What is some kino for high IQ?
What is some kino for high IQ?
Batman v Superman.
dumb and dumber
God's Not Dead
Heaven Is for Real
Do You Believe?
Don't forget Dogma. Kevin Smith is as intelligent as it gets.
>not the highest
>this is what Sup Forums actually believes
where is /s4s/
This is wrong
Sup Forums memers has at least 250 iQ
Am i /yourguy/ le now hehe -_-
Don't worry about it OP.
I'm gonna shout Bane until our collective IQ drops.
Sup Forums should be at least 80 maybe even 70 based off the posts there.
Batman V Superman
Man of Steel
But all those IQ's are avarage, I have an IQ of 119 and that's not even that high.
First post best post.
Um. Can you please leave my board?
>sub-120 plebiens seriously think they can keep up on Sup Forums's biggest meme factory
>page not found
fuck off nigger
Sup Forums here, we're retarded
>Sup Forums here
Shut the fuck up you Australian tripfag piece of shit. All you do is shitpost and ruin threads on Sup Forums. Posters like you are prime examples of why people hate tripfags. Fucking cunt.
He's right about Sup Forums being full of retards though.
oh so this explains the low IQ
>Sup Forums here
If I ever see you on the streets I'm going to deck you cunt
You don't know me.
>Sup Forums higher than /lit/
Solid meme.
No I'm correct, unless you're smoker or the muffin posting as user there's no way you could know my name, appearance or location.
This is true. Sometimes he messages me to tell me how much fun he's having shilling Clinton on Sup Forums.
I'd probably still deck you tee bee aitch.
i know you are australian m8.
You're a fucking snitch
Good one Sherlock
>high IQ
don't go changin', OP
Snitching what? It's an observable fact. You're shilling Clinton because you enjoy it. A tripfag getting (you)s because they want attention isn't a fucking secret.
You know something man, and this is no exaggeration, you might be the worst tripfag on this entire forum. I've seen you on several different boards and the unifying theme on each board I've seen you on is you being fucking unfunny, boring and smug for no reason at all. Oh and go figure, you're an aussie as well. What a surprise.
real Sup Forums here we all lied on the iq test because we knew you would make up a low number on purpose any way because most people hate the truth, especially jews, and we knew the iq test was administered by a jew
Can't stop. Won't stop.
Classic, you really memed me good. You could prove me wrong too, simply by saying something funny or interesting or by adding ANYTHING to this or any other conversation.
Seriously, i'll wait here while you do that. I'm sure you've got something of world shattering importance to say, I can't wait to read it and be wowed.
Stop responding to the sad retard, or you're just as sad a retard.
Trump will lose
>Stop responding to the sad retard, or you're just as sad a retard.
I just watch lawrence of arabia and waltz with bashir over and over
cassablanca was good, eyes wide shut was good
dr strangelove was good, LA confidencial
I need to see some new movies, but it's daunting going through the rubish
for me its all about thematic continuity
>he doesn't have some goofy tripfaggot filtered already
>mfw he's actually giving it attention
but why, you're the second retard i've seen doing this today
are all pakibongs really this dumb
>IQ meme
>Practice some math, learn some definitions, read a book
>suddenly you are gifted
People who base their worth on a number are either autistic or clueless. Which one are you OP?
>mfw when einstein basically said this
bruh you smart af
we're just talking about preferance in film, not our personal worth
you can't mention "IQ" on the internet without someone sperging out
the very clever people I know often have no interest in film at all
>Sup Forums - 94
>/tv - 117
>Sup Forums - 91
How are these tests even done? i am on Sup Forums and Sup Forums all the time and i never saw any test being made.
>tfw too intelligent for kino
>Sup Forums is dumber than average
>dumber than Sup Forums
I get it. Video gamers are stupid. haha
>Sup Forums is 117
Not a chance.
c'mon Sup Forums's IQ is literally in the 60s Sup Forums is just a little bit higher
>implying Sup Forums isn't just Sup Forums's outpost
Some of the very clever people I know still think capeshit is the amazing.
Real smooth mrs. Pancakes, real smooth
Ok, that joke was funny
>tfw we're all too intelligent for kino
so this is why the entire board is off-topic
>Jews control everything and hold down the top positions in almost all of western societies.
>Jews are inferior to us of noble white heritage who spend all day shitposting on the internet
*tips pope hat*
no you don't have an iq at the 89th percentile you fucking retard
if you did, not only would you be able to spell such a simple word as 'average', you would recognize that of course the average iq of a website would be extremely close to 100 because it's the a v e r a g e
why do people who talk about iq on the internet never understand how iqs translate to percentiles
HAHAHAHAHAHAH is this guy for real?
>/lit/ that low
This must be some heftily cherrypicked results, every other average board iq test has left /sci/ and /lit/ as the clear tops.
That image is automatically disqualified when it has Sup Forums as the highest IQ.
Anyone that reads Sup Forums knows that it's literally the dumbest board on this website.
>never been to /x/ or Sup Forums
>he's never browsed Sup Forums or Sup Forums
Maybe you are, I happen to be very intelligent with a wicked sense of humor
Most of us are just being ironic unlike the fags on Sup Forums who take themselves extremely serious and tell themselves they understand the world
Batman v Superman. Unironically.
>I happen to be very intelligent
Dunning–Kruger is that you?
It's alright. They can call us stupid, in the end we are always right.
>these boards that I don't read and/or don't agree with also coincide with my belief that they are stupid.
It's almost as if...
>tfw your bait is too stupid for Sup Forums's smartest board
>being relevant anymore
Baneposting confirmed for the most intelligent form of shitposting
>png (939 KB, 4383x2382)
>high IQ
t. 60 IQ nignog
>IQ of 132
>spend my free time shitposting on Sup Forums
Chill out, Professor Clevercunt
Chart looks legit. This is clearly the smartest board on Sup Forums. Despite the fact most people here know jack shit about cinema and it is mainly a board to shit post about the stuff people just torrented and to find content to torrent.
>he thinks smart people don't discuss celebrity gossip
You clearly never hanged around the smart college kids table.
What's the point of having a high IQ if you don't do anything worth with it.
you guys probably think high IQ means you're a gifted genius but its actually how fast a person can see a pattern and solve it
Realizing that nothing is worth anything.
No shit, as if they don't tell you this before and after taking an IQ test, not to mention it gets posted about 10 times on every IQ thread in the internet.