/bb/ Big Brother OTT

Previously on /bb/: HoH (Head of Household): SHELBY BITCHES
Veto: TBD
HoH Nominations: TBD
America Nom: TBD

Safety Ceremony 1: TBD
Safety Ceremony 2: TBD

Care Package winner: TBD

Have Nots: TBD

Most Likely Going Home: TBD

Other urls found in this thread:




Shelby and Bridgette are the best!

Our guy finally finishes above Justin.


I wish gayson hadn't ran out of cigs.
Nobody is up to entertain me past midnight anymore

i miss scott

Are we trying to save Justin now?
He has no idea what he's doing

It's just to get people to vote Whitney.
I hope Justin goes this week, he's a dickhead like everyone on his side.

I honestly don't fucking know this week, man.

With us not having full information how this care package even works and the fact that the pick has big implications for double eviction, everything is way too fucky.

People said to whip up Whitney mist, so I aimed it at the most gullible people on twatter. Prob won't make a difference this time anyway; the earlier polls were always split right down the middle but Jason has a solid lead in every poll this week.

scott get in here already

Moo talked fatalie into selling her BB shit on ebay too kek

one crushes the HOH comp to get power, the other gets it by being popular. the popular HG's target goes home. isn't BBott wonderful

Oh shit, it's the Santa costume. Making 100% profit from items given by BB. Currently at a total of $404.48

I'd personally want to keep the items rather than make a quick nickel off them, but I'm a sentimental faggot so what do I know

This RHAP new feed correspondent battle is cooler than I expected.

The black dude wasn't very good. The other two did pretty well tho

chaotic neutral

I'm fine with anyone besides Krispy winning, but there's a 0% chance of that, so whatever

I'd rather krustyshit won than chimpman.
She's at least playing in her twisted mind, he's just pathetic.

I'd rather put the cash in the pocket of a retard than a fat quitter, bro


i couldn't decide between the qt and the dude. both were good.

black dude needs to work on his speech.

I'd buy her used panties


I can't wait for Shelby to wake up!

Based production. Hardest I've laughed this season

This. Best girls.

i can't wait until danielle wakes up... which will be at noon then again at 6 pm when she goes back to sleep at 4!

It's better for everyone if she stays asleep


>tfw Scott is somewhere being kino and we can't see it.

stfu Scott

Scott's going to get a love pillow with Alex on it, isn't he?

What's the most savage moment of OTT so far?

>monte felt that way too
>i have to give a speech

>His coup de grace was his clapping when he knew Kryssie got hurt in the veto comp
>I wasn't clapping because she got hurt
>By a vote of 4-3 Neeley you have been evicted
Really didn't help his case but goddamn that sperg clap was fantastic

Is Shelby from LA?

this sucks, he HoH reign is effectively ruined in 4 hours. jason will be a complete ass about it

born and raised in arizona, lives in santa monica, movint to san diego when she gets out of the house

Theme of the whole damn season

how humble will the LNC be? how long before they say america loves them? how long before they call shelby a 'worthless whore?'

>getting btfo by a soundboard

so jason cohoh
jason nominee - whitney
shelby nominee - danielle

we need the veto used on danielle in order to backdoor justin

>She will never share an apartment w/Bridgette in Torrance

not really. the other HGs got to name their 2 noms and enjoy their HoH room for the week

shelby gets 1 nom and will be bullied out of her HoH room after 2 days

are you assuming shelby gets to name the replacement and they wont random draw like nat and meech did?

>Shelby: "Scott's spirit animal is sea lion, cause they both clap all the time"

>so jason cohoh
>jason nominee - whitney
>shelby nominee - danielle

danielle wins veto
jason gets to renom alex

alex: danielle, justin
krispy: america, morgan

maybe shelby gets to break the tie?
only IF shelby gets to name the renom

justin: alex, morgan
whitney: danielle
krispy: america


if danielle stays up there shes done

danielle: alex, morgan, justin
krispy: america

>ywn get to fuck Shelby in her little pjs

shelby is always the first one up

Danielle is Huefu's nominee, so Shelby will decide a replacement. She will backdoor Justin then. Either Krispy or Chimpman will go home.


oh right i forgot that makes sense

how do they decide who breaks a tie? is that a coin flip

im sure shelby breaks the tie

Where's Anna Khait when you need her?

thought i remember nat and meech discussing a coin flip

what if...


justin wins veto and plays it on whitney

alex renom: justin whitney(cause shes pissed she had to go otb)
danielle: morgan
krispy: america

alex goes

RHAP says veto holder

well looks like its gonna be rigged for jason to win it then

jason and shelby wont even be able to make deals to keep each other safe during the DE cause neither will have any power so jason will be all about making sure one of the girls goes

do you think jason will evict justin?

he seems pretty loyal to krispy

never can tell he is such a shit player, he is more concerned with hiding krackles

when jason keeps justin safe he will end up going full chimpman on shelby

He was talking yesterday about how they need to get rid of Justin before F3 to Krispy and repeated that a number of times.

I don't think Shelby will nom Danielle, could just make a good case and nom Justin.

what are the catchphrases of this season?
>oh, absolutely
>positive vibes
>my dick is up


they will alternate safety

shelby wiill keep alex safe first

jason - justin
shelby - morgan
jason - krispy

danielle and whitney left OTB

doesnt matter if he keeps justin or krispy first, he will keep both over danielle

>cbs did not say how this nominations will look like, so they can apply a rig
If gayson wins, there will be safety ceremony so Alex and Morgan can be safe
If whitrat wins, it will be stardard hoh where one person nominates one.

>Shitney can't even be bothered to still fake being in BS and spend time with them.
Great gameplay, gurl

>tfw sleepover ruined due to america and jason

i'm still so bummed out by her flip

can partially blame scott and alex being bad game players for throwing her UTB before the AN for no reason.

>it's comfy Monte bashing talk time

justin brownnosing 24/7

i put it more on her being a HN with justin and krispy

doesnt even matter what alex or scott allegedly said, danielle was putting her OTB and justin and krispy were going to tell her anything. they shit on danielle more than they did alex and scott

they had a good monte bash session last night around 11:15, was pretty funny

this is killing me, shelby is on such a high and her hoh is going to come crashing down in 2 hours

she already knows the CP could go to the other side and fuck her shit up, so she's mentally prepared

ya'll ignant

man its weird seeing shelby talk more game with morgan than alex

its more sensible talk too, alex is all over the place


The white dude was trying too hard

Girl was the best, black guy has some interesting opinions, white guy has a good voice, but is annoying and is not really interesting

i hope jeff delivers the care package during the double eviction


manlet monte btfo




fuck off back to prison

bayou piece of shit

>Chimpman winning legitimate competition
shit's crazy




kek that was great

reminder: even big meech was man enough to let natalie basically maintain her HoH knowing she didnt earn her coHoH.

jason will be a complete douche about it and make shelbys life a living hell

wow jason fully game talking right in front of whitney

its over shes 100% flipped


season over