What's a good argument to shut down vegans that keep running logic circles?

What's a good argument to shut down vegans that keep running logic circles?

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Be condescending. Always make rhetoric condescending questions.

Evolutionary competition is what made us smart. Eat or be eaten... humans used guile and cunning to become the superior eaters.

Plus... haha faggot eat a steak

How about not responding? ever thought of that?


> Area of agronomic industry for maintaining same population is smaller, if population is vegan.

Now kill yourself...

But I can't imagine, where I get protein mass loss in having animal to eat, because sugar is lost due to their metabolism, but protein is chained so you need smaller portion to maintain it's effective intake.

If you make farm, where there is roof from semitransparent solar material, and having some good recuperation and stuff with thermal energy, you can use animals, like we used humans in move 'Matrix (1999)'.

Even without it, capturing their gaseous emits of metabolism. (farts) is effective for powering combustion engines, and requires less technological advancement than electric cars and is CO2 neutral. (dumb dumb dumb^^dumb people)^^this-dumb.

For being causing less pain, there can be space and real living vegetables to eat there.

Question is if "living in cage" is pain if animals never learned freedom. Maybe it is. But I don't see humans which haven't seen freedoms atleast in expression of abstraction of their thoughts, perceiving their life being slave-like. They are even glorifying it.

Can we give Animals choice?

Also... There is possibility to program Animals if you just bridge brain to computer, having some effective fast computing hacking rat.

Population of farm animals never been so big, unless we farmed them. It's somehow they enslave us by their carnage.

Animal lives in a cage, some even in own feces...

Isn't buying corpse of that animal making producers end it suffering?


be angry that they eat no meat, they will cry and go away

She's trying to argue that even if being vegan is more environmentally corrosive it's still the moral high ground. And that humans are different from animals and that other animals can't show intelligence there for it's ok for them to hunt

i'd bone 'er

spotted the faggoty vegan who wants his shit to fly unquestioned.
get aids.

1. If everyone went vegan, most domesticated animals would die out as they would have no function and can not survive in the wild.

2. Most crops that vegans consume are grown using animal manure. With no captive animals there would be no manure. We'd have to use artifical fertilizers which is bad for the environment.

You're all queers

1. Graduate from high school
2. Stop caring about how other people choose to eat
3. Accept that you can't solve everything with logic, and that people make emotional decisions all the time.
4. Become a healthy, empathetic human being.

If we inject Animals with some pleasure hormones whole life and have their skin used as materials, they live happier life, and their skin is ecologically friendly material.

Kill Animals for Nature!


What about we just accept that they won't even live if we don't kill them afterwards?

Question would really be, if that humans farm humans, because they perceive them some form of inhuman object, and where the consciousness you should not control or kill for fun or pleasure starts.

What about focusing, that you yourself is not being farmed on, instead of protecting animals?

What about protecting humans from being farmed?

Suddenly you came to realize, that most of your "life" depends on you farm some humans, instead of animal.


Animal Farms deserve button, that have television with cyclic loop of killing animals, and if animal press it it gets killed and it meat is sold.

This way it was free choice of animal, to be killed, having free will or not, it's it's cognitive decision.

Nobody can fucking argue, that.

Or you can't fucking argue that people have certain levels of choices.

There's no such thing as a vegan.
If you come across someone who claims to be vegan then you must demand of them that they follow their own path unhypocritically.

Stop showing intelligence and kill animals.

This is the only thing that should be posted in these vegan threads.

If you live in modern society and consume almost any of its products, you are not a vegan. Go move to the fucking rainforest and live off mushrooms.

Enslaving by providing...

That is real... Question...

"The Line"

Maybe on if you somehow adjust provided so you must provide again.

Why I could not eat mushrooms here? It's already dead.


Also... You can tell them their Apple stuff is made by kids in china, to complain about pigs on them.

Ask this question:
would you eat this piece of chicken to prevent another chicken from being killed?

The high school debate rejects are out in full force

kek, little sperging child doesn't get the response it wants, goes into chihuahua mode
have a lolly kiddo it'll make the butthurt go away

this also justifies rape, murder, adultery, and producing bastard children

meat-eaters know they are terrible people tho

never giving money to support these operations in the first place is the obvious answer

It's actually possible to live in a major city, have a full life and do away with many of these products or find alternative Green products to make up for it.

>even if being vegan is more environmentally corrosive
its not you giant faggot

Meat tastes good. That is all.

>projecting this hard

Not a vegan, but the simple retort you'll get from any vegan with half a brain is: Yes, we evolved to be able to eat meat, but we have such an abundance of non-meat protein available to us now that it's no longer necessary.

How did you link hunting and Social well-being?

Humans scavenging high protein scraps, and learning to hunt = rape, murder and adultery?

I'm not seeing it

thats the opposite of reality though

>Evolutionary competition is what made us smart

There isn't a logical excuse to eat animal products when it's been shown they're unhealthy, unnecessary, cruel, and are the number one source of land, air, and water pollution. Convenience and an unwillingness to change are the only fallbacks for meat eaters. As for nutrients, vegans have fewer deficiencies than meat eaters

Veganism isn't environmentally corrosive and is far better than eating animals. 70% of crops grown are fed to animals. As for moral high ground I'll agree. Humans have moral agency, and other animals hunt for survival, not taste.

Vegans aren't logically wrong. They're just trying to be morally superior. And they are. I mean, it's a bit much, but they're doing a lot less damage to the world, and they're taking a hit for it cause they don't get all that tasty meat with the easy energy. Why don't you just thank them and move on?

If they get insufferable, the issue is that they're an insufferable twat, not that they're vegan.

Also, it's way easier for girls to be vegan. Also easier for anyone who doesn't exercise hard. They don't have the same craving for high Caloric density foods. Or they supplement with crazy protein powders daily.

So keep that in mind when a female is trying to guilt you about your meat eating.

Therefore rape, murder, etc?
Pretty thin logic there
You could say, therefore medicine, sanitation, law, order etc in the same breath

All this bullshit waffle
steak tastes great, the end

we didnt evolve to eat meat,deer can and sometimes do eat meat.so do alot of primates but our eating of meat saved us from dying out to the ice age.having a varying diet is a good thing evolutionary wise but we are not in dire straits and dont need to eat meat anymore.its pretty simple

>Vegans aren't logically wrong
Maybe, but most of their arguments are.

You eat more plants if you don't eat meat. You eat more plants than the animals you eat will.

>Pretty thin logic there
>projecting this hard

>You could say, therefore medicine, sanitation, law, order etc in the same breath
could also say therefore veganism

What is the Amazon and What is African Drylands

>You eat more plants than the animals you eat will.
no you massive fucking moron

the amount of plants it takes to keep a cow alive for 3 years could feed a human for 10+ years

yeah we do make alot of things out of dead animals great point,so why do we need to kill them for this?

So, do humans taste like steak?

Three reasons to NOT be vegetarian:

1- less intelligent
2- sooner death
3- psychological/mental health issues.

Studies showing these results are available on internet.




No. You're the idiot. Cows don't need the nutrients a human does. That's why all you vegan fucktards have to take artificial vitamins. It's not right and it's not natural. And please stop making up facts to support your vial quest to seem superior.

just admit you wanna go eat a steak and not feel like shit,but you are still shit lol

i mean just because you make something out of a dead animal does not mean you have to kill it for that product.

fucking let them, are you scared you'll be influenced?

I'm not projecting anything.

I'm asking why you believe natural selection in regards to the human diet leads to immorality.

I don't know why you're going into meme level damage control, It was a simple enough question about your opinion.

It wasn't even much of a question, I didn't ask you to justify it, just clarity how you made the connection.

fake news

>logic circles?

>Cows don't need the nutrients a human does.
citation needed

>That's why all you vegan fucktards
im not even vegan. i just acknowledge they are indeed correct

Right... but we didnt evolve to eat meat.

We evolved *because* we ate meat. High energy high protein diet allowed our brains to swell to the gargantuan scale they reached. And gave us the evolutionary edge to apex the whole planet.

As for not needing to eat meat anymore.... well that may be true. But it defies our ancestry and is purely a personal choice. You aren't right or wrong... It's just your choice. Evangelizing about it just makes you a wanker.

Cows eat grass and survive. Humans don't. Grass is plentiful while the nutrients humans need to live a healthy life and found in meat. Humans need meat to live. You only say you're vegan like all vegans (who aren't ACTUALLY vegan) because it's not a diet it's just a social construct. Vegans need to die and the planet would be better off. Fucking insane.

I'm asking why you believe natural selection in regards to human sexuality leads to immorality.

By your argument genocide and slavery is OK cuz lol natural selection

a guy eating dead animals wants to talk about things being natural,if you were concerned for nature you would rape and kill animals that were domesticated into being the way they were.you try so hard to make vegans just as shitty as you so you can sleep at night.nazis justified the holocaust too i guess

Humans taste like pork. If you want sources, Google.

See. Insane.

this myth of eating meat evolved us,it wasnt high protein.it was cooking our food that evolved our brains.because it was still a lingering ice age we had the great idea to cook that food to make it more edible.

>Humans need meat to live

>prove no point then declare victory
see. idiots.

meat has essential proteins you cannot get from plants and without them humans will DE-evolve.

Many of the nutients a healthy human needs are found in meat. Not to mention the animals that we eat are fucking stupid and are glorified meat condensers so we can provide them what they need to populate. If we had Elephant and Giraffe ranches to eat them then they wouldn't be endangered. It's symbiotic.

Its not a myth. Yes cooking MEAT made the protien release easier so it ramped the energy intake even more... but the underlying theme there is meat. Its the only prehistoric source of protien high enough to sustain our development

One thought that came to my mind to the use of pesticides to kill of insects that would typically feast on crops. Insects are part of the animal kingdom too so who are they to say that one creature's life is worth more than another?
Basically they think that it's ok to kill millions of insects, but not okay to kill thousands of animals.

wait you are telling my nitrogen and phosphorous isnt vegan? That lying bitch at whole foods....

>You only say you're vegan
you're responding to a post where I literally said I was not vegan

youre retarded

You can't reason with vegans because they're malnourished.

Ultimately, there is no way to win a logical argument with any vegan with half a brain because it always, always, always will come down to differing values.

Human Lives Matter
All Lives Matter

(irony intended)

Biologically, humans are omnivores. We can survive on a diet with meat or on a purely plant-based one. So eating meat is a choice not a necessity for most humans on the earth today. (vastly simplifying here, I know)

Basically, if we believe that humans are superior to other animals then eating them is ok. If not, then it's murder. Humans ARE special in that we have moral agency.

I know that by eating meat I'm making the moral judgement that humans are superior. And I know that I'm causing more environmental damage. But damn it, they're tasty.

I'm saying you're a lying sack of shit because Vegans aren't Vegans to be healthy they're vegan because they have an INSANE need to feel superior to other people.

>regards to human sexuality
This is a thread about Veganism, and the post you made here: is a direct response to "humans used guile and cunning to become the superior eaters"

It said nothing of "natural selection in regards to human sexuality" You're changing the subject

>By your argument
I didn't make one, I asked you to clarify 'Human diet = Immorality'

But never mind, I'm talking to a spud, question rescinded

cows that have genetic defects because of genetic manipulation to make more milk.
chickens and pigs that are bloated and roll around in their own filth while being crammed into pins so over stuffed they peck and bite one another.if you only knew how disgusting your meat fetish is.


>Vegans aren't Vegans to be healthy
so? youre missing the point entirely. you are so obviously a retard

>What are indigenous peoples

yeah man,dont reason with me because your a scared little bitch.if im malnourished that should be a bonus for you. but you scared. you cant excuse your bullshit arguments. so go die of a fucking heart attack you fucking no neck pussy.

another user here,some people are vegans to be healthy. dont know why he tried to speak for everyone

If the vegan diet is so complete and nutritious then why do vegans need to take supplements in order to be healthy?

I get very insecure when people don't eat meat like me

By demonstrating that their position is arbitrary.

What no one said

>Vegan pussy tastes gross

Every vegan pussy I've tried has tasted bad

no fat boy,cooking food is what made us smarter not cooking meat.meat will and does kill you eventually. processed meat has carcinogens in it that cause cancers.meat is resposible for a plethora of diseases and viruses throughout history.and it is a known cause of Alzheimer's and the primary cause of heart disease.but ignore me and die in 30 years

The problem is, you're actually avoiding half of the problem. Several of the current commodities, like phones, laptops, most of the tech products and clothes are direct result of labor, child work, war, pollution and
overexploitation of resources. Most of these "Green" products are only label as propaganda. Humans consume resources, period. Over consumption of resources is always a human thing. The only way to be 100% "eco friendly" and 100% vegan in returning to the stone age, and our life expectations were almost 30 years.

Where do vegans get vitamin B12?

Or omega3 / DHA?

Fortunately thinking parents tend to make sure people eat well during critical development years before people go all hipster and start denying their bodies with essential nutrition.

I do worry about children of new age parents

Cooking broccoli will never release protiens it doesnt contain to begin with

I've never heard a good argument yet from a vegan, there's nothing to shut down

because b12 used to be a vitamin we got in our plants from a bacteria in the soil but due to alot of pesticides its died out of the soil in most human enviroments.by the way they just inject the supplements into the farm animals.lmao your eating 2nd hand supplements you just dont know it

That's not true soyboy. Anything to justify your shitty diet huh?

lmao why pick a food with out protein,what about lentils or beans or nuts. cashews peanuts almonds all have protein

Farm animals inject themselves with grass, see, I'm eating vegan and you just don't know it

lol not even fucking true. After a few years of anatomy and physiology classes, shit like this is so mentally low to read I have to wonder how unfit a person like you is.

Morality is a human construct -- not a universal truth. As is being vegan. Neither of these things are inherently better.

Saying that being vegan is better is like saying that I'll go to hell if I don't give myself to jesus christ. While you may believe that to be true, it is only what you believe -- not the truth.

but it is true,just declaring something untrue then using an ad hominem wont make you right. keep eating meat.if you dont have a heart attack at the age of 40 you will die alzheimers riddled with holes in your brain and surprisingly more deluded than you are now.


farmers inject them with the supplements jesus lmao i cant even