is Mel Gibson finally back & do you think this movie is going to get another OSCAR for him.
Hacksaw Ridge
Anybody seen it yet? Any good?
That's what Sup Forums says these days?
Say no more senpai, I'm seeing it.
10/10 Best movie out right now, just came from it. Rouge One don't have shit on this.
Looks boring and generic
What did he mean by this?
What the fuck was his problem?
Was it autism?
Is this kino?
>andrew garfield
no thank you
No and No.
>war is bad
gibe Oscarino
its kind of crazy how think how miniscule mel's statements were that got him blacklisted. almost makes you think the media is being orchestrated by certain puppet masters
>Oh, look, another WWII movie
We're never going to see WW3 films, user.
There are other wars.
You'd love people to call you boring and generic, you sack of shit.
WW2 is a perfect war. I could explain but typing 1 handed.
Shut up and go to the Dr Strange thread, cancer.
There have been plenty of WW3 movies though
Saying this is almost as stupid as saying that because war is ubiquitous it is trivial. You have 0 sense of history at all, do you.
A historical one, user. Based on a real war. Not a theoretical one.
If you can make fictional WW2 movies I don't see why you can't make fictional WW3 movies.
Way to limit yourself.
Just got home from this movie. The most important thing to know is that you can easily tell it was directed by Mel Gibson. This is both good and bad. The war scenes are just as graphic as people were saying, but there were definitely one or two moments that probably got a few more laughs than he wanted them to, like one really out of place scene with the Japanese leaders at the very end. Also the biblical symbolism is almost unbelievable at points.
AMA, I guess, it's still really fresh in my mind.
there's nothing funny when they drank sake.
how bad is Garfield's accent, it's kind of goofy in the trailers
judge for yourself the real doss is at the end.
It's sort of like that the whole movie, but it definitely serves it's purpose. He's supposed to be kind of an outsider, so I didn't have a problem with it being kind of exaggerated.
You know damn well what I'm talking about
>laughing at the jap scene
you must be from America
It looks pretty fucking stupid. I know it's a real story but the movie is going to ham it up beyond belief.
I can't take any melodramatic war movies serious. I feel like war has become such a criticized and cynical thing you really can't do that melodramatic crap with heroic soldiers anymore.
Im not that ama fag.
I don't think people were laughing because it was bad, it just felt really out of place
To the movie's credit, the war scenes aren't melodramatic at all. They're just really fucking violent. It works pretty well, even if some of the effects looked really off.
the grenade kick had better contexts than the trailer then. nothing in the end was funny.
better than another capeshit or soft reboot
Actually I wasn't even really talking about that, although a couple people laughed when he smacked one of the grenades out of the air.
>Anybody seen it yet? Any good?
It opens today, November 4th. Looks great from the trailers- maybe a bit by the numbers. Andrew Garfield is kinda lispy as Doss.
First half is really by the numbers, but well acted/directed. Second half is basically people getting murdered for an hour. Garfield is great though.
>Andrew Garfield
I saw it today. Garfield is really good, Hugo Weaving is god-tier. The only negative things I could say are that Vince Vaughn was only okay, Sam Worthingtons accent wasn't the best and some of the CGI wasn't quite up to par. 8/10 strong return for Mel
Saw it yesterday. One of the most brutal war films I've seen but still a powerful piece of cinema. All the cast performed exceptionally, except maybe Teresa Palmer who's character was basically forgotten about half way through the film.
So was it worth it? Im thinking of seeing it in 2hours
>This tale of real-life heroism seems less a celebration of humanist convictions than a glorification of religious intransigence and a declaration of the moral superiority of the faithful over the faithless.
>being this triggered
Yeah, you might as well. Even if you don't like it, it doesn't feel near its length
>only 88% on RT
sorry kiddo, but it's shit
>americans jerking off to ww2
Jesus, it never gets old for you faggots, does it?
RT is corrupt with leftist bloggers.
>Second half is basically people getting murdered for an hour.
>Hugo Weaving
I'm so glad
This guy was so sad everytime I see him
Ready for kino in 10min.
It's funny you say that because I found Vince's drill sergeant scenes to be just about the only time he has actually been funny. I liked him in this movie for that.
I saw it a couple days ago. It is definitely one of the better war movies I've seen. Better than SPR but not on the level of stuff like the Thin Red Line. Teresa Palmer is waifu-tier
Very, very good
Yeah I cant wait for another capeshit filled with niggers and bad actresses
How was the Kino?
Also, is this a student discount or am I really living in a third world country?
Most of the rotten reviews are people whining about jingoism or religious undertones.
Glad you guys enjoyed it.
I was an extra in the movie, and I had a great time on this project.
fuck off you lying cunt.
Really good, enjoyed it a lot. Gory also, really gory.
No discount, thinking of seeing Strange in the evening and price for 3D is 5.20eur
>Also the biblical symbolism is almost unbelievable at points.
Did you mean this in a good or bad way?
I mean, it is a film about a seventh day adventist and his faith is central to his story. I'd be disappointed if it didn't have strong biblical symbolism
dont be mad because we had to bail you faggots out again
symbolism isn't the correct word. It tells a true story that actually reflects values of faith. Doss has experiences that reinforce his projection of his faith onto the world, and through this he succeeds where no other man would
I can't get invested in such a stupid fucking concept
Crybaby soldier wants to help people and not hurt anyone.
Fuck the modern world has gotten soft
Pure dank kino
Kikes BTFO
Based Mel kino confirmed
A little spoiler, but nothing much.
>American camp
>People saved by Doss are being brought in constantly
>Doctor asks where are they coming from
>Soldier answers that one nut is saving them
>Soldier says he also even saved few japs
>Soldier says that japs didnt survive
He implied how they killed japs kek
>hyper-religious Southerner with a ridiculous accent believes that pacifism is better than violence during a war that began because of pacifism and appeasement
Its childish for adults to say "Like, why can't we all just get along?", so its disappointing that people actually like this movie
but is it kino?
>all these nu males triggered by war-kino
this post really made me think
where or when during the movie was it revealed that he though that violence should not be used during the war? not him in particular, but in general. he was not trying to stop others from using weapons or killing nips, he just did not want to do it himself
you're leaving out the part where he actually saved several dozen people
Numales can't understand kino, they think like women
It will do great at the box office and critically but it won't get an Oscar nod. Moonlight will and Moonlight was trash.
Just marathoned it
Twas indeed top kino
Why do people keep saying kino all the time, it just means film
> € 3.49
It costs like € 12 where I live, jesus
>Go look at who is giving these negative reviews.
>First name I see is Daniel (((Gelb)))
Gee, I wonder if there reviews are biased
>jap scene
do they sudoko themselves?
>and Moonlight was trash.
Pretty much everyone except contrarian nigger liked it
Is this post kino?
>Was it kino?
>Was it cuck?
>Was it wat do?
>Was it kys?
>Was it who will play them in the inevitable biopic?
>Was it kino???
>Was it bane?
>Was it kino?
>Using several consonants instead of exclusively vowels to signify a drawn-out enunciation of a word
Fucking pleeeeeeeeeeb.
oi reddit
Hey kino
One did and got his head decapitated by katana by fellow general after that.
Your version of masculinity is false and retarded
This. Fuck this nepotism ass kissery Mel was forced to do to make this
>nate parker literally raped people and his movie is still accepted and lauded
>Mel made a couple of off color remarks while drunk
>most evil man, blacklisted immediately for years
On a scale from "quite" to "annudah shoah", how antisemitic was the movie?
I saw a pre-screening of it two days ago...been trying to talk about this movie lol
He saved over 70 people from behind enemy lines....he was in no way a crybaby you overmasculine fuckwit.
The point was to stick to principles of humanity and dignity even in war, where those principles are tested and strained the most, in situations where they matter most.
That's the subtext of the movie. It's not even overtly religious, it's just a religious main character. At no point does the movie explicitly bash you over the head with Christian undertones save one scene, this is coming from an Atheist. I loved the film. I don't get triggered by characters with a different set of beliefs from myself.
That scene was so out of place.
When did you see Rogue One?
M-m-m-maybe Mel tried to show that also japs have something to believe in.
But yes, it was kinda out of place.
What I meant by out of place is that we were following the American narrative throughout the ENTIRE course of the film, then all of a sudden, despite the film making Japanese soldiers one-dimensional and never really fleshed out, we get a slow mo suicide scene. It just seemed gratuitous to show me that. Especially after the near sanctimonious message of peace and the value of human life, to cut to suicide.
Mel can't help himself sometimes I guess...