That will be $12.01 plus tip

that will be $12.01 plus tip

tip o dis dicc

pays with these triple digits

Here is $15.
Keep the change son

I tip when I go out. I don't order delivery.

Here is $12.00 and here is another $5 for your great service.

A $10 two $1s and a single penny.

Reminder that all U.S. Citizens make at least the federal minimum wage no matter where they are employed.

Tipping jobs can list your hourly wage as low as 3.25 but if you don't make it up in tips they are legally obligated to allocate the remainder into your salary.

If they don't you can hire the worlds worst lawyer and still walk away with a 6 figure paycheck.

If they try to fire you for not making enough in tips you can, surprise, hire the worlds worst lawyer and sue for workmans act discrimination and walk away with a 6 figure paycheck.

2 trips!!

Hand out 14 or 15 bucks.

Honestly, anyone who doesn't tip is either a nigger or a fucking retard. I live in a country, where it's not common and delivery guys look like I made their day with mere equivalent of two dollars.

I usually eats first, then pays for it..

Or you could just get a job and stop being a professional pizza mover. It's almost like success just isn't an option for these people, but they don't even try.

I'd give him $13 because I am too lazy to grab a penny

2 pesos is not 2 dollars, shithole dweller

google what equivalent means. Might be way too big word for your tiny brain, americunt.

thanks for coming out on a shitty night to deliver my food.
Keep the change


>pay 12.01
>tip fedora
>slam door on his face

That's what the agreement was.

Three trips in one small thread. What is this magic?!

>mfw I work ~29 hours a week delivering food and rake in $30k/yr after taxes because of tips

Thanks guys

First, check'em
Second, this.

That why I hate people who get tips. They constantly complain about making 2 or 3 dollars an hour yet they go home with more money than any other unskilled job out there

I worked in a restaurant and did 2 times the work of the bartender yet she would go home with twice as much money. It's an unfair world.

are you also a girl?

>that will be $12.01 plus tip

If I could get that shit delivered to my door right now, I'd throw down a twenty and invite the bastard in for a couple slices.