For all things Christian
Catholics and Protestants alike are welcome to discuss theology. Try to be polite.
Atheists also welcome, but try to be constructive.
Theme Song:
Pastebin for believers and curious folk.
For all things Christian
Catholics and Protestants alike are welcome to discuss theology. Try to be polite.
Atheists also welcome, but try to be constructive.
Theme Song:
Pastebin for believers and curious folk.
Submissiveness or, the need to be Dominated: a healthy man always questions the world. This behavior is what has allowed man to impose himself upon, and gain control over everything he has come across. Everything that is great in a man comes from his ability to question. Which in turn leads him down the path of understanding, and more efficient and complex manipulations of the world. A man who's nature is to accept first, and question later. Is not a man at all.
This in my opinion, is one of the largest behavioral differences between men and women. Where a man is more likely to first question, and then secondly to accept. A woman is more likely to be accepting of her predicament, and often does not question those above her. Or the things that she thinks she is unable to control.
Man's questioning leads him to eventually dominate his surroundings. Where as a woman's accepting leads her to eventually be dominated by them.
When looking at modern day men and women you see a reversal of these roles. In women you see it as a constant mannish behavior that permeates through their entire personality. They try so hard to be mans equal, and yet they always fail. If not as a man, then as a woman.
They fail as men because they do not naturally question the world as a man does. And they fail as women because in their pursuit of equality (mannishness), they lose their ability to accept. They never can accept an average guy, so in the end they die childless and alone.
In many ways it is the same for men. In the pursuit of equality (simultaneously having both male and female roles/virtues), they end up losing the male "virtues", and can never gain the female ones. They lose the one they have in their pursuit of having them both. They become all accepting men. Which in turn makes them the antithesis of what a man should be.
At this point perhaps you are seeing the connections I saw when first making this observation. And that is that this behavior, or the switching of the male/female natural behaviors, is directly connected to the teachings of Christianity.
Christianity orders men not to question God (to be fully accepting of him). Christianity orders men to obey God (to be fully submissive to him). Christianity orders men not to judge others, as only God can judge man.
Here lies the root cause for modern liberalism, and the feminization of men. For the orders of Christianity do just that. Feminize men, and create all accepting, non-questioning slaves.
And Christianity orders it for this very reason, it's goal is to produce slaves. To create them out of men. To make men who do not question the world. And to make men who fully accept the demands of their God.
Christianity purposefully makes men woman-like, because women are naturally submissive. Women seek to be dominated by the world around them. They need to be dominated by the world around them.
Modern Liberalism, Communism, SJW-ism, and the vast majority of modern "atheists" are nothing more than Christians. They may not keep the title, they may not wear the name. But they readily spread the core teachings of their Christian holy book. And that is to accept all, to be submissive to God (the state), and that you cannot judge another human being.
The Christian doctrine has seeped so fully into western society. Like a cancer it turns the people upon themselves. An autoimmune disease that slowly chips away until it is powerful enough to take down the whole.
It lusts for your submission. It's ecstasy is your acceptance. And it longs for the day when all men are under its subjugation. Under the slavery they so rightly deserve.
For all Christian men are sinners.
Yay, you remade this shitthread. Good job.
>Posting Islamic shit
You have to go back
Why are Protestants (Germans, Americans) usually harder working compared to Catholics/orthodox (Hispanics, and Greeks)
So you think masculinity is being above God?
Reminder the book of enoch is canon and the jews suppressed it