

She's transitioned well but for some reason her face reminds me of the bitchy girls in middle school so I find it annoying.

When does puberty occur? How will things be then?

A hundred years from now, we'll look back at this shit and wonder why we let such bullshit social fads allow us to do this shit to our children. This will be looked at like using fucking leaches or drilling holes in people's heads to let bad spirits out.


the drug em up so that they never hit puberty

It's gonna be a shame when he kills himself in 10 years.

Will ah hero by his late 20’s

Or maybe we'll look back on it and wonder why we ever tried to force people to be a person they did not feel they were

>yfw leeches (sic) are still used in certain cases

What a lil faggit

>i feel like being a mass murder
>i feel like being a pedo
>i feel like being a terrorist
>i feel like lynching blacks

As long as he keeps his cock he's right. He looks great as a trap and tits can always be removed when he realizes he's at best happy being a trap.

Few transitions are 100% successful and with everyone so quick to identify as transgendered over transsexuals there is a lot of regret being felt these days.

Probably his sister or something

I completely agree with you.

its brother and sister dickhead

>force people to be a person they did not feel they were
So we'll use crazy amounts of drugs to force their body to pretend to be something that it's not?

This guys a faggot. And a nigger.

But you do recognize the difference between wanting to live your life in a way that corresponds to how you feel inside and being allowed to harm other people because of your beliefs, yes?

Weak argument is weak.
Try again.

Does he/she/they/ae/e/ey/per/ze/zie/ve/phe/herm/list goes on... have a pussy?

We know you do, but that's socially unacceptable, so you'll be punished for acting on it. It is, however, socially acceptable to be feminine or masculine.


yeah they don't tell you too much about the whole "maintaining an open wound where your dick was cut in two and stuffed inside you on a daily basis" in all the recruitment propaganda.

Isn't that thing pregnant?

Yeah no we'll most likely wonder why so many mentally ill people were just lumped in with the healthy transgendered people for the sake seeming more tolerant to the world.

To the same world that still generally kills or beats gays and women.

So pointlessly.

>Implying we aren't wondering that now

It amazes me that the same people who think that children't aren't old enough to consent to sex, also think that it's perfectly reasonable to give them the reigns to determine their biological and genetic makeup. Explain that to me. How does that work in the mind of a leftist. You aren't old enough to consent to sex, but old enough to potentially ruin your life based on nothing more than the whims of a childish experiment of playing with both Barbie and He-Man at the same time. I just can't wrap my head around this nonsense.


I having thoughts about the first time my uncle and I went on holiday. He was very aggressive , but after a while his massive hands felt very warm and soft. Years later I find myself wanting to go back there , back to the place I became a man, back to him. I have tried to explain these things to my son but he is being defiant these days . Soon they will all pay

Seems to me we have no way of knowing what "most likely" will happen. Imagine telling someone back in the day that being homosexual is no big deal and that they can get married and adopt children.
I expect they would have said that most likely, given the contemporary societal zeitgeist, that would not occur.


>it great that all these boys want to become girls


>what the hell has gone wrong that these boys all want to become girls.

these people have been chronically poisoned and rather than looking into and fixing this they're being celebrated and make the pharm corps a customer for life.

>if you give someone LSD every day for 10 years of course they're gunna do shit like worship the growing pile of feces in their closet. its not their fault. it's yours and it doesn't make it any more right.


he is way cuter as a boy. dam shame

And there's a reason we lock up people who are bat shit crazy in the looney bin so that they don't harm themselves. If some delusional paranoid schizo believes that his arm is secretly a robot arm and tries to cut it off, we don't let him. We put him in a straight jacket. Yet, for some reason, we'll take a little boy, pump him full of hormones that run counter to how his body formed, prevent him from going to puberty, let him cut off his dick, and then tell him he's fine.

wtf hahaha

Bump for science

Not to mention much of what makes up modern gender is actually just a modern paradigm of crap.

Only retards feel identified by their gender. Same as gay people that identify as only gay.

I'm gay and I can't stand those fags that act like our sexuality defines us.

People call me "straight acting". I call myself not a faggot or not mentally ill. Either unchecked antisocial behavior makes fags act like flamers or mental illness. We are creating a society of egomaniacs and no one is stopping to consider the consequences.

Women are already impossible these days. My generation is fucked and I wish I was born ten years earlier. My 30yo cousin had the most amazing experience being gay but all I have are sjws going gay hoping to get girls like WHAT FUCKING SENSE DOES THAT MAKE.

I'm embarrassed for my generation that as a gay man I'm one of the most straight guys going.

>appealing to emotions

>You aren't old enough to consent to sex, but old enough to potentially ruin your life based on nothing more than the whims of a childish experiment
Not only that, but we're allowing these kids to make decisions---and we're fucking encouraging it---as it specifically relates to sex organs.

>you aren't old enough to consent to sex
>because your decision making skills aren't developed
>and you're not emotionally mature
>but we're gonna give you some female hormones and let you chop off your penis

Yes. Drag queens.

I think your tinfoil hat fell off, dude.

Seems to me that you're just spouting unverified nonsense and discrimination

You're a moron. That's most likely.

So has it chopped it off and made a vagina instead?

>Same as gay people that identify as only gay.
This is the biggest thing that irks me about gays in the realm of SJW bullshit. They claim they want to be treated like normal, regular human beings. But their entire movement and their entire identity is based around who they have sex with. "I'm just a normal person like you AND I HAVE SEX WITH MEN AND YOU MUST ACKNOWLEDGE AND PRAISE THE FACT THAT I HAVE SE WITH MEN BECAUSE HAVING SEX WITH MEN IS WHO I AM AS A PERSON."

I've never once had the thought: I have sex with women and that's who I am.

What harm is he causing himself? Is he more negatively affected by being allowed to live as the person he feels himself to be or by telling him that he's sick ?

Who does it harm?
If a person born as a man wants to live their life as a woman, does it hurt them more to let them do that or to try to recondition them?

>if you give someone LSD every day for 10 years of course they're gunna do shit like worship the growing pile of feces in their closet

Thats not how lsd works

If you think you're something you're not, you're mentally ill.

People born male who think they're female and vice-versa, or people who think they are some mythical "third gender" are mentally ill.

That being said I fully support the rights of cute boys to dress up like cute girls and get their assholes stuffed.

Not at all.

I offered a different hypothetical state of future affairs.

Maybe we'll see them as sick. But maybe we'll see the establishment as cruel.
Not an appeal to emotion. Simply an alternate hypothetical suggestion.

5645 Bonfair Ave Lakewood , CA 90712

when you start your search here. You will find what you are looking for. Only the ones that seek him will find him. ⬇↖↩⬆⬆32

Seriously. How do these people not see the glaring contradiction in everything they're saying? They could potentially be setting up their kids to become a suicide statistic. If we can all agree that parents divorcing their kids because they're gay is wrong, can we not ALSO believe that injecting foreign hormones into your child at the age of fucking 4 is NOT fucking ok? and should NOT be acceptable until the age of AT LEAST 16 if not 18? I mean c'mon. This is the future of our civilization we're talking about here. How can we be so careless?


lol not the most impressive intellectual contribution.
Try again.

So what if someone is mentally abnormal?
If they don't cause harm to others then by what right would you enforce your world view on them?

Let him live however the fuck he wants.

But when he's fucking six years old, don't encourage whatever whim and fancy he has and give him hormones to stop his natural growth and progression and then let him have his penis removed.

We prohibit people from doing shit all the time that only harms themselves. That's not even in dispute. People aren't free just to mutilate their bodies. And we sure as hell don't let adults do that to kids just because the kid asks for it.

>daddy, i want you to cut off my foot because i feel like it shouldn't be there
>what the fuck, son? we're going to get you to a hospital and figure out what's wrong and try to get you some help.

>daddy, i want you to cut off my penis
>okay. you're so brave my little princess.

Btw no one is forcing anyone to be something they are not.

honestly, it's only in the western world that we're so bent up on sex and all things related to it. study indigenous tribes and you'll see that nobody really gives a fuck about it, there's no wild orgies happening, no sex changes, and the reason is because they don't make any restrictions on themselves in that vein. in other words, there's no need to rebel against the establishment because there is no establishment. in the west, we're all just extremely fucking anxious know-it-alls so we try to micro-manage a ton of aspects of social life and in the end we screw ourselves because the reactions aren't in the slightest bit healthy and come out in great numbers. basically, the only people who actually give enough of a shit to change their sexual identity are idiots who feel that someone is truly FORCING them to be who they are, so they (un)naturally try to fight it and say "you can't tell me what to do". this is how the west works. we don't have anything more interesting to care about (food, sleep, etc.) so we find stupid shit to annoy us and call those things "problems", in this case "problems of identity". it's honestly super retarded.

Fatherless? I don't see a father approving this

It's the ultimate logical end-goal of having control over a child's sexual and reproductive choices. If they don't have the rights, then the parents do, and the parents take their cues from authority (passing the buck is easier than taking a position and defending it), in this case medical authority or doctors.

His sister is cute

This is like that time all the adhd kids were on Ritalin until we figured out Ritalin made psychopaths, same with Dickless monsters


If you could, could you explain to me the scientific test to show that, even though he is biologically a male, born with a penis and everything, he is objectively a female, without appealing to his emotions.

They're forcing their body to conform to something that it is not.

Cute couple

Sex works differently in the brains of men and women. And even at birth you can make brainscans and decide whether a boy is gay or straight.

The male why chromosome doesn’t tell much about what it means to be a man. While it does a little more in humans there are species where it just tell the body to be male.

While I feel comfortable as a man, I have seen another guy where some other things with nervedevelopment went wrong. He is intelligent, but small and unable to move his limbs normally. And he feels like he is trapped in a body of the wrong gender.

TL;DR I don’t see any reason why a female brain shouldn’t be stuck in a healthy human body because something went wrong the way genes are read. — And no amount of therapy will be able to fix this after birth.

There could be a case for waiting. But i wonder how long we wait.
Puberty? By then it can be too late to give a person a good life as the gender they identify as. Or at least it's a lot harder to change their appearance.
Age of majority? WAY too late then.

Truth. Although common sense appears to have deserted most of the world's population these days.

We don't let crazy people just run around and do crazy shit. But more importantly, we have a medical profession encouraging and enabling this sort of lunacy. Indeed, gender reassignment surgery is no better than the controversial underworld of radical body modification, where people split their cocks or tongues in half and have bits of themselves cut off for artistic reasons. The only difference is one of these things is taking place in a hospital, being performed by surgeons and being lauded as celebratory.

It's abominable, the ruin peoples bodies with the lure of false promises.

I thought South Park's "dolphin" episode was grotesque enough to drive this point home, but apparently no one made the connection.

is it this kid, or another one I'm thinking of that is ass mad/suicidal because he now has a micro penis and it can't be shaped into an artificial vag?

Could you explain to me the scientific test that shows that someone with a male body is objectively male in their brain?


Yeah I think of the dolphin episode every time I hear some crazy trans story.

Woops. You fell off there into subjective value judgements.

I asked you a question. Answer it.

a little kid who thinks about being a girl all the time probably is already thinking about sex all the time. so find them and have sex with them, they'll be all for it.

This is a very good point.

Here's the problem: All of this nonsense started with the claim that gender and sex are two different things. That's the lie that society was fed by radical SJWs over the past couple of decades.

But then, miraculous, once they were successful with that narrative, they suddenly want to claim that there's a problem if gender doesn't correspond with sex. And from that position, they're now demanding that we conduct massive societal medical experiments on children based solely on the feelings of those children.

You claim that they can't have a good life without their sex conforming to their gender. We're just back to where we started.

Not the same person

Fucking neoMarxist fucks. kys you liberal jew fag. this bullshit to make crybaby, but-mommy-I-wanna-be-special-too types feel better is unacceptable.

Why don't we let elementary kids smoke weed?
It's fun. It's not hurting anybody. Are we really going to make them wait until theyre adults to make those decisions?

So much this.

>You claim that they can't have a good life without their sex conforming to their gender.

Do you dispute that? On what grounds?

Would fuck once "she" turns 18

lol try again. But communicate like a grownup

Transgenderism is like taking a job to far. Two male friends can pretend to be gay and it’s funny. But when one friend puts the other friend’s dick in their mouth the gay just real and permanent.

Does everything have to be 100% scientific fact, like an emotionless robot?
Are you autistic or just edgy?


>It's abominable, the ruin peoples bodies with the lure of false promises.

We're not actually doing what is being claimed. This boy is not a girl. He was born a boy. If he takes hormones and has his dick removed, he's still not a girl. He's just a boy who took enough hormones that he body never developed naturally and now he pees through a lump of reconstructed tissue.

But he's not a girl, and he never will be.

checkd. but what the flying fuck is that, any why should I go to Cuckifornia?

Welcome to the real world. Emotions and everything can be explained through science.

Do you feel that knowing your personal identity is the same as the decision to use potentially harmful substances?

False equivalency. Just because somebody thinks something doesn't make it so.

Having a penis or a vagina, however, does make you a man or woman.

On pretty much every sociological measure that we have about transgenders. They're a fucking ticking time bomb. The suicide rate is astronomical compared to the regular population.

You are making too much sense user. You are a fascist.

nigger. did you go to middle school and learn about child development? the endocrine system functions in different ways between the two genders and two sexes.

If you want me to believe that there is a reason, beyond emotion, that a little kid born with a penis is actually a girl, then yes, I do want some scientific theory.

i think i'd tear her ass up

I tend to get prosaic when I write on subjects that interest it.

I'm saying it's destructive to the person. That's why it should be stopped. Unless we're going to say it's ok for kids to choose to die, they should have access to assisted suicide, this is a positive thing. Because what they want in the moment is most important, regardless of what costs it imposes on them.

I am a libertarian, and I in general support maximum liberty. But I see gender reassignment as a horrifying con, one that has remarkably escaped notice, and I don't think it should be defended or encouraged to anyone, anymore than ending your life on a whim should be. When people contemplate suicide, we do not try to encourage them to do so (in real life, away from this place I mean). Why do we encourage people to commit to plastic surgery, surgery that is both medically unnecessary and in my opinion, very poor at this current time?

It is a fact that people who have reassignment surgery are more likely to commit suicide. I have heard numbers as high as half. If you are curious, I am sure Google can point you to some sources.

That doesnt make the emotions any less real, at least at that moment.
I'm actually studying this 'science' thing you're talking about, and I know what can be explained through science, but you just sound edgy friend.

Are you seriously arguing it's okay for kids to chop off their arms and replace them with robot arms?

>healthy transgendered people


do you have his other pics? i know there was at least 3 with the same dress.

>i've never met anybody who listens to phish

that interest me*