How do I get out of the friendzone? She’s the most perfect girl I’ve ever met...

How do I get out of the friendzone? She’s the most perfect girl I’ve ever met, but she always complains about dating assholes. She never gives me a chance.

just fucking tell her. if you want to get out of the friendzone, you have to leave the friendship. I have seen very few people get out from within the friendzone. You have to take a chance. it may ruin the friendship,but that is the price you have to pay.

Not by bitching you're going to get out of it.If you're in the friend zone, maybe she doesn't even consider you as a potential partner. So do something about it instead of asking for a cheatcode to get to the next level

Fuck other women and tell her about it.. just casually though like “went on a date with xxx.. turns out she’s a bit of a freak between the sheets” then laugh and move the conversation on..

Congratulations, for the first time in her life your friend is now thinking about you having sex and not picturing you as the virgin manlet cuck that you are.

The friendzone is a myth

This .. fag

How if she perfect if she dates assholes.
Sounds like she has bad judgement and you don't want to stick your dick into anything with bad judgement, do you?

Watch the Tao of Badass videos. You can probably find them on YouTube.

But if I do that and mess up the friendship I’ll be just as bad as the assholes that she complains about and she might not talk to me again

Just tell her you want to date/fuck her. Either she says yes, or says no and the friendship ends, or says no but you're both cool about it and maybe someday down the road things will change.

You have to actually be ok if she turns you down though, for real. The attitude should be it kinda sucks but you got other options so you'll move on.

Source: Was friend zoned and took a chance. She turned me down (multiple times actually) but I played it cool and eventually she came around and we're married now.

Stop being a cuck fagget and become a Chad --> /fit/

Yeah, but she dated those assholes. And it's not being asshole liking someone.

No fear. Fear will kill your chances.

Unless she's a deathclaw, in that case, fear is your ally;

Sorry OP it means you're fugly.

Reading this response I just wanted to punch you in the face for being such a beta cuck... honestly, you can’t be helped .. she correctly thinks of you as a complete manlet eunuch

Listen to this user

This attitude right here, this conment you made, this is why you will NEVER fuck her. S A D

>MFW when I'm OP asking for sum fuck


Just join MGTOW, I’m sure you’re a great guy but trust me thots these days aren’t worth it. You’ll be much better off.

Alright I'll get real.

Lil nigga, one thing you'll learn in later life is that being a pussy when it comes to girls will get you nowhere. I'm not saying be that alpha, meatheaded tit, but confidence is what girls dig.

The fact you're thinking about this girl romantically means that you're past the friend stage. Trust me. I was "in love" with my best friend for around 5/6 years when I was younger. I chose to cut contact for university and get over it.

That was 8 years ago. I'm 26 now. Was completely over her.
Then we spoke for the first time again a year ago.

I'm still in love with her. She's married.

You're young. Mistakes do NOT matter right now. You WILL lose contact with her soon.
Either man the fuck up and tell her, or ditch the idea completely otherwise you'll romanticise this 'perfect' girl for the rest of your life and wonder what if. Cut the bud while you're young.

If you're going to not take advice and be a mad fucking pussy then here's a little trick:

Get booze. Don't care how, don't care if you're paying alone. Go for a walk in a fucking field or traffic with only her. Get a BIT drunk, not slaughtered.
Say something along the lines of "Right lets play a game. Every year list a person you wanted to fuck the living daylights out of"
Put her in the list a few years ago. Jokingly, confidently and suavely. Don't be a fucking beta.
This is the ultimate PUSSY move as it's putting the ball in her court, but it's also the best move because there won't be any fallout.
If she thinks you're fugly she'll laugh at it and not return it.

Again, you're a fucking faggot though. Man up.

Telling this girl how you feel =/= being an asshole.

This. Enjoy the friendzone cos youre never leaving

Send her dick pics. It might not get you in a relationship with her, but it will get you out of the friendzone.



So, I was friendzoned by the girl who is now my wife. I was very close friends with her and even let her vent to me about her bf. One of the things I did to see what I meant to her is got a gf, told her about it, then suggest we go on a double date. She couldn't hide her jealousy and it made me laugh.

About a month later she broke it off with the guy she was with and we went out that night. Been with her ever since and married 2 years now.

I'll give some oldfag advice though user. It sounds like you're infatuated with her. Which isn't a bad thing. But you need to look passed that and see if she's really right. Mine likes nerdy shit and video games so we got along well. She's not high maintenance.

However, I have been in your position before, thinking like you think, and now realizing years later that it was just a hott piece of ass that I wanted. Not a companion.

>only dates assholes
Oh gee, umm I dunno

You don't. Walk away. Cut her out of your life like the malignant tumor she is. Don't talk to her. Don't take her calls. Don't talk to any of her FRIENDS. Completely isolate her from you. Whatever you do, do NOT let her back in. Because she will almost immediately place you right back where you started. She will never be your girlfriend. You will only ever be her security blanket. Her fall back option. In 20yrs when she's got 3 kids, and no husband, she MIGHT look at you and decide to give you a crack at her ruined cunt. But that's the best you can hope for. So take my advice, and cut her the fuck off, before you waste most of your life chasing something you'll never get.

Well shit Sup Forums here we are giving advice to this candy-ass and he bails on it.

Yeah. Been lurking to see if he was going to respond and nothing.

No wonder he's in the friendzone. There's not ball nor sack to be seen on OP.

Fucking pussy.

Send her a dikk pikk

If you don't take a chance, a chance that you could possibly fail at, you don't deserve to be with her.

Not even a pube mate.
Massive pussy. Here I go making myself feel old by giving lusted for, experienced advice and he bails.

OP, don't make me bang your future wife.

From the sounds of it, maybe we should tag team his mom and make his bed time 2 hours earlier. Amerifags know the rules. It's only gay if the balls touch.

I like it. Hey, OP, give me an email address or something so I can find out where your mom lives. Your teenage angst is way too common to dox you with.

Amerifags don't have that rule I'm afraid. They're all for a bit of ball fondlage.

Okay I sent her a text telling her I’m not her friend anymore and she didn’t respond for a hour now she sends me this

fuck other 10 girls

If you're gonna fake a text at least make it believable. Most of us lurkers are old af. We know you're way too much of a pussy to send that.

holy shit OP just took a tall drink of alpha before sending this

Obvious fake. Get out.

I understand you wrote the word friendship, but my mind translated that as an aircraft carrier somewhere floating through life's ocean chock full of beta males, kissless virgins, and autists.

So Sup Forums, in other words.

what is sarcasm?

Agreed. Been 'round these parts a while youngin. You ain't foolin me.


Drop her dude. If she isn't giving you what you want then you need to end it or stop pursuing.

Even telling her won't work because she most likely won't take you seriously and say some bullshit about not wanting to ruin the friendship.

So if you stop talking to her she is guilty of ruining the friendship because she gave you no other choice. Her mind is made up. That is until you move on. Which would be your only chance because you had the confidence to better yourself.

wow i didn't even mean to bait you but you took the bait anyways. it's like y'all are just begging to be baited...

noun: sarcasm; plural noun: sarcasms

the use of irony to mock or convey contempt.

>>mfw "sarcasm" no longer illustrates irony
>>mfw when you're not even worth posting a face

Can you at least use different mannerisms when you fake a text? The sent and received messages sound alike. This right here is why you'll NEVER leave the friendzone.

Okay so... If we post seriously, as if you thought you genuinely sent the message, we're 'baited'.
If we call you out on being another little dickhead Sup Forums Sup Forums kid, we're 'baited'.

Uh. When did engrish changes its rwles?

Try to stop being her "friend" (actually, if you like her, she can't be your friend anyway), and start to act different, giving her some compliments and etc. but always keeping your dignity and self respect, thats vey important. If she doesn´t give up and become your gf, turn your feet 180 degrees and walk away, because you simply can not force someone to be your partner.


If you already have to ask then just give up and order an escort, homie.

>ITT a beta cuck tries to convince Sup Forums that he actually grew a pair.

Step One: Stop being her friend.

You ARE an asshole. Anything that separates you from that knowledge separates your cock from her pussy. So don’t believe it. Continue to pretend to be a nice guy. Live in the friend zone. Love the friendzone.

I don't understand how talking to women is difficult for people. I'm open about everything and it works just fine.

in other words just tell her, if you already have an established friendship with her it gives you a better chance. that's how I ended up with my partner.

Either start acting more like a guy girls want to be with or just straight up tell her. The first one is harder to do and takes longer/practice, second one is a surefire way of letting her know, and she'll either say sound or tell you to get to fuck nicely, sure it may ruin it but that's the risk you take.
Source is personal experience, been in love with basically a lezza for 4 years (she has had a boyfriend for a few months) did the first one, and whilst has never helped with her I've actually been getting laid quite often since surprisingly considering I'm bang average, and that takes your mind of things. A good, dry sense of humour and a bit of fake confidence can do you wonders especially with smarter girls, less so with dolts

Friend zone her. Be like (and really be, not just act) that you are only friends. She will be interested in you in no time.

Oh bonus if if she actually is a good mate she may be able to see past it anyway so it may not even ruin it (potentially don't hold me to that shit)