Is he getting a second term?

Is he getting a second term?

Probably not

Yes, or RaHoWa comes first.


I would guess no.

First, there is some chance he'll get removed from office. I think the chance of that is small, but it is greater than 0.

He may also find it sufficiently frustrating for him and his family as to not be worth doing any more, and choose not to run again. Again, I think that's a small chance, but it is more than 0.

I didn't think he was going to get the first one so who knows what'll happen.

He'll get three terms if there's any justice left in this country.


Yes he is.

if demoracts continue as they have been and third parties dont get a big boost of some kind then yes


He dun fucked up, like everyone said he would.

Hit POST too soon, so continuing....

He may decide he has made America great, and there is no reason to continue.

His health may decline at some point, he is not a young man.

He may also not like what the controversies of being President is doing to the brand through which he and his family make money.

He may face a primary that denies him the nomination.

His popularity may stay low enough that he does not have much chance in the general.

The Democrats may not nominate somebody completely horrible next time.

The economy may tank.

Maybe none of that will happen, and he gets a second term. But it seems the odds of all of the possible issues that might come up outweigh the odds of everything going perfectly.

Who will stop him once he starves out all the dindus with their healthy choice TV dinners.

Have you seen what’s going on in this country ? Media outlets are praising North Korea. He’s either getting re elected or were getting a socialist dictator next.

I doubt he'll run for a second, he'll be done plundering the country by 2020, so why bother? It'll be up to Trump Jr or Ivanka to take the crown and rule us like the peasants we are

>socialist dictator
I'll take one of those over this gross plutocrat with bad comb-over and his gaggle of bratty kids

>Is he getting a second term?
Are Americans that stupid?

Life without parole will be enough.

the real question is he getting a 3rd?
you know because of the 8 years of greatness

Lol I’m sure you would. Trump is proposing such a socialist ideology of giving food stamp recipients government chosen food instead of money and you guys are losing your minds.

Just goes to show how retarded you guys really are when THE HEAD OF PROPAGANDA of North Korea shows up at the olympics and all the left news media goes nuts and praises her lol. Like you can’t get anymore retarded.

There's no way Democrats would let that happen

They were complacent this time but they're going to do everything to rig it next time.

If he was running against anyone other than the Democrats, I'd say no.
In other words, yes, it's very likely.

as a complete outsider, the obvious choice was Bernie, idk how the fuck you people got that shriveled up billionaire elected.
I know your presidents don't do much, your country runs by rules that are already set,
but still. damn.
I also liked Obama. I think he did a decent job. plus he wasn't a born rich, spoiled, fat sack of shit, with sexual assault acquisitions.
You guys fucked up big time with this one, stellar job, americans.

let's hope he dies of a heart attack or something

Im your man in 2020. My dubs prove it.

It’s a known fact Hillary literally boot out Bernie and nothing happened to the Cunt. All her followers and Bernie supporters for the most part still don’t believe it even though her own campaign aides have come out saying so.

I voted for trump, but if it was Bernie vs trump, we’d be living more as a socialist country now instead of having trump.

Hell yeah he is and im voting for him. MAGA 2020

666 trips no more drumpf



Unless the Democrats get their shit together by then. So no


I will support your 4.4 trilliin dollar defecit aryan brother



TRUMP 2020

c h e c k e d

They all get second terms nowadays bro.


No, but wa-da-ya-say that if anything seriously bad happens to him during this four, we riot and get violent in general? You know the niggers and Left-Tards would have done it for us over their magical black man,





Bakachan has brought great dishonor to his people. I hope he does not.

>Is he getting a second term?
yes, it will be a prison term though.

The ones who vote are.

I tried but Oklahoma denied Jill Stein for the ballot. Bernie turned out to be ok. Maybe another anti-establishment anti-corruption candidate will bubble up through the cracks using social media again this next election.

The official numale party

Seeing how the level of stupidity of my fellow citizens is at an all time low....yes. He will get a second term.

Not if Mueller gets him first #Treason #MeToo

Pretty amazing how all those Democrats didn't have to go to work that day.



Thanks, this definitely raises a good point, I know I for one would rather be fat and rich than skinny and muslim.

skinny and muslim?It took trump 5 years to admit that Obama is a Usa citizen.

My guess is that the investigation will lead to the court case eventually. I don't know how many conservatives are on the supreme court right now but even if he does get convicted guilty he will not be impeached thanks to the house and senate being conservative

There is a chance democrates will win over 60% of the house and senate though this fall. The investigation will likely wait and see the outcome of this fall before attempting a trial unless there is still more to the case

>BTW the investigation is pretty crazy. Pretty much everyone they Mueller targets is found to have loads of criminal historical events. That white house has never seen soo much corruption and dirty politicians.

He's from fucking Hawaii you dumb cucks

It's pretty much in the bag

>5 years to admit
Checked, but you know deep inside Trump still believes Obama is a muslim that was born in kenya.

Alaska and Hawaii became the 49th and 50th states of the USA only after world war two.


If oprah runs its over - first black woman president, never mind that first woman president. Cnn and all the other fake news will literally lose their minds over it and just keep reporting about how great she is even if she doesn't actually do anything.

Not entirely sure, but I know I'll be voting for him in 2020, because Trump winning a second term is almost sure to cause a rash of suicides among leftists, thus ridding America of a substantial amount of dead weight.


And the dumbfucks at home will buy it because Trump said it and Fox and Friends verified it

Oprah is a self made billionaire,trump is not even close.$2.7 B

QFT - Donny dun goofed, and consequences will never be the same.

By trumptard logic Oprah is perfect to be president of the USA.

I voted for him but I doubt he will get term two. I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't bother running again

>President Oprah

trump's lost a record amount of republican seats to Dems in just 1 year

Dems NEED trump: because trump is destroying the GOP.

so yes, ideally 8 years (because Dems will GIVE him 2020).

Trump once said Oprah should be his VP,like Historically, Economy Does Better Under Democrats,Trumps own words.2013

Another possibility is that Mueller doesn't find enough evidence to charge Trump, Dem's don't flip the house/senate in 2018, and then they lose to Trump again in 2020. We'll just have to wait and see

I agree. Trump is a massive fucking giveaway to the Democrats. Let's see how they fuck it up...

The Democrats are hugely incompetent with no vision, platform, principles, or leadership, and Americans are completely retarded anyway, so yes, he's obviously getting a second term.

If the economy is good, he wins.

If the economy is bad, he loses.



It was way more corrupt pre-Carter, this is nothing

Could have gone Bernie

>No, we'll stick with Hillary. She's absolute gonna win!

Unfortunately their still our only hope... So we're fucked.

he has no chance against hillary. he'll drop out any day now.


He'll be lucky to finish one.


>Pretty much everyone they Mueller targets is found to have loads of criminal historical events. That white house has never seen soo much corruption and dirty politicians.

Then why hasn't pretty much everyone Mueller has targeted been indicted? We've only seen 2 people get indicted so far, and it doesn't look like there will be any more in the near future

Guys, we got an edgelord here. Such alpha. Very winning.

US-Saudi relations in a nutshell.

You also forget the part where Trump sucks the Prince's oily dick

>5 indictments
2 guilty pleas

Translation: everyone in my echochamber said he dun fucked up like everyone in my echochamber said he would.

>but durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr everywun in my echochamber said trump is pure as the driven snow, and they told me he's draining the swomp! durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


>My echo chamber being more than 60% of america


Hair triggered
Says your echo chamber, and the same people who said there was a 97% chance of a hillary victory all the way up till election day. DNC either has to have the most retarded voter base or the best propaganda geniuses this world has ever known to keep you retards hating the best president in almost three decades.

if trump's litany of fuckups is an "echo chamber", I guess that guy is living in a soundproofed box, since that's the only way not to know about the last year of near-daily gaffes, diplomatic disasters, collapse of international standing, etc. and that's before you even think about the missing hundred million from his inauguration, or the security breaches, or the disaster of staffing in the WH...

Gee user, it's almost as if that was the joke.

Not him, but you do know that anything below 100% isn't certain, right? Basic fucking math, and you amerifats can't understand.

... or everything Russian.

Generalized conjecture, and allegations without evidence or even reliable citation

I deliberately omitted that because these fucking morons will respond with "FAKE NEWS!" or claim that because the meuller investigation's not charged him yet, its clearly not real, or something equally stupid.