rocky 4 is redundant in a lot of ways but still a nice movie in the series.
>the simpsons predicted that there would be at least 7 Rocky movies
Really makes you think.
Creed was damn good
Rocky IV was kino.
Creed was good too, can't wait for the second one.
ib4 Sup Forums gets triggered
Ironic that Stallone was on roids.
>Not American so the patriotism doesn't appeal to me
>What I do find funny is that it's almost a satire on American extravagance even though it wasn't meant to be
It's meant to be a criticism of patriotism. How do so many people miss this? Look at who the most patriotic, gung-ho characters are in the movie:
>Apollo "this is us against them" Creed: Killed after a ridiculous nationalist display
>Paulie "legally retarded" Dontrememberhislastname: An idiot, from beginning to end
>Drago's trainer: Portrayed as an asshole throughout the movie, Drago himself turns on him at the end
After Drago throws his trainer into the crowd, he shouts at the Politburo "I'm not fighting for you!". The point isn't America vs Russia. It's Drago against Rocky. Rocky fighting for revenge, Drago fighting for personal pride and to prove that he's a great fighter. Then it ends with Rocky giving a jumbled, barely intelligible speech about reconciliation and change.
Little known to you that 5 actually had the only good fight scene of any of the rocky movies.
That said part 1 is the best.
1 > 2 > 3 > 5 > 4
Ive never seen the newer ones.
But that celebration of individualism IS the ultimate message of american cold war propaganda.
Objective rating:
1 > 3 > 2 > Rocky Balboa > 4 > Creed >>>>>>>>>> 5
explain how Rocky 5 is worst in the series ?
Russians cheering for rocky over drago was too much
Not them but literally half of the movie is just flashbacks of clips from the previous movies. The acting is even worse than 4, if that was even possible, and the opponent (can't remember his name) is a joke with zero presence and or menacing qualities.
Clip movie
goes from super rich to broke as fuck...because the banks thought he was dead and Pauly fucked it up.
The Villain was Not Don King with a character that felt out of place.
which is the one with Mr T