Its a beautiful thing when a former teenage hottie does everything to stay hot, but fails horribly ^.^

its a beautiful thing when a former teenage hottie does everything to stay hot, but fails horribly ^.^

I love milf who tries to stay relevant.

but it does work. plenty of men are willing to to try impress these women and give them orgasms and provide for them outside of sex.

Stop. Also
>that cleavage with a perfect penis slot

Wasn't she and her friend almost murdered or something?

She looks better than SMG


?!? ew.

I do too. There's that need that they can't place their finger on yet and they're so willing to do anything to find what it is.

Jesus Christ she looks like my 50 year old coworker

She's still pretty hot user.

The more you shrink the image, the more older and jewish she starts to look.

i dont see anything wrong with her. she can still catch the nut

> those traps

jew genes



The only ones people sort of kind of care about are the ones that got hired because they had massive tits. Theres no difference between her and a Hayek besides the tit size



I would bust a fucking nut so far inside her god damn cervix, that you'd need a crane to pull the baby out.

And not just for the money.


I am genuinely interested in how many dicks she had to suck to make it where she is now.


>daily reminder that Gul Dukat did nothing wrong

except Hayek is massively attractive still.

>Theres no difference between her and a Hayek

Sure buddy

These bitches need to increase their estro, eat good food and work out. Then their skin won't look all worn out and they'll still haven collagen. They're so committed to getting skinny they lose what makes them youthful in the first fucking place.

who dis? i like her ass


don't care

hundreds, and her reward was a closet gay footballer player to cuck for eternity.

I would stick my peepee into that poopoo.


Tell me this, Sup Forums

Why is she unattractive compared to when she was younger?

I know she is, of course, but she doesn't look super wrinkly or anything (got crow's feet and some wrinkles on the forehead but nothing insane) I can instantly tell how old she is, but what is it that lets me do that? Same goes for some of the others posted here


tara reid

the ravages of time

The dessication of age

i'm fucking dying here

Is this actually real?


Literally Who?

Iggy Pop?

oh jesus why

> Monica potter still holds up and is my Milf-fu

Well if the producers of the walking dead are ever short of a zombie, they know who they can get in at short notice.

Man she fucked her own shit up in record time i swear. American Pie was barely out for a year.

>In October 2006, Reid acknowledged in an interview with Us Weekly that she had liposculpting.[17] In the interview, she discusses how her plastic surgery "went wrong" and also explains why she decided to have plastic surgery done, saying that her breasts were uneven and that she wanted a "six pack" for a new movie role. The liposuction resulted in deformity. In the same interview, Reid's new plastic surgeon, Dr. Steven Svehlak, reported that he performed a procedure called a "doughnut mastopexy" to correct her original augmentation, and performed additional liposuction in hopes to even out her stomach.



What is some more MonPot kino?

she actually still looks pretty good in alot of other things shes posted this year
but jesus christ when she tans does it make her look bad

this thread isn't funny anymore

>Be woman
>Spend all your life trying to look good
>Reach 26 and its all downhill
>Rapid descent often
>Slow descent rarely
>Instead of learning mathematics and science as a youngster so you could invent a time machine
>You were learning makeup tutorials and how to cuck a guy and get his money
>Now no time travel exists
>And you will age horribley until you refuse to use mirrors unless under the influence of alcohol or prescribed or non prescribed drugs

If weaponized woman was as intelligent as weaponized autism we'd have a fucking time machine by now

When they continue to furiously workout and tan like theyre in highschool it doesnt work, they look like ropey skelingtons dipped on wood stain.

If your body is trying to develop tits and a fat ass, just let it happen. Your time is up, let nature take its course, you'll probably look better for it.


Women will never have to try to for male attention though. Even if their descent begins at 26, there will always be desperate guys around to take whatever they find.

Women want alphas and they're all alpha widows by the time they settle. Lifetime of unhappiness, wine, drugs and crying follows.

Now that's the scariest I've ever seen anyone on Halloween

They really age like milk.

It's so strange when you're growing up alongside them and they're miles ahead of you in looks and seemingly energy and vitality... then 25 comes around and it's like they go on life support.

They stop blossoming, they become to wilt, then they become nasty cunts because nobody is being excessively nice to them or placating their stupid fucking shit anymore.

Then the true face of the beast emerges, one that was previously concealed under concealer and youth.

Milk? More like dogshit that's been out in the sun too long.

No wonder she's getting BLACKED now

I worked on this sharknado movies. Tara Reed is really nice and likes a drink or two

Boston legal
Patch Adams

why not just hire a personal trainer and dietician, damn

Come on faggots this thread actually is interesting...,not OP