Damn it Nick...
Thoughts on this movie?
Damn it Nick...
Thoughts on this movie?
The first half was amuzing, the second half was boring as shit
boner inducing
I felt it was just as suspensful in the second half. Second viewing was actually better than the first, the twists and stuff weren't just shock value. 8/10 value, but I'm just a pleb. didnt go to film school or watch film youtubers
The best part were Ratajkowski's tits
What would you do if your wife is a psychopath and then she asked you to team up with her as partner in-crime?
>ywn see Rosamund with blood-slicked hair
Why even live?
i want to die like this
Shitty infuriating and unrealistic movie with tons of plotholes.
Pretty boring for the most part.
>unrealistic movie
Women are batshit insane. It got that part right.
>Damn it Nick...
reddit post
Why didn't he just fuck his sister?
why are you in every GG thread?
I think he hates himself
If you got that from the movie, you're a fucking retard.
Amy did nothing wrong, except for this.
>written by a woman
Well, that explains a lot.
Typical Fincher
Elevates the material but is also limited by it.
Fincher never disappoints.
I really liked it. I love Fincher's work.