Hilary on snapchat

so guys Hillary is on snapchat now my main question is why the fuck haven't we spammed the ever loving fuck out of her snapchat with pics of trump

Would be better to send her team memes about her fuckups and corruption.

Also I imagine most people here don't care much for snapchat. I thought you can only send photos you just took anyway.

Actually this. Here's a bump. Red pill her team on Trump.

would be cool but chances are she hardly knows what snapchat is and has some sort of "social media" aide who takes care of all of that for her. Remember this is a woman who admits she hasn't even driven a car since 1996, only time she isn't surrounded by people doing things for her is at her rallies.

>mfw Hilary ends up voting for Trump because she got Red pilled

She probably has receiving messages disabled.

Like she did from Libya.

Good one


Send pictures of the benghazi victims. Nonstop.