Just gonna go ahead and leave this here

Just gonna go ahead and leave this here

Gay niggers?

#gorillalivesmatter #notallgorillas

But gorillas aren't monkeys

i know those aren't pacifiers but damn, they look gay as fuck



>tfw you will never be a high school football player
>tfw you will never take group showers 4x per week with fit, athletic, melanin enriched young men with perfectly flat abs and shaved balls

Are niggers physically incapable of formulating grammatically correct sentences?

> All my brothas Monkeys, we Gorillas

There is no verb in this. Dear black people: make an IQ test. If you score under 100 points, kill yourself. You'll do your race a favor.

This isn't a gay thing, lots of schools force the football teams to dress up like cheerleaders one day a year now