This will be the Halo: Reach of Star Wars
This will be the Halo: Reach of Star Wars
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Is this a good or bad thing? I love reach.
Halo Reach wasn't bad, so I guess that's good for Star Wars then.
Reach is the 3rd best Halo game.
what the fuck is that supposed to mean
What are the top two?
3 and 2. CE has aged like shit.
I knew Sup Forums had good taste.
Reach is a gem.
By Halo: Reach, you mean each character will be picked off one by one as if in some kind of heroic death contest?
ODST was best
Fuck me ODST was kino.
2 had a shit campaign.
I cared more for the Rookie than Master Chief.
I consider Reach and CE both the best Halo.
>the starfighter level
>jet packs
>awesome endless wave mode for local co-op.
yeah reach is quite good.
bullshit, show me a better looking / playing game from 2001.
Daily reminder Halo 4 onward never happened
343 Halo doesnt exist
Master Chief finished the fight
how is it going to be halo?
This will be the Phantom menace of posts.
at least the girl actually looks like a girl this time
I want Sup Forumseddit to leave
So a good post that gets dogpiled by low iq shitposters?
Who are the mods who keep deleting/breaking perfectly benign pics like posted by the OP? Publicly available (i.e. no copy right issues), on topic, small in size, gets the job done. This is happening all over Sup Forums and its getting old dude
Funny, I want the neckbeards, like (You), to leave.
the fuck are you on
All over I'm finding "File no longer exists (404)" on random pics. Am I the only one?
You're a dumb nigger buddy the campaign in 2 was fantastic.
Arbiter-haters can suck my dick.
So would have been decent except for 3 things?
I never played Reach.
Fuckin didn't even complete 4 because of how shit it was.
3 was the last game.
>implying Reach is bad
The plot was bad, but the rest was quite good
>muh armorlock
>CE has aged like shit
You're fuckin off your nut mate.
When that happens all you have to do is refresh the page. It's just weird script timeouts or something on the Sup Forums servers.
Nope sorry
>darker than previous installments
>heroes killed off one by one
>futuristic sci fi war
>know it ends where the series begins
>destroys canon
>will initially be divisive amongst the fandom but accepted later
Is that a good or bad thing? Sorry, i'm not a faggot Sup Forumsedditor
2 > CE/ODST > 3 > reach > 4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Wouldn't that imply that 7 was good?
Because it's not.
Can someone explain why a lot of images aren't opening on here today? Getting 404 errors.
Last surviving team member encounters Darth Vader at the end of Rogue One.
How much do I owe for that WHOPPING LOAD OF SHIT
Fuck off and die Sup Forumsronies.
Ok choice, but not better than Reach.
I feel like what sucked about 2 was how fucking stupid the elites were in it compared to CE.
they'd just stand there like a bitch and get shot in 2, in CE they'd like spider-man the fuck out of their if you just barely touched them.
but I liked the campaign in 2, it would make a cool flick to watch.
>he hasn't played the HD version
no it wont
this bitch cant act and is a fucking chipmunk
Rather, a bad post that gets held up by contrarians as "good".
I can't believe Sup Forums has sunk so low as to defend Jar Jar Binks. Or rather I can, but it makes me sad.
Reach is great and the last game made by bungie. They didn't try to add to the master chief story and instead expanded on existing lore with different mechanics. It plays like if halo CE was made with modern technology and great multiplayer options and forge.
wut 2 probably had the best AI the elites were sick af, if we rate by difficulty 2 is easily the hardest one
2>1>3>reach>odst>4>5 by difficulty on legen
I'm not the only one calling this "episode three and a half", right?
>Fuck Disney Star Wars™ Shit
All great games, haven't played 4 or 5
It will have one cool space battle and the rest of it will be absolute garbage that forever ruins the series?
what if it's the HALO 2© PC: ONLY ON WINDOWS© VISTA™ of Star Wars
Reach killed halo and I'll pandered to cod4 kids
Odst is overrated shit
>le tipping meme
But they're not dead, just missing in action
also the sniper didn't die
What do you guys think?
Halo reach is deep once you realize that each noble died in ironic ways
>kat dies because she didn't pay attention and put up her shields
>big guy george died in an explosion, protecting people
>8-mile died in melee combat since he kept brandishing his knife
At least call him Marlo.
Kat get her brains blown out through her helmet when her CO is constantly telling her to put her helmet on so that she doesn't get her brains blown out
Reach has seen far more acceptance over the years than it did during its lifetime.
While the story itself wasn't that bad. It stepped on established canon, which was then made to fit Reach.
It introduced the random spread when not pacing your shots, which quite a few fans were raging against. 343 made an update for a few playlists which removed that part of the game.
Then we had AA's which would have been fine for some Halo fans had they been map pickups in MP, but they were classes instead, on spawn items. Again not so popular among quite a few fans.
Multiplayer had one more Competitive playlist with a Skill Rank, it was rarely populated. The skill was calculated through KDA, as it was slayer. This in turn caused a horrid mass of selfish players to troll their own team mates as much as they tried to kill the enemies. It was later switched to W/L.
To many fans of that time, Halo: Reach is the proverbial first nail in the Halo coffin.