"""""""""""""""villains"'""""""""""""""""" who did nothing wrong.
"""""""""""""""villains"'""""""""""""""""" who did nothing wrong.
>high sparrow's plan to win was to unite church and state
>but as a feudal society church and state should already be united
this really bothered me, but then again what do D&D know about history?
The only and real answer.
>it's another edgy manchild post
Fuck off
nice come back. I can sense the raising of temperature in your cranium while you typing that response.
he wasted everybody's time shuffling around and spouting bullshit for two seasons before getting blown up because Dumb and Dumber had no idea what to do with his storyline
What would Lord Tywin the LION have done about this fag lord?
no wonder the cuck went on the worlds biggest beta uprising
he would've either sent lannister troops to take his ass out and arrest him or have the king summon him to court and have him arrested there.
the high sparrow can't refuse a summons from the king, otherwise its treason and he's a heretic.
He literally did nothing wrong.
from what I remember he transformed from an actual villian who'd kill little girls into a hard but decent man who had trouble putting a priest to sleep. It was a bit bizzare.
Well He killed the priest out of mercy and the reverend probably had an emotional connection with him since his brother had the same problem
Prove me wrong
You can't
They were united but the crown had the power, he wanted to flip that.
Not a villain, just a product of his surroundings.
The Faith of the Seven was already the state religion, but they had no real power ever since the Targaryens disbanded their military arm. The crown owned most top clergy and always made sure an obedient High Septon was chosen so that the crown would continue to hold all the power. The High Sparrow sought to turn the tables first by playing Cersei, then by using powers the Faith technically possessed but had never used to convict and sentence most of the royal family, leaving Tommen isolated and easy for the High Sparrow to control.
He would've had him killed the moment he realized there was a power play taking place.
thanks, preston.
Honestly this guy could've been a great fucking character if D&D weren't such shitty hacks
Al of his murders were justified tbqfh