>character sees vampire
>he doesnt know what it is
Character sees vampire
>zombie attack
>nobody knows what zombies are
>Character sees zombie
>"Oi mate, you 'ad too much to drink, yea?"
>zombies exist
>characters refuse to just call them zombies
Isn't that a line from Cockneys vs Zombies?
>scifi setting with shittier technology than we currently have
You have fucking spaceships but you don't have cellphones.
>Shaun of the Dead
>"Look a Them zombies, mate"
>"Don't say zombies"
>"Because it sounds bloody stoopid"
>Vampire movie
>Vampires eat people instead of drinking blood
>they're not zombies, they're Infected!
>Vampire movie
>Vampire character doesn't want to hurt humans
fucking vegans
>Vampire show
>All the vampires wanna do is have sex and run at super speed
>vampire movie
>no disturbingly homoerotic undertones
>zombies eat people but they never poop
explain this
>Vampire movie
>Vampires can't turn into bats
and listen to shitty techno
name 1
>Zombie movie
>most are zombies in a given area
>zombies don't eat other zombies
>zombies don't die from starvation
So why do they even eat? Why can't the ZLM faggots just act peacefully?
Interview with the Vampire you mongoloid
>animals don't decimate the zombie population
>zombie show/movie
>they spray and pray into a horde of zombies
>somehow this kills them despite their own rule that you have to destroy/remove the brain
overtly gay, just short of showing a full on assfucking scene
>zombie movie
>military is portrayed as stupid, useless, or cold hearted murderers
30 Days of Night
>zombie movie
>zombies that can't move faster than an awkward shuffle are somehow an existential threat to civilisation
>Horror movie
>Leading man does all the work while his love interest sits there
>Lead man dies at the end while the chick lives
>vampire movie
>the guy vampires start making out
Not valid criticism, this is what happens in real life.
Life is unfair
They'll just rot away in time.
>zombie attack
>people know what zombies are
>doesn't help anyone as typical zombie killing methods are ineffective
Too bad this has never happened.
>>So why do they even eat?
>Character walks into a room
>zombie movie
>is really just a veiled criticism of capitalism and consumerism
Piss off, pleb.
Name 4 kinos and 7 flicks where this happens.
>zombie apocalypse
>not allowed to use the Z word
>Character sees zombie for the first time
>"Hey man, you ok? You don't look so good"
>characters hear howling
>it's a full moon
>hunted by a monstrous bipedal wolf
Okay, it's never happened in a good movie, but has happened in some obscure shit that no one has heard of.
Obviously underage
Fucking ZLM apologists. hope your prepping your wife for the BZC, does your wife like the taste of formaldehyde?
So why don't they have zombie sex on instinct?
>Don't say that
>Don't say what?
>That word
>What word?
>That zed word!
Fuck, rewatching because that movie is excellent.
>Return of the Living Dead
>not good
What are you even doing in this thread?
>Character sees freshly turned zombie
>Doesn't tie it up and have sex with it
That was horrible, I apologize
I remember this happening in at least one flick.
>vampire gives a speech explaining their characteristics
>laughs off the notion that some traditional anti-vampire thing like garlic works
Reported. Even if you're shitposting, you deserve to be banned.
>"actually we just don't like people who smell like garlic huehuehue"
you just KNOW the people at the end of 28 days later had their way with that chained up zombie
>The Last Man On Earth
>Vincent Price needs stakes to kill the vampires
>decides the best way to get these is to get a block of wood and lathe them all into cylindrical spikes
>takes several hours of tedious and intensive work to create 10 stakes
>doesn't simply cut them with a saw
Just imagine it's a world where Dracula was never written.
And Vampires are just a legend that a bunch of fringe weirdos believe in.
>vampire movie
>afraid of Christian symbols
Quran fearing zombies when?
What fringe creatures do we have now that could fit that description?
Who could we face that some viewer would laugh at us for not knowing about it
Shaun of the dead is prime comfycore
Prove me wrong
But what about when his Mom and best friend die
It was done in The Historian
This is why you'll never be the last man on Earth.
Technically the best friend doesn't "die" die.
He just becomes a zombie and is still smart enough to play Fifa with Shaun
>zombie movie
>no one ever goes to a second floor of any suburban house and demolishes the stairs while keeping a ladder to instantly have safety forever from zombies while resting
>zombies have no body heat
>not just going to a snowy area where they all freeze solid before reaching your shelter
Lots of different cultures have scary monsters from folklore that 95% of the rest of the world wouldn't recognize if they saw
are you implying that the zombies will eventually relent?
and they can carry around 50~ years worth of food?
zombies are so stupid they constantly walk forward into pits, into spikes, into nets, into barbed wire meshes and get stuck if any humans are on the other side
>no one just surrounds their camps with pits and spikes and has a wood bridge plank they put across the ditches
>instead they use shitty chain link fences or shoddy rotten wood walls
Please don't be bait. I thought dang that's really good, but I hope its your actual true opinion
>zombie movie
>Character sees zombie is kneeling over a body
>Zombie gets up, still with blood around his mouth
>"Hey buddy, are you alright?"
Every fucking time. Even worse, the zombie moves at a snail's pace, obviously doesn't answer the character and then the character goes towards the zombie for whatever reason. And then the fucker gets bitten.
dumb zombies go to any sounds/sights in the distance they can reach so be quiet LIKE WHEN YOU SLEEP? and they go away
and if they don't then trapping them is even easier with rats in cages near pits/spikes and rats/feral cats/orphans to throw to distract them away
>retard gets into scuffle with obvious undead zombie
>later on
>zombie movie
>a character sees someone he/she knows turned into zombie
>%name% is it you? do you remember me?
>zombie movie
>priest is zombie
Why not mosque? It would be so much better.
>zombie movie
>take a shower
>"I CAN'T"
>cries and spazzes out
Mom death scene chokes me up desu, but that's only because I love my mom and dread the day she passes.
Phillip's death scene is great though.
>Mom, it's Phillip... He's gone.
>Where's he gone?
>Mom, he's dead.
>... No he isn't.
>Watch Next Gen
>they don't have cameras inside their comm badges for some reason
>the only means of communication is through the ship computer
>they constantly send crew members down to hostile planets without sending a UAV or something down first
>slasher movie
>if any authority actually arrives they don't believe the crying, bleeding, filthy survivors
>idiot cop/w.e. goes never checks behind them and walks right into an ambush
>cop dies like a bitch and the characters run away
>zombie movie
>zombie is so severely decomposed as to be almost completely skeletal
>still finds the strength to dig its way out of its ancient grave and pose a real threat
>that dude has a suspiciously placed bandage on his arm after that for everyone to see
>gets worse and worse as time goes on
that would be racist apparently, even though religion isn't a race.
Watch the SJW worms swarm over this response and tell me to go back to Sup Forums because they can't argue this point.
>giant monster movie
>punches and steel and concrete structures being knocked over on them damage them more than heavy artillery fire
one of the first zombie movies had a main zombie Hari Krishna or however you spell it
>sneaky zombies always get close to people somehow even highly trained military covering their flanks and not in a vs horde combat
Is it just me or do a lot of zombie movies follow a similar beginning, middle, and end?
They start out with the MC somehow waking after the apocalypse already hit. Even in a heavily populated place, he will only encounter 1 or 2 zombies as his first experience. Then he meets people already in a group or starts his own. They create their own safe haven. Then it devolves into the group debating and fighting with each other. This becomes the focus instead of the actual zombies. Then when it is reaching the end, someone does something stupid or another group attacks, then their safe haven is infested with zombies. People of the group die, but the main character and perhaps a love interest get out alive.
Personally, I love the beginning parts the most. When the MC is actually up against the zombies for the first time and learning how to kill them. No group bullshit or backstabbers. I just wish there was some movie that made the feeling of the beginning of a typical zombie movie extend for the rest of the movie. I'm not really a fan of the middle or end parts very much.
>Character is given magic item that grants them luck/power.
>Someone he knows needs luck/power.
>Gives them the "magic" item.
>Later find out that it wasn't the real magic item and that it was just a ruse to get them to believe in themselves.
>zombies never fall apart due freezing and unthawing
>never just decompose into rotting heaps due to heat and bacteria
I kind of like the formula of
-everything's normal
-reports of sporadic violence on the news
see: Shaun of the Dead