I didn't know they cast a boy as Belle
how progressive
Only if she kisses me.
>character is meant to be elegant and beautiful
>cast someone with a bitch face that also looks like a 12 yr old boy and also has a cuntish voice
LITERALLY WHY, what was Disney thinking
lol shut up faggot
t. Butthurt Watson fag
They were thinking Emma Watson is a perfectly harmless and mundane sort that any chick watching could self-insert into as well as swoon over the Beast/Dan Stevens.
>aren't I a good SJW feminist for dating this beast
>I'm an inventor btw
She doesn't look like Belle. We'll see if her acting makes up for it.
also feminist
>dating this beast
Does that mean that SJW feminists are furries?
>isn't beautiful
cant wait desu
and we get to hear her sing
Dude epic!! Commit to suicide faggots, commit.
So does she get BEAST'd in the movie?
At best they might hold hands
Shes the most blandest, plain looking white girl ever i dont get why people think shes a 10/10. Shes more of a 6 or 7
trap lover please, go back to Sup Forums
>look mom i posted it again
dont you have an emma roberts or mew thread to post in?
I've never understood the fascination with her either.
She's been worst Emma in my books for over a decade but if you think she's a 6 then I have no words to explain how neck your beard is.
I've never understood the fascination with Sup Forums waifus but I dont bitch and moan like a broken record
They are serious this place is full of neckbeards
>emily stone
she's hot but very wooden. the movie is gonna suck hard.
She looks to ordinary, the only thing going for her is that shes a feminist
Emma is a goddess and shes gonna be amazing, she has a sweet sounding singing voice
>too ordinary
Kek are you blind. Yea kstew and mew look fucking great /s/
What? She's super normal looking. Kind of cute but nothing to get beside yourself over.
the casting is pretty bad all around. Gaston is probably the worst
She's better looking than anyone posted on Sup Forums you cant convince me otherwise
People think sophie turner and felicity chipmunk jones and emily blunt are attractive.
Kek its true. Emma watson is ugly reeeeeeeeeeeeee.
>emily blunt will never step on your balls
What kind of neckbeard is required for this
Wait what, this is gonna be a musical?
What ever happened to beautiful actresses?
Why is every actress today a normal-looking lass? Is it because they don't want to upset the hambeasts?
If you want to see a good remake watch the French version that came out a couple of years back.
>People think sophie turner and felicity chipmunk jones and emily blunt are attractive.
I'd rather fuck any of those to Emma Watson, something about her is just incredibly unattractive
>old internet memes regarding films with beautiful people in it
Well I don't find any of those attractive and I'd do anything to fuck emma watson
>something about her is just incredibly unattractive
Must be a weird preference then. I can sort of see why people like taylor swift but she does nothing for me. I find her face pretty weird and I don't like lanky girls unless they're stunning. Emma watson is very good looking but she'd be a lot worse imo if she was tall. She wouldn't be half as cute.
>Well, there was never very much information or detail at the beginning of the story as to why Belle didn’t fit in, other than she liked books. Also what is she doing with her time?
Did Emma Watson not watch the original movie? The reason she doesn't fit in and what she does with her time are literally in the lyrics of the first fucking song.
Not to mention, doesn't making her less of a bookworm make the Beast's library less impressive?
Blunt is so ugly. Christ.
why didnt they choose Chloe for Belle
Is that a Jojo reference?
>cast english actress
>movie is called "BEAUTY and the beast"
well at least the "muh pure waifu" emmafags will be happy
i think she's very beautiful in a non-Hollywood way, which is a good thing
more of an elegant beauty than "hurr, hot as fuck bro!"
To me she is best emma but i'd rather her not be in this shit purely due to the non stop threads over people getting ass blasted by her. We all hate feminism but she's not exactly anita sarkeesian for fucks sake.
What ever happened to the practice of casting people who can sing in musicals?
Remember when that was a thing?
These threads are already annoying and there's only been 7 promo photos released. At least we get to hear best emma sing in screen. I'm excited
Agreed she's goregous
Exactly. There are plenty of sexier famous women but she has a rare combo of beautiful and cute.
>no angela lansbury
what a complete waste of time and money
Too short and chunky
Whatever happened to googling something simple? Emma has been singing and dancing since she was a kid. She's sung in plays. Its why she wanted to do this. To sing on screen she was excited and terrified.
She does sing briefy in goblet of fire innawoods aftee the second task. Only four bars tho
at least mew can sing
lol I've sung in school plays too.
See the post directly above you. Emma has been singing for 20 years. The movie isn't even out yet and you can't contain yourself
Lol did you sing in goblet of fire and beauty and the beast too lol lol lol lol
That comes from when she was like 16 - 17 and had great body for that age. Thicc thighs,nice, round ass. Now she's just any other woman.
>4 bars of professional singing experience qualifies someone to star in big budget musical
I don't even have a problem with emma watson, I'm just tired of studios pulling this shit. Musicals should have musical theatre actors in them.
>betas in this thread bitching about her feminist views
Holy shit you people actually care about a woman's opinions?
The feminists have you RIGHT where they want you
Wow you are salty as fuck we haven't even heard her sing in the fucking movie.. She sung to try out you fucking idiot.
>wahh why didn't they pick my mew or my emmy jew
>She sung to try out
Presumably she acted to try out as well and we already know she can't do that. Hollywood movies are cast based on name recognition not talent.
>mew or my emmy jew
idk what this means tbqh
Fuck man, she looks as cunty on the outside as she is on her inside
I hate Emmas acting and I know the little """"princess"""" can't sing for shit. As usual redditors will disagree. Her movies are literally the only thing worse than capeshit.
>there is going to be a Cinderella movie in your lift time which is about a black girl whoes black mother married a white man, with 2 white boys, because her father ran away after being chased of by a white kings guard.
the fairy god mother will also be a voodoo kween mother
>yo daddy didnt leave yus babeee it was da wheyetee Kang that chased hum away coz he was a better kang babE
oh and to stop a black which getting with a white dude simple.
she runs away at 12oclock, but loses her left Nike Air, prince goes around looking for her.
her father is walking on the road, and the price yells out to the drive, lol X D run him down the nigger" but they hit a rock and crash and die but the Nike Air flys out and lands in front of him.
any way hes like "oh lordy whats dis den" and takes it with him, eventually he finds his daughters house and its like Mlady here you go, because women dont need men, only fathers.
perfect gaston right here
That's how everyone's "10" works. If someone's a 6-8 or so people can agree, but once you work your way outside that range the opinions start to diverge because of fetishes and specific tastes.
Almost everyone likes:
>smooth, clear skin
>not fat
>feminine features (jaw/chin/cheek shapes, facial hair removed)
>decent facial symmetry
>lack of disfigurement
So if you have those you're automatically above average. It's when you get into ultra specifics like "chubby cheeks but no double chin, pale" etc etc you end up with someone who looks perfect to one person and average to another because they don't like those special criteria.
I know a lot of pretentious fags say this but most girls that are said to be attractive to me by the media/social media are 5-6/10 in my book, because my special criteria under age 14 aren't what you see paraded around.
I think we found the perfect actor for the fucking teapot
literally average and the beast
I can think of a few reasons why Sup Forums was obsessed with her.
Cry some more, bitch johnny foreigner.
My potions would kill a beast, let alone a girl. You cannot handle my potions.
I want to cum in Emma Watson's nostrils.
you bongs have the ugliest women out of all the nations, those outliers prove nothing.
She looks unimpressed
That's great and all. They fall to pieces pretty early tho, at about 27.
>master race
Hardly. Try Masai Warriors, einstein.
You're right, our females should be porky with "curves" to match the attractiveness of 'merica.
Thats her acting face
I often photoshop celebs faces/bodies to my liking. Am I weird?
You're basically Frankenstein. Buffalo Bill even
SEX with Emma Watson!!
Isnt naomi watts an aussie?
I think "she's not Jewish wew" was the point being made
I'm curious as how they're going to twist this story so that she's the strong independant womyn, every white man is evil and the beast is probably a proud black man in the end.
I mean Emma would not have agreed to display your typical cis gendered Disney princes if there wasn't some ultra progressive knack about this.
half the women on there are 30+
not even a britfag but you fags have to admit that the brit accent on woman is the most beautiful thing on earth
followed by Russian
Can she be restored?
I want to believe.
She doesn't look like Belle. She looks like Hermione in a dress.
I'd let her stomp my falls
typical britgirl
only when of them is showing her teeth.
why? cant see her feet
All these but hurt fagets bieng paid to shill her in the negative because she wouldnt part take in james franco's orgy during worlds end or refused to do anything vulgar with them. Franco got blown the fuck out and is using all his jew friends now to shien her in the worst possible light, pretty pathetic if you ask me.
she looks like a boy tho
these are some homely girls. nice tits on a few but step it up kid
Why isnt Maisie on that list?
>Taking credits for jewesses