Ask an user who just overdosed anything

Ask an user who just overdosed anything.

What did you OD on?



Well you should know. You were the one sucking my dick





Don't be showing the interwebs our foreplay like that. So distasteful


Want to be bound now? Just like chubby puppy


Did they narcan you? and if so then are you dope sick rn or how much dope did you have to do to get well?


Heroin, I relapsed. My family who found me threw my drugs away...

No, this was a relapse, and the first time I used dope in ages. My family hates me so much they didn't want to call an ambulance because of social stigma. If I didn't come out of it, I was dead.

Then they just threw my 60 dollars in drugs away, like it was their property. Really, they just made me waste more money, because I'm going back down there tomorrow.

Shit dude, I was abusing heroin for 3 years, homeless for one of those. been nacaned three times, its the worst thing ever, you are actually lucky in more ways then you think, at least you're high. You should look in to getting on suboxone it helped me stay clean bc you can't even use while on it so all that money would just go down the drain. It also really helps with cravings like more then you would think, and if you taper properly then the withdrawals are not as bad as everyone says.

trust me I know doing heroin is like the best thing ever, but only for like 2 hours at best once you have a good tolerance and then it's back to the shittest existence that anyone can live. Living clean is way better, find something you love and start doing that, progressing your life and skills, become a person that feels.


I really would like to be prescribed codeine. I wouldn't touch dope if I had something legal. I do have legitimate pain. Also, do not want drug abuse on my medical records, because of legitimate pain, and the hope for a legal alternative

Trust me if you keep doing heroin then you are going to have a lot bigger problems then "drug abuse on your medical records". Are you smoking or shooting it?

also codeine is sucks, you would want oxys or dilaudid, and if you get either shooting or snorting is the best way to go.

>going back down there tomorrow

I hope you don't wake up next time. One less degenerate in the world. I'm glad your family didn't waste tax dollars calling an ambulance for your junkie ass.

is that ryan renolds?

look into something called kratom
it's legal and you can order it online