Desktop thread

Desktop thread

Post your desktops Sup Forums





chrome fags

yea no

haven't changed from christmas wallpaper yet because i'm lazy

upgrade to 10 you old cunt, also get a rainmeter theme u fag

>mfw win10

>hurrr durrr leenux is totally a good replacement

yea because all my programs can run on it w/o hassle yeaaaa?




Yes son?

W10 here




Just no

Too much icons

Change the system info to something that doesn't look like ass or just get rid of it completely

if you wanna commit to a neat simple desktop at least get rid of the icons or change them to something that fits in the theme

>Too much icons

How long have you been learning English?


Original pic?

yeah desktop icons
English isn't my native language


English lesson time, user.
In this case, proper grammar would have been "too many icons"
"Too much" usualy refers to a lot of one thing or concept (too much water, too much money, too much anger) while "too many" is a lot of individual objects (too many icons, too many cars, too many people) Even though they're all icons, they're seperate, specific things.

I hope this helps, because native english speakers will not hesitate to use bad grammar to discredit whatever point you're trying to make.

sure it helps and yeah that's pretty common.
Even more common is insulting my pronunciation because I have a very harsh accent.


I don't have a computer but here's my phone

The fuck is that creature ?

A blue bottle jelly fish they are very common in Australia

I wouldn't want to meet any of these



neat. is that supposed to be the death star 2.0 seen from endor?

Can you post that background user

get out


After a storm you'll find hundreds of their bodies washed up on the beach.
It would make a good wp if you get a low angle of the 200 washed up bluebottles with evening or dawn light on the horizon, they would reflect the red light nicely.


if anyone has higher res ill take it


utter shite

Not even trolling. I leave it solid black, easier to keep organized. If i need to look at pictures I'll browse a pic folder or something.

I agree. I try to keep it as simple as possible

this my wallpaper

I really like these wallpapers

moar like this??

my wallpaper



Not at home atm, so heres one of May Phone instead.


witcher, pubg and path of exile. i think i love you user
me from earlier


>Oh look at me I'm a hipster, I don't use Windows 10
Grow up



darling sucks

wall alphacoders com/big.php?i=667262