I suffer from dyslexia, ask me anythign

I suffer from dyslexia, ask me anythign

What should I jack off to before bed tonihgt?

fuck you

But you said I could ask anythign

fap to futa

Post it and I will! I like feeling a little connected to somebody when I'm at it

ehre you go

Thanks! Do you want a cum tribute picture? Sorry if that's weird and not your cup of tea

okay sure

Do it you fucking degenerate.

are traps gay?

i don' t care, i fap to them anyways

Thanks! You're all great, thanks for a nice little bit of human connection there.

tha's very lewdn, no problem though

Oh sorry hope I didn't offend! Let me know if I can do anything else for you guys, thanks for the thread

mmm big boy, full body pic maybe?

post ass?

post cumbox.

Man I would, but I'm terrified I'll leave something identifying in the background, I'm really clumsy like that.

Lol man I haven't thought about cum boxes in a long time.

Anyone else want to post their cock tonight?

id post mine but tis only 5 and makes me feel embarrased, idk if till grow bigger, im already 20

Oh no way dude don't feel bad! I've known girls with guys that were smaller than that (which btw 5" is pretty cool I think) and were super happy. You're awesome just the way you are.

thank you user

How dig is your bick?