Just finished season 1. Is the writing to blame for his down right inexcusable acting? Or is it just him?
Does it get better?
Just finished season 1. Is the writing to blame for his down right inexcusable acting? Or is it just him?
Does it get better?
>Is the writing to blame
Yes, always.
Let me tell you what happens for shows like The Walking Dead.
It's a repetitive and hellish slog. Every season, every episode, is the same shit, with a few locations and faces swapped each time. People gradually grew savvy of this and began dropping the show. Now the only people who watch this show are those with the least discerning taste - those who don't know how poorly written and monotonous what they're watching is.
Those are the people who will tell you his acting "got better."
It's all down hill from there.
Writing or directing, it's usually one of them. Good writers and directors can get pretty good performances from non A-list actors.
Had the comic originality what more could you want? Besides some add ons and minor changes
You mean his ridiculous accent? Yeah he cuts down on it further and further into the series. Just stomach 2 more shitty seasons and you'll be in the promised land of Andrew Lincoln kino.
This show is hot garbage.
A bunch of my friends have been watching it since the beginning, so I watched the first five or six episodes; it's just predictable, relatively low budget, repetitive, awful schlock.
It's a fucking soap opera with a little blood and guts thrown in. Besides my stupid friends, the only other person I know that watches it is my girlfriend's mom.
Most people who seem interested in it at this point probably just feel invested.
Can anyone on this board say anything good about any tv show or movie?
are you implying this show isn't shit?
You say this while there are near 24 hours of West World and Game of Thrones threads.
I would suck a fart out of her ass. Positive enough for you, reddit faggot?
>inexcusable acting
fuck you. andrew lincoln carries this show
Where do you think you are?
>Is the writing to blame for his down right inexcusable acting
Is your low IQ to blame for you down right inexcusable stupidity?
As i said in my original post, I have only seen season 1. I literally cringed in the first of his "leadership" type monologues. If he "carries the show", he sure fucking does not do that in season 1.
I'm on episode 4. What is Laurie's fucking problem?
>Is the writing to blame for his down right inexcusable acting? Or is it just him?
It's a combination of the two. Shitty Brit actor trying to play a small town U.S. cop, and shitty writing.
>Does it get better?
No. It got worse.
That's why I stopped watching after S2....
just skip season 2 unless you want to waste 12+ hours on a snoozefest
she's the biggest bitch on the show. to this day i'm not sure if that was the writers' intention
it all goes down hill after season 3
Why do people call things a soap opera like it's a deragatory term? There's nothing inherently wrong with the genre.
>He watches tv
There's nothing wrong with a soap opera that doesn't try and hide what it is.
Neighbours, brilliant, Coronation Street, it's the longest running scripted television show for a reason, General Hospital, one of the better American soaps.
Something that pulls viewers in with a promise of a zombie escape/survival drama and then delivers a boring human soap opera with occasional zombies featured is shit.
I liked her cause she reminds me of my mummy tbqh
>wants to cuck her husband with zero consequences
>blames everybody but herself fer her actions
dunno seems like the most realistic female character on the show to me
get out /film/ advocate
>call things a soap opera like
Because soap operas have shitty writing and acting and are designed to take advantage of their hyper-emotional female viewing audience.
That doesn't really mean anything when /got/ is practically nothing but shitting on the show and shitposting.
Season 1 is one of the best though.
Lincoln's acting has always been good.
I'd like to see you do better
>Does it get better?
Thanks user I needed that.
I liked edgy Rick from Season 4-Season 6
The casting of Lauren Cohen in TWD made my peepee feel good. Same goes for Emma Watson in Harry Potter.
Despite these being far from the greatest show or movies, I have just said two nice things about them.
The fuck are you talking about. Andrew Lincoln carries the show almost entirely on his own, since the beginning.
You said the actresses make your 14 year old dick hard. You said nothing about the show or movie themselves
well enjoy rick being a pussy all this season
gonna be super fun, bravo AMC
totally the writing. he does very well with an awful to mediocre script. if you look at the show compared to other soap operas on tv atm, he is a cut above
I dropped the show when they wouldn't let Jim just dig a fucking hole
I quit watching it last season because the whole of every episode were montages. You could distill a season's worth of content into like 2 whole episodes
>it's a people confuse good acting with bad acting episode
s1 was shit
Lincoln's acting is fine, until he has to display complex emotions, then it is just pretty mediocre.
Sup Forumsfags - how faithful is this to the source material?
Only good seasons are Season 1, 2, 6 and the current.
Everything else is a clusterfuck. Seriously-- 3 - 5 are the least re-watchable/re-engageable media I've ever encountered in my life.
As of right now it's pretty close, with a few characters swapping roles, but a decent amount has been changed in the past.
Someone post the gif, you know the one
so you're saying he is good but lacks range? hmmm really makes you think...
I love seeing zombie flicks where theres a christian talking about how this is gods wrath and what not
is there much of that in the later seasons?
They make TWD only for gaining cash they care just a little about how logical and good the seasons are. The lvl of TWD is the same since the second season. They have not improved TWD yet. Only came a new character which is likeable the rest sucks quite a bit.
I would say Rick becomes better but the show as a whole only gets worse and worse. If i were you I'd drop it.
Season 1 is the worst season, do NOT listen to what these retards say. Like everything else with the show, Andrew Lincoln improves a lot as it goes along.
Season 1 was cheesy generic garbage. Tone was all over the place, it barely follows the comics, characters weren't likable yet, zombies behavior was inconsistent as fuck. Season 3 and after is when it really hits it's stride.
Andy Linco turns the kino from four to cinco
>just stick out for 18 hours bro then it gets good!
Totally correct about the zombie behaviour. The writers give no fucks as long as it serves the plot or provides an action sequence. How the fuck does the episode where they hide under those cars on the highway make any sense? I thought they established in season 1 that the zombies hunted primarily with their sense of smell? If so, they would have been detected underneath the cars.
he's consistently written poorly, but it gets better
give up by season 2 or 3
the episode with the dome is a good one to end on
as it progresses, it looses the reflections on the pre-zombie world that gave it it's depth
the situations they find themselves in become increasingly inauthentic and alien
they should have just set the whole thing as a pilgrimage to somewhere
His accent seems fine to me. Mind you, im not a burger so all southern accents from your country sound the same to me
>Season 2
Literally just "Nothing Happening: The Show"
the first 3 or 4 seasons of Dexter are top-tier
different guy
but yeah from Mississippi so the noticeably fake ones bug the shit out of me
especially Maggie's
what the fuck is wrong with the sound design in this show
i watch with headphones and some parts are so fucking loud whilst some softer dialogue i cant hear at all
Is your mom a huge bitched that cucked your dad then got mad when everyone found out she was just a dumb trick???
yeah a priest joins the group
why is every female character in this show so far a fucking bitch
Pilot was literally the only good episode
Well there's your problem. Are the noise cancelling? What size are the speakers? Open/closed back? Amplified? Decent/meme brand?
Still live with Mom & Dad?
i got sick and tired of movies/tv shows doing this, so i just started normalizing my audio
>projecting this hard
Not at all, faggot. I own 3 houses and can listen to things in any of them whenever with having to use cans.
The main problem with headphones are fags thinking meme brand shit like Beats or Skull Candy are any good and basing their complaints on their shit evidence. might as well include Turtle Beach in the box of shit too.
Sennhieser, AKG, Grado or go get fucked.
nice digits 3 house bro
You're not going to last, he gets substantially worse over time.
It didn't even bother me in the first season.
I watched 1st season of Walking Dead, that was enough
It Amazes me that it getting an 8th, possibly 9th season and yet God Tier tv such as Rome was cancelled after 2
not really. show is addicting and fun. I know you may be too cool to watch it even though you probably do.Although season 2 can be a bit slow
Started rome last night for first time. is it truly good?Still on EP 1
>someone does something completely stupid
Every episode, every season. Enjoy.
shit taste
>its a t-dog episode
This. If Paul Darabont can't get a decent performance out of you you really suck
Its like 90% filler episodes with characters making terrible decisions and spontaneous 5 minute monologues that are always saying the same shit about humanity or whatever. Then there are the 1-2 episodes every season where something actually happens. It simply isn't worth slogging through the huge amount of filler.
They should only do like 8 episodes a season and cut down on all the filler bullshit.
This is the most critical TWD thread I've seen on here in awhile. Don't listen to half these people.