Y'a beaucoup de Français ici ou c'est surtout des ameritards ?

Y'a beaucoup de Français ici ou c'est surtout des ameritards ?

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France is a tourist trap in Europe. It has a long history of allowing Nazis to set up puppet governments. The current puppet government's President is named after a bordering country, and the Puppet Master is Palestine. Bordering the United Kingdom, the country of France is commonly referred to as the Mexico of Europe; similar to how the Mexicans act towards the Americans, the French often show extreme contempt towards Britain due to jealousy of the superior British culture, advanced technology, science and economy, as well as military penis-envy, and because it's sunnier than the Home Islands.

Most of their history is shameful, with repeated defeats, conquests, and surrenders. The French under Napoleon III presented the United States with the Statue of Liberty -- an intended trojan horse ambush gone wrong. The vast majority of French men are sex addicts, in the closet and/or champagne socialists. The most common thing a frenchman will say during his life is "What proof do you have that I am full of shit?". France is most famous for enacting legislation banning women from shaving their armpits, which was then enthusiastically imported by the horrifyingly hirsute Italians.

aaaaah enfin quelqu'un de bien mais je te souhaite un bon 404

France has suffered quietly under the tyranny of an arcane, outdated language, which only the elderly snobs of Ménilmontant bothered to speak "properly". It is often hard to learn, because of the tendency to hear yourself sound like a douche. Since the French eventually started using condoms and stopped having children. Presently, the most spoken language in France is Arabic.

Once known as Gaul, the French retaliated against their former Roman tyrants, and introduced cuisine based on butter and cream onto Europe, rather than the ancient "olive oil and anything" Roman dining habit.

French men are either anorexic pseudo-intellectual art or literature students with tiny, oiled mustaches who are called Pierre, or simply middle-aged and overweight. French women are superior to American women in every way, except for the leg/armpit hair and their obsession with climbing the social ladder. Most French people are Communists and have odd tongue fetishes. They only shave their faces so there is no difference between French men and French women, they both have excessive body hair and it is against the law to shave. All French people and all people who have ever been to France are neither male or female, just one neutral gender.

The most famous French cartoons is Asterix, about a tribe of hut-dwelling peasants who are good enough soldiers to defeat the Romans - the French don't recognize that this is a parody of their IRL fail.

Be aware that if you eat snails and frog legs like the French do, YOU WILL LOOK LIKE A TOOL!

tu viens d'ou?

De Lyon, et toi ?



Nigger land



les réponses devraient t'ouvrir les yeux mais surtout des gros tas

Oui du coup ça répond à la question !

USA = NiggerLand

Y'a rien à faire j'arrive à me sentir honteux que la france se soit fait envahir par les allemands, je sais pas c'est quoi leur délire, ils font comme si on refusait de l'admettre...

Loled. Outdated infos and wrong spelling still. USA France same shitty country.

Ça dépend de l'heure de la journée surtout.

tkt sans nous ces baleine aurait pas eu leur indépendance de toute façon

T'as le droit de rever, la France est la risee du monde aujourd'hui


Ouai jvien de rentrer du taf, journée de merde.
Vous faites quoi vous? A tt hasard un d'entre vous serai pas gnunex le gars avec qui javai monté un serveur creepshot sur discord?

Historiquement, la France était entourée d'ennemis. Tandis que ces gros sacs de graisse sont de l'autre côté de l'Atlantique. Facile de se la raconter derrière.

exactement. mais j'ai l'impression que le french bashing est devenu courant, surtout ici. quand ils nous traitent pas de laches avec les allemands c'est avec les immigrés... bref, ils ont meme pas de bons arguments ils sont juste véner et je comprends pas pourquoi


C'est sûrement l'une des plus grosses conneries que notre pays ait commis...

votre président est orange est complètement attardé au poins que 80% de vos programmes télévisé se foute de sa geule

tu te base sur quoi pour dire ça bouffon ?

on a changé de président allume ta télé gros sac

moi je viens du québec AMA

Mais osef des trolls postés plus haut.
C'est Sup Forums, merde. Alors arrêtez de czsser les couilles avec vos cours d'histoire niveau CE2 et postez du boobs (françaises, de préférence)

Merci d'avance.

Il a raison. À part donner du pognon aux migrants et aux clodos/profiteurs la France fait pas grand choses

dude do you know difference between america and a yoghurt?

Peut etre parce que t'utilises des mots anglais dans une phrase en francais?

tu devrais pas être en train de dormir à cette heure-ci?

moi je suis français, et je trouve que l'amérique est l'expérience de la décadence in vitro que personne ne souhaitait voir, mais bon maintenant que c'est là on va bien se marrer

il est 8h19 je viens de me reveiller

t'enfiles des "tricot de peau"? tu pars en "fin de semaine?" allez ferme ton cul

En attendant l'Amerique est le pays de l'opportunite, on peut pas dire la meme chose de la france

>Déja vu
vous ne faites jamais sa peut etre?

Ah, désolé, je suis très mal au courant des décalages horaires alors.

rôde plus, nouvelle fiotte

Est-ce que c'est vrai que vous avez des problèmes avec les Canadiens anglophones?

how did it feel to get raped in less then two weaks

>inb4 l'Amerique est pas un pays



ça c'est le dream qu'ils te vendent après c'est dommage de mourrir des complications d'un rhume parce que y'a pas de sécu

C'est déjà le bordel. Les fils français sont vraiment les pires fils étrangers sur Sup Forums...

> c'est quoi l'assurance quand tu travailles ?

Enfin quelqu'un de mâture

Des boobs avec des poils du coup ?

literally a board made for you "people" so fuck off frenchie

how does it fell to be obese ?

> butterface
Yeah, looks like a french girl to me

sa tete va pas avec son corps

Well, since i wasn't born, nothing much

bumpady bump

damn that hurt. I assume almost as much as seeing german tanks rolling in paris.

Si quelqu'un a le reste de son set je suis preneur

pourquoi tu penses qu'on en a quelque chose à foutre que tu viennes du québec ?

allez cadeau

La sécu c'est utile que pour les demeurés qui bossent à mc Do. Quand t'as un boulot correct qui paie 2k ici, le même paie 5k là bas, tu peux te payer de house sans pb


german tanks ? never seen... obese ? everyfuckinwhere

Z'avez quel âge ?
24 perso

lol, ça se voit que t'es un enfant. Va travailler et on en reparle.

t'es quoi toi ? un pro américain ?

remember when you lost a war against vietnamese farmers?Good times

24 aussi

damn that english. French and Spanisch ppl are just the scum of earth
They should have gassed your filthy race insted of those jews


j'ai 18 ans

I love how french people sound retarded both when speaking french and english

There are 365.25 days in a year. Each day consists of 24 hours. Each hour consists of 60 minutes. The amount of minutes in a year is 365.25 x 24 x 60 = 525960. The Holocaust was from 1941 to 1945 which is a span of 4 years. 525,960 x 4 = 2,103,840 minutes in those 4 years.

Now its stated in the history books that the Holocaust had at least 6 million victims who were distinctly Jewish, and up to 14 million victims in total. So how many individuals were killed per minute in the Holocaust alone, and not the war? That would be at least 6,000,000/2,103,840 = 2.85192790326. Lets say about 2-3 people per minute, assuming this is going 24/7 nonstop.

Do you remember the Ugandan genocide? People kept talking about how terrible it was to be at home and hear screams outside your door, not knowing if they would come for you next. The Ugandan genocide lasted a month, or 43200 minutes, and claimed about 100,000 lives. That's 100,000/43,200 = 2.31481481481 victims per minutes, a little less than the rate that we have with the Holocaust, over the span of a month.

Now, anybody can go on a killing spree, and get away say 100 murders (which is rare). But once the word gets out that there is a madman going around town trapping/killing people.. people will begin to respond appropriately, law enforcement will show up at the scene, preventative measures will be initiate. The will world react to the violence.

Its safe to say that the RATE of killing per minute goes down to near 0 rapidly.

So my honest question is this. How could anybody maintain the rate of killing to 2-3 individuals per minute, 24/7, for 4 years?

im not american xd

Trop marrant. Je paie 400 euro d'impots TOUT les putains de mois et je suis payé la moitié du tarif pratiqué dans la quasi totalité des autres pays du monde. Ouvre les yeux ducon, sort de ton patelin de bouseux. Mais merci de penser que je suis jeune

les demeurés qui bossent a mac do il doivent representer au moins les 75 % du pays. Donc 75% des gens de leur pays crevent quand ils choppent une maladie. Sacré pays.


Here goes your credibility

Jea xD

amerilards can't speak foreign languages for shit, so sadly they can only sound retarded in English

> so sadly

Non. USA c'est des attardés. Mais la France c'est des attardés + des communistes

if you wanna bitch just create a french hate thread and stop the fuck polluting this one

but then you guys won't get mad ?

well as a french man you shouldnt be talking eather. Winning WW1 and WW2 bc you where sucking on american dicks

>400 euro d'impots TOUT les putains de mois
Jean-Nigaud est un mugu

75% sûrement pas avec un salaire médian à 1800 euro

Rien compris

Russians did all the heavy lifiting in WWII. The only thing you did was nuke Japan.

Quand tu penses que 1800 euros c'est rien par rapport aux autres pays

"Un mugu c'est quelqu'un qui tu as tapé, que tu as eu, un pigeon, comme vous dites"

Toujours rien compris, tu sais faire une phrase ?

Est ce que tu peux fermer ta gueule s'il te plaît ?

Ben oui...

well as a french man you shouldnt be talking eather. Sucking on those american dicks in both world wars safed your shitty as country

Btw for people other than french: amazing things. In France you get 650$ wellfare each month for doing nothing (you deserve it, called RSA). That's if you didn't worked at all for past 2 years. If you worked, your wellfare is 70% of your old salary. For law 2 years. Of course, we have to pay for these last niggers. So when you work, 50% of your salary goes to the gov

I'm not french, been bashing them since this thread was created

well atleast better then beeing overrun in under two weaks

Tu en as plus d'elle?

je suis un ameritard mais je parle francais; alors, va t'faire enculer.