"Just Wong? Like Adele?"

"Just Wong? Like Adele?"


I literally dont get it.

Is 'Just Wrong' the title of one of her songs? Is that the joke?

Joke is no surname.


In all seriousness though what is it with people hating Marvel movies because of the quips? Is it because it's not "deep" enough for you? They made those stories for entertainment. Literally for showing off actions and cool effects that superheroes do to appeal to masses. When people come to the cinema to watch Marvel films they're expecting to be entertained and to have fun. Not leaving the theater with brooding feeling and gloomy memories. You literally criticize it for being what it is in the first place.

Wong pls.

It's the only "criticism" people can think of for the Marvel flicks because they're all incredibly successful and critically acclaimed otherwise.

>why do people not like non stop cracking jokes
every character is essentially the same. also just adds more to the predictability of these films and Im just sick of that.

Christ you could start a pepe thread with that joke.

>Like Cher?

Because the quips are misplaced. The Adele joke was fine, they Beyonce part was kinda funny.

The problem is when they put quips in major scenes and it ruins all the tension they've been building. Doctor Strange was alright, but Avengers: Age of Ultron did it fucking horribly. The Russian woman's brother just died and immediately after they're cracking jokes, just as they're about to defeat Ultron they have to make a final joke as well. It's just really frustrating because as soon as you're getting into the emotion and conflict, it's taken away.

>Not leaving the theater with brooding feeling and gloomy memories
They shouldn't make a gloomy plot then. Have the quips with something lighthearted, or have a serious movie but use the quips selectively.

I don't get it. I think I'm supposed to be ashamed for not getting it, but I don't feel shame anymore.

>critically acclaimed otherwise

You get what you pay for

>when Wong starts laughing at the end for no reason

Cringed hard lads

How about because they're completely fucking insufferable and make me want to grab a bucket

I'm sure that there's plenty of evidence to show that Disney pays critics for good reviews.

I had to google it. It's some singer that teenage girls know. Real low hanging fruit comedy. Honestly would rather see a fart joke.

They are also 100% certified pure shit tho

That sounds like a personal issue.

Friend, ask yourself this-- is it the haters that seem to obsess over the quips, or Marvel?

Ever since Iron Man they have been stuffing them everywhere they can. GotG was quip after quip for two hours. If it wasn't so clearly a cornerstone of their filmmaking, if it wasn't so obvious that they've devoted an entire team to solely for the task of developing them, perhaps they could be taken seriously?

What a sophisticated comedy palette you must have.

Arrrrgh I STILL don't get it

brb googling shit

>source: my opinion

Sure, take that pic for instance or this one too if you like, absolute objective irredeemable trash with fresh scores

Everyone on here is elitist for no reason whatsoever. Let's call it the misplaced arrogance of an aging CIS white male.

>GotG was quip after quip for two hours

witty, fast dialogue \= quips

Aren't quips just the same as the cheesy one liners from the 80's and 90's?

I want to drop acid and check this out. The visuals worth it or nah?

The joke is that Strange finds it odd that this man only goes by Wong, traditionally a surname. He then likens this to performers such as Eminem or indeed Adelle, who also only go by one name, to comedic effect.

If you watched this on acid, you'd probably die.

Basically but I don't remember movies being literally stuffed with them then

DC Cucks still crying like little bitches.
Jesus, get over it.

>Just Wong?
>Well it isn't right

What makes you say that? That good or that bad?

>people have their own opinions that I don't necessarily agree with, meaning that Disney pays them to have these opinions

No, because nostalgia goggles.

It's trippy enough without needing to put acid on top of that.

Running Man had a lot of them. Commando too. In fact, almost every Schwarzenegger film had a lot of them.

>Age of Ultron is good
>just an opinion bois

Shill harder

the only thing that separates Marvel from DC really is the quips in Marvel movies and for whatever reason those lame quips are good for an extra 50% critic review on the RT scale

Some of the best action movies of all time would have been shit if they had no quips and humor.
Predator, Die Hard, Terminator, Robocop , etc.

Stupid Faggots trying to convince people humor is bad in action movies.

But wouldn't that make the trip that much better? I feel like this is movie would be a phenomenal trip experience visual wise. Story wise, not sure.

I didn't even say it was good, I'm just saying you don't have an argument. Personally, I thought AoU was shit.

Also, it is an opinion, that's all it is, if you disagree with it, it shouldn't matter to you. Art is subjective.

Fucking Autists in this thread man. I sometimes forget the type of people who come here.

why not cher or bono though?

I suppose you'll just have to find out in the name of science.

Bad humor is a bad thing. Learn the difference.

The reason why is that we live in a world of instant gratification. You can't expect people to sit for two hours in front of a screen and to keep attention for the whole time if you don't give them something along the way. Most action movies have comedic relief but Marlel understand that their fans need it every two minutes even in the middle of a dramatic or action scene. That's why tv series are so popular, because they are short and every episode ends with a cliffhanger or some kind of reward for watching it or an incentive to keep on watching

True enough. Thanks for responding btw,

Why not Adele?

Please explain what makes that humor so much better than this humor objectively.

Or maybe you're just a bitter old fuck.

>this pleb again

I know this is an overused phrase, but it honestly really does apply here: GO BACK. Seriously, you'll fit in over at that other website. Go.

Yes, but there was no cinematic one-linerverse in the 80's and 90's.

The difference is this humour isn't funny. It's lazy pop-culture reference humour.

Terminator doesn't have quips or humour either you retard.

Case in point


Nice circular logic, grandpa.

What makes you say that, sweetheart?

Not an argument

What would Movies like Lethal Weapon, Big Trouble in Little China, Star Wars, Indiana Jones be without quips and humor?

Shit that's what.
DC cucks can't be this desperate right guys?

>art is subjective

Then why discuss it? Why are you here? In fact, given how everything you've been saying is the absolute epitome of reddit-tier, why are you even on this website?

I know it wasn't, and neither was your reply. I was merely pointing out the logical fallacy.

if everyone quips its the same as no one quips

>DC cucks can't be this desperate right guys?

Terminator 2 you Faggot. Even gets annoying with that teen edgy faggot

>bringing DC up

Their movies are absolute shit too but slightly better than Marvel because they at least try to do something different

Everything you've said.

>Then why discuss it?
Because some people enjoy sharing their individual opinions with one another. It enhances their experience by letting them see works of art in a new or different light, or they're merely interested in how their opinion differs from other people's opinion.

>Why are you here?
See above.

>why are you even on this website?
Because I've lost control of my life.

What kind of joke is that??? Really not funny desu

How so?

I don't understand how people watch garbage like this.

Because you're not a special snowflake

Show me proofs

Some people find certain things funny, other people don't. We're all individuals.

I hope not

> at least try to do something different

You mean portray people like they are not in real life? People in real life don't act like serious robots.
I'm even they know they fucked up. Now they are trying to add humor to the movies. The difference is DC humor comes off as cringe-worthy.

Fuck off. If you honestly think namedropping music stars is humor you need to grow the fuck up.

I honestly can't stand marvel humour, it fits in with deadpool and shit but like another user said they build all the tension then make some lol poopie joke XD and it ruins it, GotG for example, big bad boss man was killed because he got distracted by le dab man fuck that shit, for kids tbqh.

>because they at least try to do something different

I didn't even directly address any of the points you had made in your post, but you saw my negative reply and assumed that proved your point, when in fact, my reply had nothing to do with your supposed points. Circular logic.

Precisely, you can't, because humor is subjective and not objective.

>GOTG was quip after quip.

Well, what exactly would you expect from a film with a talking tree and gun totin raccoon? Sure, the movie was funny, but it still managed to have more heart than any DCEU film. Go watch other films. You may be surprised to find out other films like to put quips in their films because like someone said people want to be entertained when they go to the movies. They want to enjoy themselves.

>people want to share their individual experiences
>no you can't say that art is subjective you see

Pick one. You absolute fucking pleb.

>The difference is DC humor comes off as cringe-worthy.
>"you must know le beyonce right???"
>"i don't see how this is a party teehee"

Commit sudoku A. (as) S. (soon) A. (as) P. (possible)

To be fair, I could stand most of the quips in the other movies, but the ones in Doctor Strange felt to forced and misplaced. They took away from all the emtional buildup and tension of the scenes. I mean seriously, there was a quip after the part with the Ancient One and Strange staring out at New York. There was also another fucking quip when Strange was staring at the mirror crying, and there was a fucking quip when he was fighting Mads. It felt like they were trying to remind people that "look we're a family friendly Marvel movie", when it totally didn't fit the theme of Doctor Strange.

I wanna fuck Kamala.

And that would be?

If you want to criticize something don't make it about the very reason it was created in the first place. It's because everytime a marvel discussion came up their arguments are always "le too much quippy mcquip." Try argumenting in different way like why does Strange suddenly able to master Eye of Agamoto when he barely ables to create magic shield? Why does the cape like him? How come the other masters of the temple are so weak that they get one shot by Karcillius? Surely the title "Master" means they're able to fend off the attack for at least an hour? These things are arguments that would move the discussions. Not constant babbling of quips.

Not an argument

>Sure, the movie was funny, but it still managed to have more heart than any DCEU film
Who the fuck said anything about DC you corporate cocksucker? GoTG was Reddit as can be. DUDE DANCE OFF LMAO

It's like every character is someone from The Office

Some people thought AoU was good, you didn't think it was good. So clearly, they are lying. It's not an opinion, it's a lie, because it is an objective fact that AoU was bad because you didn't like it. That is your argument, it is fallacious because it ignores the fact that art is subjective.

I never said your opinion about AoU was wrong, that would be stupid, it's your opinion (an opinion I happen to agree with, actually), I was merely saying that you haven't proven and in fact cannot prove that Disney pays these critics.

What the fuck is wrong with these Marvel corporate whores ITT? Do they really believe forcing quips every minute is funny?

>92 posts
>35 posters

Just stop.

What does "being Reddit" even mean? I'm genuinely curious.

>opinions are subjective xD
>you can't say shit tastes like shit it's all subjective xD
Neck yourself

She with you?
I need friends
I hear you talk to fish
Man of Steel after he wrecks multi million dollar millitay equipment, "I think he is cute tee hee"

Sorry this isn't your hugbox.

You said this exact same retarded comment in another thread. Go to bed, you prepubescent embarrassment of a moron.

>i don't like this so everyone who likes it must be a shill

>litterally only 5 jokes/quips in the whole movie

You're not even trying anymore DCuck