Being an effeminate masochist fag is evolutionary genius. How much closer can you get with alpha males as a boi?

Being an effeminate masochist fag is evolutionary genius. How much closer can you get with alpha males as a boi?

Evolution is garbage. This kind of faggotry could only be ascribed to those who are desperately without God in their lives. There is hope for you though if you want something to believe in. You don't have to be like this. And eventually you could be something even greater. The thing you should be.

take a tumble grandma, the future is now.

Except then one day your 20 or at the very latest mid twenties, and you aren't femmenine at all anymore. For most males this happens at 18 or so. Testosterone takes hold. You're just a regular looking male.

Yeah and with more and more dudes becoming effeminate queers, there won't be much of a future left. But let's us celebrate instead of living the correct way. Evolutionary biology also doesn't agree well with your queerness. It's quite the contradiction seeing as how you and a dude in a mini skirt can't reproduce. So, in essence, the letters F A G G O T spell "the end of the world".

maybe for non-whites. i'm 22 and in my pics people say i look effeminate as fuck.

Your effeminate days are almost over. 5 years from now you will be completely masculinized. What will you do then?

i'll be happy actually, all my life i've been called a sissy/gayboy/faggot and now
being a man, no one takes me seriously.

Straight male here.

I'm glad these dudes want to live this way.

Less competition for me.

Have a ball OP these fags are just upset because they can't stop triggering their gag reflex any time they detect a hint of gay.

Except the alpha male can reproduce with females.